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2/6/2023 1:57:08 AM

Di11y Da11y
Posts: 17
Hi, I'm going by the handle Dilly Dally and joined Poetry Soup after getting signed off work for a bit after experiencing (or perhaps acknowledging) severe anxiety after some significant life events. I had done a creative writing exercise as part of some CBT I think and suddenly I was writing poem after poem and finding it was quite cathartic and helped me process my thoughts and feelings. I joined Poetry Soup as I saw there were contests and I'm unfortunately quite inclined towards external validation.
I quite quickly started getting placed in contests (although probably get N/A in equal measure!)
I find when I'm focussing on writing a poem my heart rate comes down and I can feel settled for a while.
I'm not sure what poetic style I lean towards as I have no training at all and therefore probably am not aware of a lot of poetry rules. I'm afraid I need to also confess I don't as yet have a favourite poet. But I don't have much in the way of favourites in many things as I think I'm too self conscious to make concrete choices. I'm a mass of contradiction. I'm not sure what makes a poet but it's nice to have somewhere to share my writing and to have the contests so that I don't only explore being anxious and conflicted as a topic. Thank you to anyone reading this who has placed me in their contests or has commented on my poems - it really means a lot. Hopefully I can get more experienced and fine tune a bit more.
edited by adrenaline on 2/6/2023
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