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Best Poems Written by Contact Us.Aspx

Below are the all-time best Contact Us.Aspx poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Citrus Tree

From a seed to tree

from the soil to me

green little leaves

saplings grow wild

the citrus smell

growing strong

roots deep into earth

breaking the surface

mother earths birth

be bare in winter

to fall in the fall

and green in the spring

bring summer shade 

the fruits grow

tender shell 

sweet smell

standing under my citrus tree. -TA

Copyright © Todd Aguilar Jr. | Year Posted 2018

Details | Contact Us.Aspx Poem

Family Turmoil

I try so hard not to fall
stay strong for my family stand tall 
I no longer can take it
stress I cannot shake it at all
I know one day in this life 
I will make it
make it out the gutter
my sisters and brothers
my son and daughter
my mother and father
my aunts and uncles 
my cousins nieces and nephews 
dont let life get the best of you
stress will test the best 
we argue fight than go to bed mad
get no rest but none the less
what do you expect 
no family is perfect
on this earths surface
we fight each other with no purpose
for things we did on purpose
give me reasons why?
family's split apart
here I will sit down
go ahead start
spill your heart
and I will listen to every part.

Copyright © Todd Aguilar Jr. | Year Posted 2018

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With None

I swear don't believe what you hear
live life strong never ever in fear
here is a tissue wipe that tear
you will make it I will make it to the next year

There is just simply more to come
there is more fun no more need to run
put down the gun raise up out the slum
you were born gifted so don't be dumb

If you're hungry you should be able to come and get some
we throw away so much when there are people with none. -TA

Copyright © Todd Aguilar Jr. | Year Posted 2018

Details | Contact Us.Aspx Poem

Questions of Skin

Look into my eyes?

What do you see?

Do you see me?

Do you see a human being?

What is it that makes you hate me?

What makes you degrade me?

Did I do something wrong?

I am a person too cant we just get along?

My skin color doesn't make me right or wrong?

Don't you breathe the same air that I do?

Is there a difference between me and you?

We bleed red blood even though our veins are blue,

Is there a difference between me and you?  

We bleed red blood even though our veins are blue,

Is there a difference between me and you?  

We bleed red blood even though our veins are blue,  


Copyright © Todd Aguilar Jr. | Year Posted 2018

Details | Contact Us.Aspx Poem


Smarter than a dolphin golfing a par five with two raging rabid bears

Smarter than a blind man walking up seven uneven stairs

Smarter than a clunky monkey who takes your quarter at fairs

Smarter than a genius that keeps his mouth closed because no one cares

Smarter than a species that is not found and still out there

Smarter than Einstein's brain so step into my lair.   -TA

Copyright © Todd Aguilar Jr. | Year Posted 2018

Details | Contact Us.Aspx Poem


Trying to
Body is done

Copyright © Todd Aguilar Jr. | Year Posted 2018

Details | Contact Us.Aspx Poem

March and Fight

Mothers getting their breast cut off so they cant feed 
their children in need
of a natural right 
so i will march and fight
against apartheid 
throw away the suit and tie
lace up your boots and fight 
for a reason why
when we go to war we have no idea 
we been could of stopped north Korea
from polluting the airways with diarhea
and multiple gassing 
look around whats happening 
the core of our declaration of independence is cracking
our politics and governments are lacking 
chip your arm and they start tracking
id rather have my head cut off than to give that any backing
id rather hear the truth
than some gold toothed wanna be spit some garbage in the booth
between me and you i just want to hear whats true.

Copyright © Todd Aguilar Jr. | Year Posted 2018

Details | Contact Us.Aspx Poem

Daddy's Little Girl

I will catch you if you fall
and be there for support.
The problem can be tall
or really really short.

I will try and protect you 
from the bad of this world.
I will hold my ground stay true 
you are precious like a pearl.

I will try and teach you right
from the wrong.
We pray every night
after the days are ever so long.

You are my daughter 
and to me you mean so much.
I am your father
I got you in any situation that's clutch.

You asked "Was I prepared for you to enter this world?"
of course I was you are and always will be daddy's little girl.   -TA

Copyright © Todd Aguilar Jr. | Year Posted 2018

Details | Contact Us.Aspx Poem

Druggy Dream

OD to dose after dose

white powder all over clothes

a druggy dream

dying in your sleep but you cant scream

so many drugs that pollute the scene

have to keep coming for the everyday fiend 

the drug game is mean

to be seen or unseen if you are seen

better have your sun screen

it's going to get hot 

more hot than a building collapsing on fire ready or not

more hot than a blown up spot

like a teen with a straw in his nose

and a shot gun in his mouth ready and cocked

my brain is overstocked 

like our grocery stores are overstocked "were hungry"

I have a bloody thought 

of a shot up Tupac

that would not talk 

just moan "west coast"

turn off the power to my cell phone 

my eyes change color people call me two tone 

am I really blown why

because I am gone. -TA

Copyright © Todd Aguilar Jr. | Year Posted 2018

Details | Contact Us.Aspx Poem

American Land

What is the cost
or who is the boss 
where is the membership to get in
the real blood of America is native American
those who dance with feathers 
have spears in their hands
their grandparents where the ones 
kicked off their native lands 
I guess it just depends 
on how you look at things and the way money spends
we bleed the same blood we cry the same tears 
what is the color of skin
we are only human we have a right to sin
only when you ask for forgiveness 
is when 
you will be forgiven. -TA

Copyright © Todd Aguilar Jr. | Year Posted 2018


Book: Reflection on the Important Things