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Best Poems Written by Lamech Obare

Below are the all-time best Lamech Obare poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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I thought it was a bed of roses,
I knew it was a gallery of smiles,
I saw marriage a sweetest thing,
Full of love,trust and well being,
I never imagined otherwise.

All in me changed  completely,
When a couple parted ways,
The wife narrated the whole story,
She remembered the torture,pain
And how her husband maimed her daily.

She told me how he was full of infidelity,
She showed me scars all over her body,
She even recalled how she almost lost life,
Marriage to her was just a rite of pain passage,
Her husband was only a warthog in a sheep skin.

Am afraid,am sad,I have lost interest,
If marriage is all about this,let it be,
None will torture my feelings when single,
None will cheat on me and hurt my feelings,
Marriage is harsh,I fear it.

©Poet Igweee.

Copyright © Lamech Obare | Year Posted 2019

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Sucking Love

Gone are the days,
When I really cared,
I only had you,
My sun rose in you,
My earth evolved,
around you.
I never imagined 
a day without you,
You were my queen,
My happiness source,
Am worried if how things
I suddenly became a stranger,
My heart bleeds,
My body suffers a syndrome,
Yes Lovelaria.

©Poet Igweee

Copyright © Lamech Obare | Year Posted 2019

Details | Lamech Obare Poem

To My Future Bride

Dear future wife,
Incase you wanna be in my life,
I got some irreducible minimums,
Of which you should have to maximums,
I aint making life hard for you,
But instead offering a leakage for you,
With these,life will be a success,
Joy,love,laughter will be in excess,
So my bride to be,take note.

First,am an Igweee,Yeah,I got chieftancy,
People do respect my wisdom with great fancy,
So be a role model too,imitate me,
Always help in decision making for me,
I am a man of the people,
Visitors will be many,serve them sans feeble,
Hospitality is the biggest feature,
Portray it as it will help you mature,
So my bride to be,take note.

Personally,i love Rhumba music,
Without it i just get nosic,
When bored,lure me not,
Instead,play Rhumba at a high note,
Or sing for me Fatimata,
And all will be a done matter,
I know you like pop songs,
Worry less,hubby will influence your sings,
So my bride,take note.

Bride,let your dressing be decent,
Wear dresses,pants of the recent,
Always dress spickly and span,
As this will increase our love span,
Dress not like our grandmothers,
Wear fitting,short dresses like feathers,
Am your hubby,i must enjoy,
Seeing you in sexy dresses envoy,
So my bride to be,take note.

Lastly,let respect prevail,
Early always yourself avail,
Cooks should be always tasty,
Incase you tired,call for help besty,
I will help you cook,
For marriage is a mirrored look,
Frequent outings will be a surprise,
Even after our family gets to rise,
So my bride to be,take note.

Poet Igweee

Copyright © Lamech Obare | Year Posted 2018

Details | Lamech Obare Poem

Broken Covenant

I made a covenant with my eyes,
Never to look lustfully at the thighs,
Not to look suggestively at a lady,
Not to admire her pulchritudinous body,
What has happened now..,
I find myself sinning in a row,
Am selling my eyes ooh,come buy them naah!

I assured myself not to utter,
Anything of romance as it would be bitter,
I promised to see all ladies as my sister,
Never to seduce,allure them, but sisterly utter,
Everything has changed,
Satan,his angels have my mind mingled,
Am selling my eyes ooh,come buy them naah!

Whenever I see a lady,I become hot,
My eyes see a beautiful lady,a sister not,
They conjoin the brain to admire,
I find myself salivating, and a phone number, I acquire,
I say I will text her bible verses,
But the conspiracy in me bring love advances,
Am selling my eyes ooh,come buy them naah!

At times,am sitted planless,
A lady passes,my eyes pop out in questness,
They make me call the damsel,
Witnessing as I prepare my journey to hell,
Instead of preventing me from sinning,
They always see every skirt stunning,
Am selling my eyes ooh,come buy them naah!

Enough is enough,am damn tired,
Females have nicknamed me a sex bud,
A womaniser is my new noun,
Leave alone seductor which is my pronoun,
Can't I not live in peace,
Or are they a necessity for being at ease,
Am selling my eyes ooh,come buy them naah!

