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Recognition Quotations

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Quote Left Their time past, pulled down cracked and flung to the fire go up in a roar All recognition lost, burnt clean clean in the flame, the green dispersed, a living red, flame red, red as blood wakes on the ash-- Quote Right
Quote Left Recognition is the greatest motivator. Quote Right
Quote Left The thought pattern characteristic of the right brain lends itself to the formation of original ideas, insights, discoveries. We might describe it as the kind of thought prevalent in early childhood, when everything is new and everything has meaning. If you have ever walked along a beach and suddenly stopped to pick up a piece of driftwood because it looked to you like a leaping impala or a troll, you know the feeling of pleasure that comes from the sudden recognition of a form. Your Design mind (right brain) has perceived connections and had made a pattern of meaning. It takes logical, rational acts and facts of the world you know, the snippets of your experience, the bits and pieces of your language capabilities, and perceives connections, patterns, and relationships in them. Quote Right
Quote Left We have come through a strange cycle in programming, starting with the creation of programming itself as a human activity. Executives with the tiniest smattering of knowledge assume that anyone can write a program, and only now are programmers beginning to win their battle for recognition as true professionals. Not just anyone, with any background, or any training, can do a fine job of programming. Programmers know this, but then why is it that they think that anyone picked off the street can do documentation? One has only to spend an hour looking at papers written by graduate students to realize the extent to which the ability to communicate is not universally held. And so, when we speak about computer program documentation, we are not speaking about the psychology of computer programming at all - except insofar as programmers have the illusion that anyone can do a good job of documentation, provided he is not smart enough to be a programmer. Quote Right
Quote Left An Israeli soldier who just enlisted asked the Commanding Officer for a 3 day pass. The CO says, 'Are you crazy? You just join the Israeli army, and you already want a 3 day pass? You must do something spectacular for that recognition!' So the soldier com Quote Right
Quote Left Their time past, pulled down cracked and flung to the fire go up in a roar All recognition lost, burnt clean clean in the flame, the green dispersed, a living red, flame red, red as blood wakes on the ash-- Quote Right
Quote Left is the perfect type of art. Music can never reveal its ultimate secret. This, also, is the explanation of the value of limitations in art. The sculptor gladly surrenders imitative colour, and the painter the actual dimensions of form, because by such renunciations they are able to avoid too definite a presentation of the Real, which would be mere imitation, and too definite a realisation of the Ideal, which would be too purely intellectual. It is through its very incompleteness that art becomes complete in beauty, and so addresses itself, not to the faculty of recognition nor to the faculty of reason, but to the aesthetic sense alone, which, while accepting both reason and recognition as stages of apprehension, subordinates them both to a pure synthetic impression of the work of art as a whole, and, taking whatever alien emotional elements the work may possess, uses their very complexity as a means by which a richer unity may be added to the ultimate impression itself. Quote Right
Quote Left I've given parties that have made Indian rajahs green with envy. I've had prima donnas break $10, 000 engagements to come to my smallest dinners. When you were still playing button back in Ohio, I entertained on a cruising trip that was so much fun that I had to sink my yacht to make my guests go home. Quote Right
Quote Left Don't worry when you are not recognized, but strive to be worthy of recognition. Quote Right
Quote Left Everyone in our culture wants to win a prize. Perhaps that is the grand lesson we have taken with us from kindergarten in the age of perversions of Dewey-style education: everyone gets a ribbon, and praise becomes a meaningless narcotic to soothe egoistic distemper. Quote Right
Quote Left Anyone who has had an experience of mystery knows that there is a dimension of the universe that is not that which is available to his senses. There is a pertinent saying in one of the Upanishads: When before the beauty of a sunset or of a mountain you pause and exclaim, 'Ah,' you are participating in divinity . Such a moment of participation involves a realization of the wonder and sheer beauty of existence. People living in the world of nature experience such moments every day. They live in the recognition of something there that is much greater than the human dimension. Quote Right
Quote Left When the time for recognition of service to the nation in wartime comes to be considered, Bob Hope should be high on the list. This man drives himself and is driven. It is impossible to see how he can do so much, can cover so much ground, can work so hard, and can be so effective. He works month after month at a pace that would kill most people. Quote Right
Quote Left It wasn't the reward that mattered or the recognition you might harvest. It was your depth of commitment, your quality of service, the product of your devotion -- these were the things that counted in a life. When you gave purely, the honor came in the giving, and that was honor enough. Quote Right
Quote Left Design in art, is a recognition of the relation between various things, various elements in the creative flux. You can't invent a design. You recognize it, in the fourth dimension. That is, with your blood and your bones, as well as with your eyes. Quote Right
Quote Left The recognition that no knowledge can be complete, no metaphor entire, is itself humanizing. It counteracts fanaticism. It grants even to adversaries the possibility of partial truth, and to oneself the possibility of error. Quote Right
Quote Left Freedom is the recognition of necessity. Quote Right
Quote Left Men are rewarded for learning the practice of violence in virtually any sphere of activity by money, admiration, recognition, respect, and the genuflection of others honoring their sacred and proven masculinity. In male culture, police are heroic and so are outlaws; males who enforce standards are heroic and so are those who violate them. Quote Right
Quote Left Art is the imposing of a pattern on experience, and our aesthetic enjoyment is recognition of the pattern. Quote Right
Quote Left He's been a good senior leader, just being a good example of how to block on the line, ... That entire unit is working hard to improve, and Nick's been a huge part of that. He's earning all the recognition he gets, because he's really helping to improve that part of our team. Quote Right
Quote Left Only reason can convince us of those three fundamental truths without a recognition of which there can be no effective liberty that what we believe is not necessarily true that what we like is not necessarily good and that all questions are open. Quote Right
Quote Left To me, photography is the simultaneous recognition, in a fraction of a second, of the significance of an event. Quote Right
Quote Left a man of courage and conviction who has incarnated, for 40 years, the fight of Palestinians for the recognition of their national rights. Quote Right
Quote Left A new kind of award has been added -- the deathbed award. It is not an award of any kind. Either the recipient has not acted at all, or was not nominated, or did not win the award the last few times around. It is intended to relieve the guilty conscience of the Academy members and save face in front of the public. The Academy has the horrible taste to have a star, choking with emotion, present this deathbed award so that there can be no doubt in anybody's mind why the award is so hurriedly given. Lucky is the actor who is too sick to watch the proceedings on television. Quote Right
Quote Left Appraisals are where you get together with your team leader and agree what an outstanding member of the team you are, how much your contribution has been valued, what massive potential you have and, in recognition of all this, would you mind having your salary halved. Quote Right
Quote Left I have never wished to cater to the crowd; for what I know they do not approve, and what they approve I do not know. Quote Right
Quote Left 'The other way leads to salvation. It is the way of harmlessness, the way of the recognition of brotherhood with all creatures, the way of tenderness and compassion, the way of service and not of selfishness.' Quote Right
Quote Left It is now a generally accepted and scientifically well supported view that subliminal perception does occur-that people are capable of receiving and responding to information presented to them at levels below the threshold of conscious recognition. Quote Right
Quote Left I'm shopping around for something to do that no one will like. Quote Right
Quote Left The only logical solution to solve the Palestinian issue is to hold free elections with the participation of Palestinians inside and outside the occupied territories and a recognition of the nation's legitimacy, Quote Right
Quote Left Doctors who speak out in favour of vivisection do not deserve any recognition in society, all the more so since their brutality is apparent not only during such experiments, but also in their practical medical lives. They are mostly men who stop at nothing in order to satisfy their ruthless and unfeeling lust for honours and gain. Quote Right

