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One Rolling Flint Stone From The Bed Rock Of Ages

My time travel machine excursion found me stranded at approximately a billionaire years ago. The advent of Homo Sapiens fishy vichyssoise wormhole boring predecessors made their debut appearance.

This petticoat space time continuum juncture predated the Beverly Hillbillies bonanza of green acres.

Fine tuned micro constituent digital guts (the analogous core curriculum accoutrements comprising the body electric sans Jetson futuristic gewgaw) malfunctioned.

The "brain drain" hermetically sealed a conglomeration sans sensitive electronic components (encapsulating visa vis one American express older geeky baby boomer).

Mine slender man physique got wedged amidst a chock full of tightly lodged hotspot (duet to crammed pennywise nickle load), now a congealed swiftly tail lard mass approximately the size sans fistful Buffalo head quarters.

Thyself as experimental material attendant with any unpredictable worse case scenarios blithely accepted as par the untrod course once yours truly launched within the time with the realization that any beastie boy kinks the astro
physicist culture club will kiss goodbye to mister goodbar.
No doubt an exquisite fine tuned goo goo doll shaped motorhead already awaiting to launch (linearly since passing seconds, minutes, hours, et cetera) a native United States citizen or foreigner.

Without question the next generation uni vac hume nsync spurring quiet riot contraption will function lightyears away from any beach house without second guess sing who ever traverses invisible time stream will experience nirvana.

While I remain stranded (for an eternity or more) future time travelers wilco jet ting like killer b52's to conquer kinks sans spatial milieu heading back billions of orbitz thru warp and woof soundgarden nsync king with origin of species.
Perhaps some day in the near pluperfect future an aerospace surfer will locate this foo fighter, whose
alienation will likely coin side dime with a dozen sidereal oriented meticulously made essential doodads melted due to friction.

No matter the current prospects appeared bleak, no fault finding nor finger pointing prevailed since I eagerly agreed to weathered being a "Human Guinea Pig" test subject to boar from collaborated frisson of Elon Musk, Richard Branson, Jeff Bezos, and other members of the billionaires club.

The following description generally sketches incremental progression presaged prehensile protean primates vaguely hinting of talking heads that comprised human league, and prevailing preeminent pregnant predilection aye boldly faced with admirable olympian performance.


Primordial organisms (purportedly and strictly based on my cumulative yet quite limited fount of knowledge gleaned from two score and seven years dawn to dusk personal fin de siecle episodes) lacked any semblance of conscious awareness.

As a measure of what we (as the collective intelligence of Homo Sapiens) deem to be supreme mental acuity to comprehend the mind boggling concept of Biological Evolution from whence unicellular entities manifested into the vast differentiation of life in general and each individual man, woman and child in particular.

I as an ordinary male mortal human being born within the latter half of twentieth century (Anno Domini) as a member of said genus and species now try to pontificate and understand the billions of years that elapsed and transpired from that initial incarnation of terrestrial events.

Perchance even originating from one or more stray cosmic objects the barest essence of that schema quantified as existence, which incorporated random combinations and permutations moderated via survival of fittest theoretical proposition.

Destiny essentially conspired to promulgate a barely discernable genetic connection that over millions of millennia later traced little electrical arcs that spanned the microcosmic gaps between the axons and synapses constituting the definitive lineage extant within said writer of these words.
Understand this far see call rather convoluted theme thus far?

No particular rhyme nor reason constitutes this personal intent to apprise and self actualize the vast (some might say utterly impossible) task to take stock of basic trappings percolating in so called primordial ooze.

An incomprehensible number of billions years in the distant past, which natural laboratory nearly comprising the entire planet Earth harbored critical and essential atomic and/or molecular composition eventually distilling original progenitors inhabiting the various and sundry animal and plant world.

Impossible for me as a non-scientific (yet contemplative, introspective and philosophical) person to gauge the innumerable eons and epochs that passed with little or no measurable alteration nor modification extant within that brew (vintage forever unknown) containing rawest components identified as living forms.

A gross hunch prompts this layman to hypothesize the passage of imponderable blocks of time whereby a stasis condition prevailed. Difficult to understand what natural forces and processes set in motion a chain reaction that unleashed profound explosions (most likely registered as imperturbable repercussions within the salty brine) that instigated punctuated equilibrium.