Eyes have produced killer kings,
Made them sin with rings,
Are they not eyes that made king David,
see Bathsheba full with beauty gravid,
And conspirated to make her husband killed,
As he enjoys what his eyes reaped,
Am selling my eyes ooh,come buy them naah!

How I wish my eyes be lustfulless,
In every last they see,ugliness,
In every skirt around,tightless,
In every girl child creations, bootyless,
For every thighs seen,smoothless,
And for an engagement with my brain to sin,cordless,
Am selling my eyes ooh,come buy them naah!

Dear Lord, I know have sinned greatly,
Fallen short of your glory broadly,
I beg for another chance,
To revive and change for once,
Help me God,let me be prayerful,
As I train my eyes not be lustful,
Am selling my eyes ooh, come buy them naah!


Copyright © Lamech Obare | Year Posted 2018

Details | Lamech Obare Poem

The Future Is Female

Hold on your horses!
Did you just say that women can't?
Did I hear you say that they are inferior?
Or did you just call them household helpers?

Gone are the days when women did nothing,
Gone are them days when housewives was their career,
Gone is the era when their existence was to please men,
Gone is the slogan that women can do what men tell them to.

Women can make earth a better place even better,
Look what  Joyce Banda did,a greatest leader of all times,
Take a look at Winnie Madkizela,a greatest force in Anti-Apartheid,
Look at what Ellen Johnson Sirleaf did,isn't it credit-worthy?

We need more Maya Angelous in poetry,
We need more Chimamandas in literary works,
We need more females who can think freely and talk their minds,
We need a generation where women's voices will be heard.

This will come to pass if only we embrace change,
This will only happen if we decolonize our minds from male chauvinism,
And this will begin from empowering our sisters,
For one that educates a girl educates a community.
©Poet Igweee

Copyright © Lamech Obare | Year Posted 2019

Details | Lamech Obare Poem

Spare Me the Knife and the Bed

I only asked for a pen,not a ,p*nis,
I only ask you to touch the books,not my boobs,
I need school fees,not the bride price,
Please,give me education, but not ejaculation,
Use the knife to cut veges,but not my body part,
Am a girl,I need to venture far,like your boy.

I have dreams to achieve fully,
I need to give education myself wholely,
I need to be the best lawyer too,
I need to be a doctor like Kiptoo,
Empowerment is not on beds,
Or with old aged buddies as the reds,
Protect me,let me prosper.

You need to get me mutilated,
You want to force me get married,
Its wrong and you know it,
With mutilation,my future will be unlit,
Bleeding to death,difficult to parturate,
Will be among my worst scary fate,
Champion for my rights,I need a life.

Remember what happened to Shashan,
She got married to the old Mishan,
At a tender age of ten,
After being cut by then,
She conceived,carried it with difficulties,
And at last she encountered the fatalities,
She died a young soul.

Days have gone by now,
Its the 21st century in a row,
The past culture sucks,
Don't be blinded by fast bucks,
Let them in skirts be free,
Let their ambitions be a spree,
For what them in trousers are capable,them in skirts are pros..

Flee our girls,FGM kills,early marriages kills completely.
©Poet Igweee

Copyright © Lamech Obare | Year Posted 2019

Details | Lamech Obare Poem

The Pyramid of Life

Lack today,
Borrow the following day,
Friends laugh at you on the way,
Simply because their class is high for your sway,
Worry less,that’s the pyramid of life,that is full of prey,
Soon it will end,your class will rise,things will change as you pray,
God doesn’t leave a faithful servant to suffer and live in life full of nay,
No matter how dark,painful,stressful a night may be,a promising morn gives way,
So relax,never give up on God,wait,His timing is always the best,
When He says yes,no man can say no,He will make you blest,
And leave all your enemies worried with the rest,
There is beautiness in being in the Lord’s nest,
In His presence,no more suffering quest,
His love,grace, forever endureth,
Despice not one with faith,
Treat all peoples equally,
For He who gives daily,
Can make you lack,
Please change,
Love others,


Copyright © Lamech Obare | Year Posted 2018

Details | Lamech Obare Poem

Home,The Best

I miss home,
Home where am cordially welcome,
I miss the best treats,
Treats like that of a king,
Ooh Mama,am coming home soon.

