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God alone knows, an epistle to Andrea'

It was late July when I went to visit Michael, he had Obtained my number from a family member.and Called me up I had last seen him fleetingly at my Cousins funeral 2017, before that it was in 1981 I'd made original acquaintance with him also his father mother brother and sister, after that I again saw him For 10 minutes at Cambridge midsomer fair 2012? Before that point he had been spending time in Africa macadam surfacing on industrial areas roads and Private estates to where he would soon Return and from where he would travel to my dear Cousin Hughies funeral, so I bring you back to Late July 2017 I had travelled down on his urging to a Property he was developing, 'yew tree Park home Site Charing Kent UK, once there our talk was of Times 30 years past, and up to recent He asked what if anything there was I did now I had not before? I told him I had writes up on poetry soup at this he told me he had been recording his thoughts as poetry and he played me then the write 'money' that I promised to put on my poetry soup page as I did, and it can be seen there today' He also informed Me he had become born again in Christ, as indeed Was I' for many years. He became saved after a meeting in Africa at the Michalangelo Hotel in Johannesburg, Michael said he had seen A large rolls Royce on different occasions and at Different locations whilst he was working that area Then as he was sunbathing poolside at the hotel He heard the weight of a large person appropriate A lounger at his side, he looked to see a Big guy And a large leather bound book on a table between Them' the man introduced himself as Johann and Asked Michael if he had any knowledge of Jesus Christ' Michael said not really, but would be Willing To learn of him, Johann then began instead to talk Of himself, & how he had been born into a very Wealthy family who were industrialists his parents Had been killed in an accident so he had been brought up by his grandfather and a loyal black Worker who would take him hunting and taught him Bushcraft then after finishing University Johann Started travelling to Europe which went on for years He'd only returned for the death and burial of his Grandfather, and he was soon off to Europe again For 4 more years, upon returning home he found His mentor Senzo was now really ill and despite Johann throwing plenty of cash at the Situation he also died' He told Michael this really Hit Him hard, he now felt no desire to go back to Europe. After a month he decided to go Bush again Trying to connect with senzo perhaps? So he prepared two land rovers and a couple of estate workers and they set off he travelled up country And stayed a various isolated places, until one journey the saw light grey smoke rising thinly on The clear air, Johanne drove in that direction Then climbing a sloping escarpment they came to A level summit, and there they saw burned out buildings and at a distance a party of men & women burying bodies, S Johann looked to his right He saw a man sitting in a partially burned out boma Dressed in what had been stark white coveralls deeply stained with who knew what' he approached this man their attention drawn to him to ask what had happened here? It turned out that the day before child soldier recruiters had arrived and began shooting and draggjng young boys off To militarize them, as he sat down listening to the man light glinted in the dust just before him Johann knelt down and picked up a spent bullet shell as he turned it round he saw stamped into its casing his in family name.' He was stunned, he glanced at the wall to his Right again and feeling even more sickened at the many black stains that denoted so much blood spilled.' He decided to make ready to leave the first thing he would be doing Would be to close or sell that part of the business, should the government not allow it To be shut,? Once he was back and the business was sold off Johann reflected and read Some literature, but peace was harder to find; even more than after his parents were killed he often thought on Senzo and how the older man always seemed to able to smile' He'd at times mentioned his church at various times but Johann never asked any questions and declined every time he was invited, He decided it might be a good idea to go on the coming Sunday.' It was a beautiful morning on the Sunday Johann had been up early chosen his clothes showered and had Decided on porridge for breakfast he he would get one of the staff to run him in and collect him after, the meeting started around 10'30 in Primrose at Germiston if memory was to serve him well, that was around 30/40 minutes from his home he had found out an old Poster Senzo had kept in his bible there was a knock at his door it was Kawazie I am ready now he said yes Johann replied picking up his jacket they headed out to the vehicle They made the half mile out to highway and were soon onto the metalled road, the run in Was uneventful there were only few cars and couple of bikes as traffic they soon were at the church building it was a modest one Johann reflected thinking of the Times he had visited churches due to weddings e t c much more grand affair s indeed. ' He viewed the weatherboard white painted sides and deep red corrugated iron roof it had a small louvered steeple, it was well enough kept the paint was fresh enough' he got Out of the car, and walking to the building he was aware of singing coming strong toward Him, he was soon at the door and opening it he was greeted and shown a seat he was Seated about four rows back, and the place must have Been 3/4 full the congregation was mostly black African with A percentage of white Africans interspersed and the singing was most Strong to Johanns ears also there was a joy indeed..' Not like the more formal events He had witnessed it the admittedly few times he had Attended a Church service the singing went on for over thirty minutes, then a white man stepped out and began Praying for all the people himself included to be open hearted to God's coming message After this was concluded, he sat back down at the side then the man who had been singing also sat, and the man who had been to the right rear of the podium stepped forward and opened the bible he carried and asked the congregation to turn to a psalms Ch I verse 1, he said