Once the watery expanse (more pointedly isolated and specific pockets within the bay being infant seas) housed these very tentative (nor to mention vulnerable) kernels, the elements of style strunk kin white at large (in my amateur opinion) contributed a slightly more favorable climate to allow, enable, promote coalescence of greater amalgamation and assimilation among the invisible amorphous precursors to become far flung fauna and flora.

Inscrutable (for an average occupant this third rock from the sun) to assess the ambient chemical solution(s) that served as distillery for gradual trials and tribulations that unbridled compounds developed, which tandem mergers (possibly the very first leveraged buyout offerings) insinuated subsequent exponential occurrences granting increased infiltration among more complex units.

Prestigious professionals (at the pinnacle of their career) possess far greater capacity and knowledge to explain undulations and variations that affected and brought about jolt, which factors (possibly atmospheric and aquatic) loosed and/or unleashed the tectonic prowess to describe burst spectrum of life.

Kingdoms distinctly qualified as either animal or plant inhabitants way to premature this formative birth (day) of pseudo kinetic energies. These earliest hosts to occupy the warm saline hydrosphere more or less at the mercy of oceanic currents.

They lacked deterministic criteria, but somehow (due as some might ascribe to divine intervention) devised appurtenances to augment replication.

This propensity to duplicate (offspring in an asexual manner) retained the legacy of core nucleic record. Simultaneous within each somewhat unique band or clump of minuscule flotsam and jetsam occurred the fluke symbiotic relationship that abetted greater manifestation of marine based denizens to populate suitably temperate oceans.

If this one deep thinker could interpolate and expostulate per the view (with proper scuba gear and functional time travel machinery), he might be privy to behold an argot of chimerical dust mote like shapes and sizes presenting a myriad kaleidoscopic, scintillating display of utmost breath-taking beautiful sight across the glinting, glistening, and glittering miasma.

In truth, not one living soul ever experienced the microscopic hybrids, which concoctions of chance, fate and Mother Nature held the gamut of diversification within primitive coils and strands of DNA.

Such latent potential forecasting (hundreds if not thousands millennia in the future), the exotic and varied jumble offered up by the creative powers thriving in the organic, nutrient rich baths at some juncture in the space/time continuum spawned the era for substantial life to illustrate the subterranean vistas.

Many pages, chapters and more accurately volumes recorded via the hand of said universal creator (for no one to read nor see) the veritably unchanging drama that

predominated across the ideally supercharged wetlands. This lapse of eons (manifold lengthier than the dawn of civilization until this present twenty first century after the

death of Jesus Christ) incomprehensible.

Now try to imagine (an exercise in futility and nearly beyond the realm of possibility), these nascent nodules of nuclear nectar keeping intact within a Byzantine cellular paradigm for aforementioned span.

Numerous descriptive words such as indecipherable, ineluctable, inscrutable frequently rack and reverberate within my self-provoked mind when pondering such awesome notions. Just like every other bipedal creature happenstance brought into this world, I too contemplate questions about the spark that triggered the onset known as spectrum of biosphere.

A personal manuscript of low research caliber perhaps conveniently quantified as fictional. Improper and impolite for such stream of consciousness musings to attest as true when little or no expertise (nor discrete and specific arcane) provides a privilege to claim authenticity and veracity.

This exposition of feelings, ideas and thoughts pertaining to the age-old question (from whence many religious belief systems sprung) only yields to the private domain lodged within the psychic makeup of this here one and only individual, who for reasons and rhymes unbeknownst to himself suddenly entertains such an awesome concept and only wishes to capitalize on some literary skill to organize such sentiments into cogent paragraphs.

Damn near impossible to capture infinitely occurring poetic flashes of insight and queries that flit to and fro within the center of thinking and I realize this essay to represent a dirt poor approximation of the vibrant jungle of prose that beckons to be carefully trod with a custom made scythe.
Lest an elusive prey escape (born from an overactive imagination), the return to a former point of
existential pontification will be brought back with a gentle massage to scalp to invigorate the dozing rapscallions, which fire up the axons and neurons.

This mind bending exercise to scrutinize the seething hospitable cauldron harboring, the seeds of genesis, which reacted favorably to the ramifications in such fecund brew once again entertained more so as a way to while away leisure minutes and also perhaps to receive some commendable feedback (in the form of monetary remuneration) and subsequent publication.

Just to make clear once again, I embark on a rather exceptional task to organize bombardment of ruminations ricocheting (like a miniature super ball or two) within the gray matter in the cranium otherwise known as the brain.

