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Inhere Quotations

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Quote Left Responsiblity is a unique concept. It can only reside and inhere in a single individual. You may share it with others, but your portion is not diminished. You may delegate it, but it is still with you. You may disclaim it, but you cannot divest yourself of it. Quote Right

Member Quotes About Inhere

Quote Left Inherent in our fabric of justice ...a convoluted and complex latticework can be seen, woven through time and hardship, detaining equity from a balanced end. Quote Right
Quote Left Who will contribute more, between the rich and the poor ? Since the answer that seems fair . . . creates havoc inherent with this pair. Quote Right
Quote Left When one continually sees what is wrong with people, things or events; it is inherent that their focus is on the appearence rather than the true essence of that person, thing or event. Quote Right
Quote Left OPEN VERSE imagery,assonance,rhythm,sound symbolism of an intuitive of the self conscious in a crystallised convergence of the moment ,with punctuation implied by the form, interpretation by the reader changing according to mood, thus essentially fluid and inherently variable. Quote Right
Quote Left There is LIFE to be lived...after all is said and done. Women are built to withstand and bare the greatest pain in life, sometimes that will result in death, and perhaps if not death, a great loss of some incomprehensible proportion/s - but mostly, there is a strength that is inherently congenital to deliver beauty through something more substantial than looks and coquettish wiles. Quote Right
Quote Left There is LIFE to be lived...after all is said and done. Women are built to withstand and bare the greatest pain in life, sometimes that will result in death, and perhaps if not death, a great loss of some incomprehensible proportion/s - but mostly, there is a strength that is inherently congenital to deliver beauty through something more substantial than looks and coquettish wiles. Quote Right
Quote Left We shall continue to advocate an unwavering beacon of optimism for victorious battle against fear and the inherent vice of crisis at its peril. Quote Right
Quote Left Black History is not a month... Yet the inherent treasures of a lost and forgotten nation. Quote Right
Quote Left To take pleasure in what is inherently wrong, is a madmans morality Quote Right
Quote Left What's up with this women and children first Cr&p? Feminism like men to bear the burden, and only want equality when it serves women. It goes on every day, with women getting preferential treatment in nearly every aspect of American life. If you call yourself a feminist but expect to have inherent priority over men you ought to go to Hades. Quote Right

Book: Shattered Sighs