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Her soft blond hair, a delicate dance upon my skin, Whispering secrets with its feather-light touch, Teasing my senses, enticing me to surrender To the allure of its tender caress. The salty ocean breeze, a messenger of enchantment, Carries her scent, a subtle fragrance of dreams, Blending with the briny air, a symphony of scents, Creating a tapestry of tranquility that surrounds us. With each inhalation, I am transported To a realm where worries melt away, Where the weight of the world relinquishes its grip, And serenity unfurls its gentle wings. Her touch, oh, her touch, a healing balm, An elixir that eases the burdens that reside within, Her fingertips, soft and divine, possess a magic, A power to dissolve worries and woes. In this moment, love finds me, Embraced by the tender arms of peace, A sanctuary where the heart finds respite, And tranquility washes over me like a gentle tide. I breathe her in, her essence a lullaby, A melody that soothes the weariness of my soul, Notes of serenity dancing upon the strings of my being, Harmonizing with the rhythm of my breath. Her presence, a symphony of calm and ease, Conducting a chorus of serenity in our midst, As we stroll leisurely along the shore, With each step, finding the rhythm of our soules. The powder blue of her eyes, celestial beacons, Illuminate the path that stretches before us, Stars in the vast expanse of the night sky, Guiding us toward the horizon's embrace. There, where the sun's golden rays surrender, Melding with the mighty caress of the ocean, We witness nature's grandeur in humble awe, A testament to the beauty that surrounds us. Beside me, her presence lingers, a gentle force, An anchor that tethers me to the present moment, Her warmth, a gentle radiance that envelops, Banishing shadows of doubt and fear. In her light, I find ecstacy, a refuge, And in her grace, I discover a symphony of harmony, Resonating deep within the chambers of my being, An echo of serenity that sings in my veins. She is a gift, a treasure beyond measure, With soft blond hair that dances in the wind, And powder blue eyes, portals to serenity, An embodiment of grace and tranquil allure. This moment, etched in the recesses of memory, Shall forever remain a cherished keepsake, A reminder of the tranquility that exists, Amidst the tempestuous tides of life's journey.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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