a short prayer, and then began to quote the passage, after that He spoke from the book of Daniel and the judgement of God on Nebuchadnezzer after He had taken the articles dedicated to God, and allowed his Courtiers to drink from them,' He elaborated on the vanity of men And people in general, and drew allegories on a fictious person However Johann had done much of what this character was guilty of, it seemed the Word was a sharp needle, that pierced the calloused flesh he had cultivated toward the World, then the preacher made mention of how this man had become an embittered Person due to losing family members in an accident. At times Johann glanced furtively a t the corners of his vision, was someone pointing to him? He then began feeling as if all his life had been going in slow motion, while the hands of life's clock had been racing.' At the end of the service the pastor invited anyone who felt the call of God to come and Discuss it with him at any time of now, without further thought He found himself walking To the pastor, as he stopped in front of him he remembered saying how do I get some peace for my life has been troubled by Many things for so long, at this the pastor led him In accepting Jesus Christ as his eternal saviour.' And thats about it Michael he said so now I reach out myself to help others' It's quite a story replied Michael I can see God has Really touched you, would you consider accepting God through Jesus Michael? Johann replied' I suppose it can't do me any harm with that Jonhann led me to the Lord Joe and do you See things differently now I asked him,? I would think so, but it's still the Same old world & I still sometimes make the same old mistakes, the only difference is Now I have Jesus in my corner so to speak. Well at least you are honest about things I replied what sort of teaching was Johann of he was a Calvin's from memory, hmm I answered him so what do you think of that teaching, look I replied its a good thing he did In leading you to Christ, yet the teaching of once saved always saved, I don't follow it I Said, why not said Michael? Now the last thing I wanted to do was disturb his understanding so far' for it is written not to keep returning to your sin as to do so the blood Of christ is scorned and its not to be treated in any scornful manner.' Which I see Calvin's teaching could allow, all here we see Michael is transitory and the world system even Identifies if you remember a certain Mr Blair? Advising war against Iraq to protect our Way of life (consumerism Michael) which means cursed society if you unpack things' Hows that Michael asked? Well when fire burns an object all thats left is a small amount of ashes' in proportion to its original mass" Michael nodded, now the age we live in is Encouraged to consume consume e t c in order to create more debt & wealth. So really He recognised our societies as destructive societies without realising his utterances Look you See that unit just there I pointed to one of the eight just newly done how much Do you sell it for around £220-000 Michael answered indeed yet overnight you could come here and there would only be the chassis left should a fire consume it' I told him So it is with all temporal things, far better to be consumed in the service of God however' OK Michael said despite all that I have a bit of loose wallpaper that needs sticking down And I said I would treat you to a meal; yes? I think I recall such I said, with that we went Out to his Toyota and set of to Ashfords b&q store. On the way there I ventured to mention the fact that we had been experiencing appearances of God.'as indeed had been Happening in the world increasingly since 2012 but Tom's son who was rear passenger struck up talking to Michael and I decided to stay quiet, once we parked up however and We're going into the store, I tackled Him again this time I decided to go another way, thinking on Eddie Rowlands experiences and the fact he was someone we both did not know, if Michael wanted to know more of paranormal events we could call and see him In Tonbridge and he would corroberate events & prophecy that had taken place in his life So I said Michael forget about God appearing in today's world' do you think it might be possible that a man like you or I could see the devil? Michael stopped in his tracks and Exclaimed loudly I saw him 30 years ogo, he looked quite shaken for a bit, we said no More on the subject went around Michael bought a pritt stick, and we exited the store He drove over to a streetcar style diner where good as his word he ordered meals and Drinks & paid the bill, then getting in his car he decided to give some details of how Satan Had made appearance to him but asked me to keep it private.'then and we got back to Charing, each thinking his own thoughts we spent a further two hours in his display unit he kindly made us some coffee Then we departed back to London, No more that two days later I received a call from Michael He was most agitated and asked me did I know anybody In Charing or Ashford who would cause him damage? I replied that I knew people but None who would know him what's the matter I asked? Well I was back at my other site in Derbyshire and got a phone call, the unit that was opposite the display unit was burned down there is only the steel frame and ashes now, and I am thinking of putting a small rv On there for a watchman I know Tom's son sells caravans can you ask him if he can let have one reasonable? Yes of course give me a day and I will let you know two Days later I phoned him with a price, yet he had already arranged something in the course of the conversation I enquired were the circumstances suspicious? No the forensics people said, light would have refracted from a piece of glass as the day was hot and that was the cause.' I wondered as we spoke if he remembered my words on The consumption of temporal goods' then we ended the conversion. T B C


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  1. Date: 10/31/2021 12:47:00 PM
    hmmm, I see it's not finished. You should do a part two then, Joe. I was hoping to hear the description of Satan, as was said that the man saw!! Interesting things that happened down in Africa, and how awful about the killings and when the blood stained walls!!
  1. Date: 10/31/2021 12:39:00 PM
    oh I see it, Let me read this now!!

Book: Shattered Sighs