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Deeply Visible Truth

This world has become so depressing cutting to the soul removing the rights of prayer everyday listening to a gestapo styled media that tells nothing but lies morning noon and night it speaks of nothing but misery Under martial law pushing restriction after restriction pandemic is the new scamdemic that poisons minds turning neighbour against neighbour removing peaceful living Chaos you are the virus silencing the truth from speaking war is declared on those whom choose to live life in faith this new age has put their beliefs squarely on a piece of fabric God be merciful to us all as many characters have become judgemental they talk like the voodoo doctors that support the culture of death twisted science has no place in society attacking our personal choice the past repeats itself only under different tactics Liberals are not Holy they are wolves dressed up as sheep pretending to care this is just another exercise in abusing human rights

Copyright © | Year Posted 2020

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Date: 1/27/2021 12:17:00 PM
Well expressed Liam. Your poem is very much on the money. People need to hear the truth.
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Date: 1/14/2021 10:12:00 AM
Powerful expression of the state of affairs. Liam, we greatly agree but it might surprise you to know I am a liberal here in Kentucky, and that I am Very well in my soul, check my poems out. The world needs our continuous prayer & work. Keep writing it as you see it. Words will spread.
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Date: 10/6/2020 6:16:00 AM
Hello Liam!! Congratualtions on the POTD honor here!! Your viewpoint here is quite compelling for sure. Truth is reflected in many forms and certain exceptions given the state of mankind, especially in this modern era. Your verse narrative is spot-on this theme for sure!! Best Always, Gary
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Date: 9/28/2020 9:23:00 PM
Your powerful words exude great truth and strength, Liam. Congrats on POTD! :)
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Date: 9/28/2020 8:04:00 PM
Congrats on POTD, Liam. Let's hope to see better days ahead. ~ Gershon
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Date: 9/28/2020 1:29:00 AM
- So true, my friend ... - Congratulations on your p.o.t.d. ... hurray :) - Have a lovely Monday :) - hugs // Anne-Lise :)
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Date: 9/27/2020 4:13:00 PM
Well said, Liam, as we ask for God's mercy. Congratulations on your POTD!
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Date: 9/27/2020 2:14:00 PM
"Media that tells nothing but lies" I know this is difficult to swallow, but you are right. Many in the world accept what is being said, before separating fact from fiction. I am not ashamed to follow the truth. Congratulations Liam, on Poem of the Day. ~ Brandy
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Date: 9/27/2020 10:47:00 AM
Congratulations on POTD, liam, well said.
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Date: 9/27/2020 10:21:00 AM
Powerful words Liam. Congrats on your POTD.
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Date: 9/27/2020 8:33:00 AM
Congratulations on your POTD win. What a powerful write. Enjoy your win and day.........
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Date: 9/27/2020 6:17:00 AM
Well done! Congratulations for POTD :)
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Date: 9/27/2020 5:44:00 AM
The truth hurts. Or have we gone deaf and blind to what is happening? Congratulations on your POTD.
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Date: 9/27/2020 2:01:00 AM
People are beginning to see whats really happening and are starting to protest worldwide. Congratulations on POTD liam. Tom
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Date: 9/27/2020 1:41:00 AM
This should actually be called DEEPLY VISIBLE LIES
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Date: 9/26/2020 11:18:00 PM
I agree, Liam, the planet as gone crazy. The day they got rid of common sense, the day rot set in..Powerful poem, going to my favourites.
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