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Moderna Commedia, Canto 1, Part 2

Poet's Notes

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This is the second part of the first canto of Moderna Commedia. The first terzina is the repetition of the last one of part 1 to join the two parts.
Egli in tal modo il proprio carro aggancia A quello del bieco suo alleato Che adesso verso l’est la sfida lancia. He in this way his chariot hooks To the one of his awry ally Who now to east his challenge throws. Contro la Russia l’esercito è inviato Con l’intenzione di una guerra lampo Ma il mezzo al fine appare inadeguato. Against Russia the army is directed Having in mind a sort of a blitzkrieg But the means appears inadequate. Dapprima l’avanzata trova campo E la stagione buona ben promette. Triste un destino incombe senza scampo. At first the invasion occurs easy And the season is well promising. Hard a destiny is looming all up. Giovani alpini ostentan le stellette Ma vestono scarponi di cartone Che non copron dal freddo chi li mette. Young alpine soldiers show their stars But are wearing cardboard boots Which do not defend them from frost. L’esercito ora incontra opposizione Mentre l’inverno con la neve avanza E presto nasce angoscia e confusione. The army now meets opposition While winter with snow is coming on And soon anguish and confusion take place. Or gli aggrediti menano la danza Colpendo gli invasori mal condotti E d’ogni mezzo afflitti da mancanza. Now the attacked play their role Hitting the invaders with a bad command And hardly lacking of any means. I soldati a fuggire sono indotti Invano ormai, dal gelo son colpiti E molti di essi a morte son ridotti. Soldiers to escape are now compelled In vain however, by frost affected And many of them are reduced to die. Alcuni dei soldati son feriti E trovano ricetto in casolari Dove vengono accolti ed assistiti. Few soldiers are injured And find shelter in farmhouses Where are welcomed and assisted. L’umana carità non trova pari Quando al nemico tendi la tua mano Gli dai soccorso e ad amarlo impari. The human charity cannot be compared When to the enemy reach out your hand Give him the rescue and learn to love him. Pensando a ciò non sembra troppo strano Che in vicende di guerra e di dolore La vita ancora assuma un senso umano. Thinking to this does not seem strange That in events of war and pain Life has still a human meaning. Se prevale la forza dell’amore Uomini e donne posson esser grandi Vincendo ogni sospetto, ogni timore. If is prevailing the force of love Men and women can be really great Winning any suspicion, any fear. Mi par che questo bel messaggio mandi Quella gente comune senza storia Che per amor sa eludere i comandi. It looks to me that a nice message is sent By common people with no history Who for love is able to bypass commands.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2013

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Date: 4/28/2014 5:45:00 AM
Awesome write, Congrats on your poem being featured this week, mario
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De Paz Avatar
Mario De Paz
Date: 4/28/2014 9:33:00 AM
Thank you for visiting and commenting
Date: 5/14/2013 9:46:00 AM
Good read. Congrats on your premium membership!
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Date: 5/12/2013 4:18:00 PM
i like the thought of the human charity can not be compared... I read this poem again. It kind of catches me off guard... however I still sense the power behind your mind, xox~ Linda
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Date: 5/11/2013 10:42:00 AM
Mario, wow... a powerful poem , Have yourself a wonderful and lovely Mother's Day. Lots of Luv & Hugs *LINDA
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De Paz Avatar
Mario De Paz
Date: 5/12/2013 7:52:00 AM
Thanks. You are the first of poetry soup to comment my work. Compliments!

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