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23rd November 1950, 10.30 p.m. She appeared, so strange this young girl for her hair was dark as midnight but her eyes a lovely shade of purple. The leaves crunched and echoed as the girls skipped through the dark cold forest, she shivered as she began to sing “with my top all ripped and blood on my jeans, on my way to the devil, he won’t let me in with blood on my face, he says I’m not like others” ironic since she was wearing a black top that seemed to have been ripped or torn and her jeans written in blood there was blood trickling down her face and nasty cut on her leg as if she had been attacked or in a fight however it didn't seem to bother the strange girl. As the girl got to the edge of the forest, she was shocked to find a village and as she reaches toward the massive gate…...

“Halt!” a voice booms from somewhere nearby, the world seemed to echo the words as she looked around to find the owner of the thundering voice.

“Are you friend or foe?” the voice asks a little quieter the last time.

“I-I’m no foe to this village, P-Please let me in” she stuttered through her frozen blue lips, you could see the cold she felt from the merciless cold.

Suddenly a gigantic man appeared, he was as big as a gorilla and his eyes the colour of sweet honey. He brings the girl closer and say, “what’s your name darling?”

“Raven, my name is Raven sir”

“Oh, you don’t need to call me sir little Raven”

“Then what shall I call you?” she asks sweetly

“Arlo.” He says with pride.

“Arlo.” She repeats back to him as they walk through the gate.

“Would you like to hear a song Arlo?” she asks, beaming with joy.

“Yes, I would.” He exclaims.

“with my top all ripped and blood on my jeans, on my way to the devil, he won’t let me in with blood on my face, he says I’m not like the others, I’ll take control and get my way or I’ll take them all down with me but you’ve let me in so I will stay, no you can’t get rid of me.”

“Did you like it?” she asked as her eyes glowed an unnatural glow.

“Yes, I did Raven” he smiled and said “well you’ll be staying here for the night” as they walked up to an abandoned barn. She didn’t even notice she’d been walking. She asks as she is looking at the barn.

“Thank you, Arlo, but is there nowhere else to stay?”

“Well, there is the hotel, but you have to pay to stay there.” Arlo said.

“Okay I’ll stay there then please.” She replies.

As they walked to the hotel he looked down at the girl and asked “how old are you, Raven?

“Fourteen?” she said in a questioning tone,

“Really, you’re very short for your age, aren’t you?”

“Maybe you’re just very tall, did you ever think about that?” she snapped back at him.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to offend you”

“Well, this is the hotel” he says opening the door for her, she walks through, and he follows behind her.

“Arlo.” Squeaks a voice from behind the counter and out comes a very short woman, shorter than Raven.

“Delilah, this is Raven, she would like to stay here tonight”

“She’s very young, where are your parents’ sweetheart?” Delilah asks.

“I’m fourteen and they’re dead.” She says casually.

“Dead?” the woman called Delilah questioned.

“Yes, they died a couple of months ago.”

“Oh, you poor soul.” Arlo says.

“Oh, you poor thing, I’m sorry, but we’ve got one room left and it’s 10/- (shillings).” Delilah says looking at Raven.

Raven pulls out a purple purse from her pocket and gives Delilah 10/-.

The room was huge!

Knock Knock.

“Come in.” Raven says.

The door creaks open and Delilah walks in with clothes in her arms.

Raven stares at her confused.

“I got you some clean clothes and the bath is second door on the right, ok?” Delilah says, placing the clothes on the small stool in the corner.

“Thank you.” Raven says. Delilah leaves as Raven rises from the edge of the bed and kind of floats gracefully toward the clothes, she picks up the pyjamas and glides towards the door, she looks left and right as she heads towards the bathroom.

Drip, drip, drip

The taps dripped as she filled the bath with warm water.

She rids herself of the blood ridden clothes and climbs into the bath.

She closed her eyes as she dipped her head under water, and it all went dark.

“Raven, Raven.” A voice whispers

She pulls her head up from under the water gasping for air and everything was silent, so she goes under the water again to try and hear the voice.

“Raven, Raven, I know you can hear me, I know where you are.” And it begins to sing a sweet melody “knock, knock let the devil in.” over and over again.

She drags her head above the water scared half to death.

She climbs out of the bath and dresses herself. As she goes out into the pitch-black hall, she floats a few inches off the ground and glides back to her room, just as she gets to the door of her room, she hears a scream as she turns around, she sees another guest staring at her, the guest runs off screaming “demon child!”

Ravens’ eyes glowed with anger as she mutters some words and the woman trips over. She opens the door and throws the towel and clothes to the corner and climbs onto the massive bed.

Knock knock knock

Someone hammered on the door

“Come in” Raven says slowly

The door opens and Arlo steps into the room.

“Sorry to bother you but another guest says she saw you floating above the ground and claims you’re a demon?” Arlo says.