The roasted giraffe meat,
The boiled duck eggs to eat,
I yearn for the cassava,
I miss the finest millet,
Ooh No,I miss my home.

The guavas are now ripe,
The mangoes are in plenty,
Can't forget the sweet potatoes,
And the tasty ground nuts,
Ooh,how I long to be at home.

I miss my skin garments,
The ones here are a torment,
My open sandals too
The shoes here makes me sick,
Cant wait to be in them.

Good gracious,
Soon am coming home,
Home where I belong,
Home where am needed,
I promise,I will forever stay.

Poet Igweee...

Copyright © Lamech Obare | Year Posted 2018

Details | Lamech Obare Poem

When Ladies Were

I wish time could reverse back,
And bring the older days flashback,
When ladies were real women,
Who could work smart like men,
And provide all needs for the family,
Without complaining of the tiredness lily,
Old is gold,ladies,seek advice.

Gone are the best times,
When ladies could sing song rhymes,
While carrying water pots on their head,
Planning what the family will take overhead,
Ensuring everybody is satisfied,
Without being so notified,
Old is gold,ladies, seek advice.

They had respect for everyone,
The husband was the one and only one,
The head of the entire family,
Who was treated with respect fully,
His food was always timely and special,
Simply because he had a wife material,
Old is gold,ladies,seek advice.

Dressings were very decent,
Leave alone the clothes of the recent, 
Exposing a body was a taboo,
Contrary to the current ones full of tatoo,
They never wore tight clothings,
Their goodies were deeply in the fittings,
Old is gold,ladies,seek advice.

During marriage, a lot was followed,
First, hard work was highly allowed,
Lazy wives were a total disgrace,
And never got any love embrace,
Good character was a virtue,
It spiced the marriage course due,
Old is gold,ladies,seek advice.

Virginity was so precious,
Current ladies say losing it is obvious,
They can't recall their hymens intact,
Saying practice makes perfect is a fact,
And unbroken virginity is boring,
Coz you need an early training,
Old is gold,ladies,seek advice.

Alcohol to them was an abomination,
Any suspected drinking attracted excommunication,
But nowadays drinking is a norm,
Ladies take all sorts of wine and call it a reform,
Soon they will give birth to skinny babies,
As opposed to the older days non-alcoholic ladies,
Old is gold,ladies, seek advice.

A decent lady will never take drugs,
A sane one will take milk from mugs,
A responsible lady will never expose her body,
Instead she will keep it safe for somebody,
She will stay in the house,watch over her kids,
Instead of being in clubs,smoking and opening lids,
Old is gold,ladies, seek advice.

Dear sisters,future mothers,
Take your time,think on the life matters,
Visit the older mothers bigger than you,
Let them teach and be a role model to you,
Follow their worthy life changing teachings,
And after it will follow a life of blessings,
Old is gold,ladies,seek advice.


Copyright © Lamech Obare | Year Posted 2018

Details | Lamech Obare Poem


I recall it vividly,
Like it were yesterday,
I remember well when depression almost took my life,
I recall how I became thin,thinner and thinnest,
I can tell how my close associates raised an alarm health wise,
Mine was a polite reply of how I was well,
But deep down was a tattered that needed 'repair."

It's still fresh in my mind,
How I made Chlorpheniramine my buddy,
How Promethazine was my breakfast,
And amitryptilline formed a better spice of my dinner,
I can't tell the amount,dose taken but I bet it was excess,
All this were undertakings to just forget and forgo,
Only heavens can tell nastiness of the ordeal.

Man liveth not on bread alone but I only knew of bread alone,
I slept on it,dreamt of it for it was all I knew,
Cake is sweeter but well baked bread surpassed the sweetness,
Expiry date knocked  and it grew moulds sans me knowing,
I realized it after the L double O became my frequency,
The bread was long gone bad,
Too late I couldn't reverse it.

Am now here,sitted with my writing pad,pen and ink,
With me is a cup of coffee which is an inseparable of me,
 A thought of the above just crisscrossed my mind,
It deepened and brought memories courtesy of val cruise,
No,I should forget of it,yes I let it go,
But again,memories,pseupseudo-everything,pseudo-everything...
Oups!!Am sorry,have been dreaming!

©Poet Igweee...

Copyright © Lamech Obare | Year Posted 2019


Book: Shattered Sighs