Difficult if not downright impossible to codify in some clear and logical manner present assault pertaining to an unexpected preoccupation (not yet associated as obsessive/compulsive behavior) about explicit realm affiliated as eminent domain of intelligentsia filling the ranks and file of scholarly professors.

I do not purport to excel nor outflank prestigious personages who spent extensive years examining biota (mostly thru advanced computer technology), but merely intended to compile an essay based on current fount of knowledge resorting to my own insight into the commingling of events that brought forth this awesome zoological maelstrom.

Those most learned and smartest experts (who earned the right to belong to selective academic circles) dedicated to search for some clues holding the secrets per supreme mystery probably experience bafflement and stymied investigations. Not for me to challenge nor trespass their doctrinal thesis substantiated by ample footnotes.

A peculiar frenzy holds extreme (yet harmless) fascination to explain in some understandable
fashion my view of this schema signaling stratification from sparse sporadic (and spotty) globules (no doubt mere specks) giving rise to abundant hierarchy of life.

In truth, an analysis of myself (which composite includes idiosyncrasies, nuances and quarks to list a few personal characteristics) accidentally led this expanded scope to consider history of mankind and of course womankind. A swirl of intrigue motivates self-discipline epitomizing a quest to understand aspects inherent since birth and/or appearing later since a newborn.

Circumspection about entire ancestry might never be feasible, but this mental stretch could possibly offer a glimmer of present trials and tribulations by glimpsing back in the remote past.

Without obedience to stated precedents and protocols and objection against (men without hats) poring over tombs in the reference section of libraries, I do bias this epistle and undermine the believability of numerable statements.

Claim to fame not my aim. None of these words ought to be accepted as the gospel according Matthew Scott. Each and every sentence (from beginning to end of manuscript) to be read as fictionalized fact. I sought some salvation from exploring journey within to yield a product that offers cleansing of soul.

Psychic angst riddles (like Swiss side of cheese) mindset of an ordinary guy, which plague possibly a collective weakness woven (like a delicate and fine thread) since that faint, first tapestry strand coaxed from miraculous spate of incidents.

Now let me get back to brass tacks and return to the former epistemological focus of this treatise.

Flourish of material approximating a masquerade of organisms occurred early in the geologic history of this oblate spheroid frequently alluded as the emerald in the sky.
Rather than ascribe any particulars to this concept (since no intent goads me to compromise the vested establishment nor interest of the scientific community), I affirm that way back thru the fog and
mist of space/time contiuum unbridled activities ushered the ideal milieu to groom the physical environment for plentiful outburst of bio-diversity to materialize.

At some indiscriminate occasion fantastic forces affected a propensity for quiet explosion to rock the firmament. Still, no definitive entities would be visible in the two hydrogen atoms plus one oxygen atom special elixir.

Many tens of thousands of sheets contained in the epic writ large (and small) via (some might vouchsafe by benevolent hand of a benign creator) must be flipped until a more robust sample exemplifying a similar facsimile labeled animal or plant identified.

Here and there one might discern the features resembling so named simplest (in terms of cellular structure) beings that could very well represent our earliest progenitors.

As one fast-forwards (in the figurative sense of course) additional, these leafs from metaphorical copious text, a noticeable proliferation of multifarious (not to mention mellifluous) critters dot the landscape. Analogous to abracadabra magic or sleight of hand, a bounty of teeming hosts luxuriated in glorious mornings. Most if not all these characters thrived in the lavish liquid lowlands.

Proletariats by default lump pen pro lit majors, a small minority would emigrate to the lush, solid and vegetation covered ground. Such segue-way from aquatic to terrestrial habitués entailed passage of a good many hundreds of thousands more revolutions or Earth round the sun.

An up tick in the in the energetic flux spurred logarithmic poufs and more radical pulses and waves as an after affect of the Godlike wizard wand, which wrought prestidigitatious preponderance of nubile buds and pods beckoning rambunctious awakening diadems to expand in quantity. Gregarious landlubbers soon slithered from the primordial ooze, which if fast forward photography present would portray a migration of wormlike wonder-kinds.

Once again, I pledge to ask forgiveness in straying from any factual formulations and also to take poetic/prosaic license in stipulating such archaic scenarios.

Such literary promiscuity gives leeway to supplement this semi valid tale with exaggeration and hyperbole.

This lugubrious delineation from one mortal amongst the seven plus billion who in this closing year of two thousand and eleven predicts that mother nature will usurp the law of the land and overturn our pyrrhic victory to dominate planet earth.


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Book: Shattered Sighs