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Read Poems by Jeff Eklund

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Below are poems written by poet Jeff Eklund. Click the Next or Previous links below the poem to navigate between poems. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth. Thank you.

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The Eternal Moment

What is it? That fleeting second that lingers in our thoughts like the sweet aftertaste of chocolate? The times that you want to last forever yet are made so valuable through the quality of the temporary? We all have them, more than just memories—they are a a part of us, better, they are us. A patchwork of romance and beauty, carefree experiences. Sights. Sounds. Smells.

The family dog wagging it's tail,
The pungent smell of dew-covered autumn leaves.
The power of the ocean tide roaring around and within you,
The colors of the sunset painted on the closing moments of an otherwise mundane day.
As if that were all, as if I could tell you.

The words of a new grandmother to her the son on his firstborn,
The turning head of a newborn reflecting in his father's eyes, his father's heart.
The soft touch of a family that's growing.
The gentleness of a mother nursing.

It's a daughter dancing on the tops of daddy's shoes,
and a wave that you only see in the rearview.
It's that son hugging the neck of the father returning.
It's holding that infant, that time,
That embrace that doesn't know what time is.

It's a moment where love is real,
It's George Bailey and Mary on the phone,
That look, when you know, they know.
It's a love love money or standing can't buy.
It's a wonderful life.

It's the resonating first chords of Amazing Grace.
Tears flow. A feeling. A moment stopped in time, set in stone.
It's joy, joy, joy, overflowing.
How do you explain it to someone who has never know it?
What good is color to those who can't see it?

The words to song tied to that time.
That one time.
That one time when.
But just like the song, that time soon ends.
Those chords fade, but strangely they live.

It's a mark of hope, a chance to live.
It's a story, the story of life, the story of love.
Above all it's a story of hope.
An empty lot where death once stood.
But where love stands instead.

It's a father giving away the daughter,
the daughter that once danced on his shoes.
The feeling the feeling the groom has,
Lifting the veil, seeing love gleam in her eyes.
Eyes like starlight, eyes like the sky itself.

It's giving a homeless man your coat,
and the bewildered thankfulness you receive in exchange.
Giving an addict strength to go another day without a zero.
A warm hand of a dying person letting go.
Hope when there is none.

It's the collaboration of a father and son.
It's a still, small voice, declaring this moment a gift.
A glimpse of something beyond us,
The divide between heaven and earth blurring.
The knowledge that eternity has already begun.

Copyright © Jeff Eklund | Year Posted 2013


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Date: 5/19/2016 2:09:00 PM

Jeff Ek, creative and well done. Thank you for sharing. **SKAT
Date: 10/11/2013 5:39:00 PM

Very expressive work that you have penned in this one..So descriptive of those scenes are the unique lines..Sara


Book: Shattered Sighs