Member Quotes About Recognition

Quote Left Anonymity is to solitude . . . what recognition is from gratitude. Quote Right
Quote Left The dark of the mourning overshadows them as they walk the path of sorrows for their sunrise goes without recognition leaving them trampled under the cold heel of hopelessness. Quote Right
Quote Left Recognition and care only exist in the world of luxury And there is no friendship in the time of plenty. -Prince Henry Nibenang (The Northern-Shakespeare) Quote Right
Quote Left The recognition of value must also be recognized as value. Quote Right
Quote Left Speak to keep people silent, not keep them silent to speak. Act to make people stare, not make them stare to act. Spot the difference between Attention and Recognition. Quote Right
Quote Left The ultimate excellency recognition of a defence force in a battle, its not about the fight but triumph Quote Right
Quote Left I find a greater disdain for those who loathe other individuals Success. Success is not given its Earned through Hard Work, Determination, Perseverance and Education. Don't loathe admire to be Better. Find courage to be something worth recognition. Failure is an option perpetuated by the inability to believe in yourself... Quote Right
Quote Left "There are some connections that don't need to have a name - the Life itself will give them a name. Big and small in importance connections are made during the current incarnation - they all are valuable but their value is not based on human recognition, the value is held in its reflection on the Soul." Quote Right

Book: Shattered Sighs