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The Princess And Her Beach Invaders

Somewhere in the middle of the Delaware Water Gap General Star had his binoculars in the proper position while observing the action that was on the beach. Enjoying the vacation day trip, he noticed depleted college students claiming to be youthful and innocent.

“Those kids are having a party in the sand,” the General reported to his First Admiral Canton, “but they should be out of the money you would think,”

Suddenly last night’s talent joined the cruise line midshipman on the deck, “well Hola Princess,” General Star welcomed the songbird.

“You put on a wonderful show,” the First Admiral Canton added.

“What are we looking for General Star?” The Princess questioned feeding on the Pecan Pattie she won during the entertainment extravaganza contest.

“Do you have a second my dear I am trying to find the souvenir relic entitled ‘Taylor’s Belle’,” General Star explained, “and my calculations state there is a trinket store not far from here.”

Deciding to go ashore the trio commanded for a rowboat to be loaded and the three made their way to the exclusive island designed to delight tourists. When they arrived, the Princess noticed the sorority side was staging a performance, “it looks like D Black Mamba,” First Admiral Canton named the routine in a second.

Persupuesto of course,” the Princess translated an agreeing sentiment under her breath after hearing the winner announced.

“Do you see anything else those maidens are claiming?” The Princess asked First Admiral Canton.

“Yes,” he replied, “they are showing and screaming ‘we gotta guy’”

Gritting her teeth, the Princess, “I know who their favorite is, the legendary academic Ben Salem,”

General Star stopped rowing, “Academic Ben Salem is there?”

“Yes, and I want from those out of the money hooligans, the ash of my enemy,” the Princess paused, “Ben Salem!”

“But I thought we were going shopping for ‘Taylor’s Belle’?

When they arrived, the Princess made a peace sign before heading over to where the excitement was brewing, “I am here to see the maiden with the special weight, the captain in this dance presentation,” the Princess requested, “I wanted to be on board with the winner to your competition.”

Coming forward a tipsy little blond-haired person stood up defending her place to the invaders, “the Tequilla made me do it,” she confessed, “look supreme being who wants to judge our show, we are just upper-class caveman relegated ready to face reality, we are out of the money, know nothing, except how to deal with a long neck bottle.”

“I see,” the Princess heard the message, “no plans to go on television show auditions to win the prestigious ‘Taylor’s Belle’ trophy”

“I am Taylor Belle,” the enchanting prize slurred, “and to the winner I go, Academic Ben Salem just dials me up and ring a ding ding goes the Taylor Belle.”

“No other fantasy trips?”

“No, Princess,” the Taylor Belle replied, “your Pecan Pattie stash is safe don’t you worry and as for Taylor’s Belle well you will need a plastic shovel to dig into my gold mine.”

“Plastic shovel?”

“Yeah, to tell the truth, there is always a plastic shovel sale down at the five and dime.”

General Star then turned to the First Admiral, “how do they know about the Pecan Pattie Stash?”

“I do not know who is watching our game General Star, they must have,” the First Admiral Canton wanted to pull back

“We have Intel too,” Taylor Belle announced forcing the three to retreat, “along with plastic forks, knives and spoons, the whole picnic package.”

“Those drunken brainiacs have it all,” the Princess grumbled scurrying towards the exit route, “and the only thing I got is you two.”


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Book: Reflection on the Important Things