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Below are poems written by poet Azuka Chinonso Igwegbe. Click the Next or Previous links below the poem to navigate between poems. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth. Thank you.

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The Flower In the Garden

Like a very sensitive flower that blossom in the garden once in a new moon, whenever you blossom, you let the whole world see the pulchritude of your nature, but if anyone touches you, you would close up because you were too sensitive to touch. No one knows the secrete of your permanent stay, but everyone would love to see you in the garden because of your distinguishing beauty. You are the desire of every man that sees you. 

Precious in its sight is the eyes that sight you, and the heart that beats for you.
Diligence is the hands that grab you, and the arms that wrap you in the abode of its heart; to feel the breath of your love.

I can hear the whisper of your heart through your breath.
I can read the lyrics of your love song through your eyes.
Your heart sings for our love, and your eyes send the message across my heart.

Each time you catwalk, it reminds me of how the stars run to welcome the moon.
You are the rainbow that chases the rain away, and makes the rising sun laughs at the thick cloud.
You are the reason the moon smiles in darkness.
Your dazzling eyes make the stars to run with joy.

Your smiling face makes the moon to walk happily in the dark place.
You cute smile sounds like the gentle whisper of the night breeze that fills the heart with love song, and keeps the body cool, and makes the mouth ready to sing the song of a pleasant memory

Each time you come close to me, the sound of your breath tells me how much you want me.
When I stare at your eyes and they refuse to blink, it shows me how much you‘ve missed me.
Just from the way you hold me in your arms, I can tell how much you never wished me to leave you.
In your heart, I can sense the depth of your love whenever you hug me.
In your hands, I can feel how far you want me to go with you when you hold me.
In your lips, I can read your feelings when you kiss me.
In your eyes, I can still see how much you love me when you look at me.
You are the reason behind my silent cute smile.
I promise never to lose the rose while counting the flowers.

Copyright © Azuka Chinonso Igwegbe | Year Posted 2015


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Date: 3/6/2016 8:33:00 PM

awesome poem. LINDA
Date: 1/8/2016 9:08:00 PM

AZUKA, well done on your poem, enjoyed reading today. *SKAT


Book: Shattered Sighs