“Floating, how absurd, I was walking to my room and the towel dragging behind me on the floor, I most certainly was not floating” she said laughing “demon child, that is something I’ve never heard of”

“I know, but I promised Delilah and the guest I’d ask you.” Arlo says starting to laugh too.

He leaves the room and shuts the door still chuckling to himself.

Raven snuggles under the covers and then the voice starts to talk again “let me in Raven LET ME IN!” it screams over and over, she sits up, sweat dripping down her back, she looks at the clock, it is just gone midnight.

But then!

Knock knock knock knock

She walks slowly to the door.

Knock knock knock

As she turns the handle her hands tremble.

She flings the door open then the woman appears, the same woman that called her a demon child “he’s here for you” she says, her eyes grey as if all the colour had been drained from them.

She repeats what she said again “he’s here for you demon child.” The woman signals for Raven to follow her. They walk down the long narrow hall, down the creaky stairwell towards the old, rustic door. Raven stopped and looked at open door ahead of her as the guest is halfway down the road.

The guest looks back at Raven and say, “he’s here” Raven interrupts “he’s here for me. I know, you’ve already said that now where is he?”

The woman blinked and pointed to a shadow in the distance.

“He’s here for you.”

Raven walks towards the woman, her eyes glowing as she starts to levitate from the ground, soaring towards the shadow figure. Looking behind her the woman had dropped to the ground, lifeless.

Raven approaches the shadow figure with caution, not knowing who or what this thing was.

“Who are you and why did that woman say you were here for me?” she asks.

The figure came out from the darkness and Raven nearly screamed, as it was the lord of evil, the devil himself.

“You!” She says, her eyes glowing brighter than ever, as the sky turns a dark shade of purple.

“Yes me! You summoned me with our song, and I see you cleaned yourself up from our last encounter”

“Encounter you tried to kill me, and you murdered my parents!” Raven says seething with anger.

“I know, what are you going to do about it?” he teases.

“I’m going to make you pay.” She shouts at him.

She could see him clearly now; he was a large beast with horns on his head and a body like a bull.

“Agh so scary Raven, such a baddie.” He says sarcastically.

Ravens’ hair looked as if it was on fire, if fire was a purple colour, a ball of flame came from her hand and flies towards the devil as she screams with anger.

“Now now Raven, be nice.” He says getting hit in the side by the fire ball.

And so, the fight at Midnight begins.

Flames fly, words are shouted as Arlo appears in the doorway of the hotel.

“Raven?” Arlo shouts “Oh my gosh Mrs Pirkwill, Raven, what the heck, why is the sky purple?”

Arlo sees the fight, shuts up and runs in to get weapons, he also gets Delilah.

“Delilah! Help, Ravens in trouble, I think Mrs Pickwill is dead and Raven’s a demon, get weapons now!” Arlo screams.

“Wait, hold up, demon, trouble, Mrs Pirkwill ?” Delilah questions.

“No time, get weapons now!” Arlo replies as they grab weapons and rush to help Raven.

“Arlo, no, get back inside you’ll get hurt!” Raven shouts, as Arlo approaches the fight.

“Wow!” Delilah exclaims, seeing the devil.

“Well ,well, what do we have here?” the devil says, picking up Delilah in one hand, “It’s some sort of abnormally small human.” The devil says staring at Delilah.

“I’m a dwarf, now put me down you monster!” Delilah says, viciously stabbing the devil in the eye.

“Raven, catch!” Arlo shouts, throwing her a sword. Raven stops in mid-air, grabbing it and swings it at the devils’ leg, slicing it to the bone.

“Ahh that hurt you peanut!” The devil screams as he drops Delilah to the ground. Leaving the devil half blinded since Delilah had one of his eyes attached to her knife, they swing their weapons at the devil, Raven lifts her sword above her head setting it on fire and………. SWISH! With one clean cut, decapitated the devil, grabbing his head in her hands as she lifts it up high in victory.

“Delilah!” Arlo cries. As he reaches Delilahs body.

“Raven, quick she needs help.”

Raven drops the devils head and rushes to Delilahs side. Kneeling down beside her she says, “heal what is broken, my dearest friend today it was my fault, the blame I will take so heal.” As she said the words, all the cuts on Delilahs body healed and Delilah gasped for air thanking Raven for saving her.

“You do not need to thank me Delilah without you, and Arlo I would probably never have defeated the devil”

“That was the devil?”

“Unfortunately, yes, he killed my parents the same day you found me.” Raven explains.

“Well, the truth and the devil will always come out in the end” Delilah laughed.

“What happened to Mrs Pickwill?” Arlo asked, “The devil corrupted her, so she died when he died.” Raven explained as they walked back to the hotel.

Then the bodies of Mrs Pickwill and the devil disappeared as they shut the door of the hotel, and everything was back to normal.

Or was it …. Wink wink

The end.

by my granddaughter Serenity Norton (14)


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Book: Shattered Sighs