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Best Poems Written by Theresa Dunn

Below are the all-time best Theresa Dunn poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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You’ve been gone almost seven years but that doesn’t mean I don’t cry sad tears. You raised ten kids all by yourself,I’m glad you’re my mom and not anyone else.Food on the table and clothes in the dryer. I heard you yell shit cause you got burnt by the fryer.Seven boys and three girls you made us your world.We never had to worry because you took care of things.The roof over our heads to shoes on our feet there wasn’t an obstacle you couldn’t defeat. You were a strong woman and I wish that was me but I’m not the woman I used to be. You warned me yes that’s true but just remember I’m not you.I don’t hold a candle to the woman you were ,just being your daughter was enough for me, and growing up happy.So raise your glass for Shirley Dunn a hell of a woman whose battle is done.She flies with the angels up in heaven you see and checks on me every so often on me. I love and miss you so very much,I guess you always were my crutch.No pain or worries left to fret.Just visit me sometimes, I know when you are near,you say I love Baby Girl momma’s here.

Copyright © Theresa Dunn | Year Posted 2018

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Number 8

I am child number 8 out of 10 children 7 brothers and 2 sisters, and yes from the same Mrs. and Mr.
       Number 9 is my twin brother fraternal not identical but the same non the less.
      Bubby is the oldest then there is Randy ,Roy ,Pam and John, Julie ,Brian, Me ,Gary and finally Mark.
         It was kaotic growing up and you can probably imagine.So many characters under one roof.Im surprised my mom didn't drink or do drugs, thank goodness for that because we needed her hugs.
           It was hard for sure but I would never trade them for a million dollars,boy we could make mom holler.
             I miss those times with my siblings, some don't speak or visit anymore, after Mom passed it was like a slamming door.
         Mom was the glue that held it together with her being gone that glue weathered.
            I am guilty myself and am sad that it happened, I miss so much, I just wish we would keep in touch.
           I love you guys with all my heart and am truly sorry we fell apart.
          There is always tomorrow that we can reach out, You know me I'm always here forever and a day,
                    Love Theresa and can't wait to say hey!

Copyright © Theresa Dunn | Year Posted 2018

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Butterfly where are you at? The weather is getting warmer, hopefully I will see you when I turn the corner.With your wing's so big and bright you look like an angel taking flight.You remind me of loved ones passed, like my Grandmother who is gone. I put a blue butterfly Barrett in her pocket and I have never forgotten. I love you Butterfly you are my favorite, so pure and majestic.You remind me of hope and fairy tales, like a boat in the ocean the wind blowing in the sails. I will never forget you as long as you fly, you are my favorite my angel butterfly.

Copyright © Theresa Dunn | Year Posted 2018

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I am a twin not identical we are frateral
A boy and a girl sixteen minutes apart
Sharing the same womb for nine months
We are similar in ways but are opposites as well
Not close at all like you would think
He thinks he knows it all but really he knows nothing
So dear twin let me let you in on a little something.
You are my brother and I will always love you with all my heart
You are hurtful and mean the older you get and one day you will regret living in the past
Our time here is limited and won't last forever
I guess our bond was weak and severed
Just remember if God forgives and so do I
Before it's to late maybe you should give it a try

Copyright © Theresa Dunn | Year Posted 2018

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Brian Keith

My son Brian is a special fellow, with just his smile he can turn my darkest days brighter than the brightest yellow.
He sees the good in everyone and will make you feel love down deep in your heart.If I would ever lose him my life would be ripped apart.
Brian has Down's and has struggled most of his life and does things he was told he could never do, so many surgeries and obstacles to go through.
He has proven so many wrong with just being alive and goes through life with a smile on his face and love in his heart, he always welcomes you with a hi.
Brian is my best friend and right hand man. I can never imagine him leaving my side, I swear I will run and hide away from love and everyone around just stay to myself and forever wear a frown.

Copyright © Theresa Dunn | Year Posted 2018

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Peachie Birthday

You are my children's mawmaw and my mother n law for 19 years now.
          I love and appreciate you more tha known you will ever know 
          You have provided for us when we had nothing and somehow always came up with something.
            We have our little spats and give me reality checks when I need them. you let me know your concerns, It's only because you care and want me to learn 
             My mom is gone but I'm sure she is glad that I have you when I am sad 
               I just want you to know that you are the best and so much more than the rest.

Copyright © Theresa Dunn | Year Posted 2018

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Why do people live in the past? That's probably why relationships don't last.
Live in the present and towards the future
You dwell on the old because it's all you know.People do sometimes learn and grow
Maybe one day you will learn that everyone has skeletons to hide.Even you have made mistakes,but who am I to judge? I am not God and neither are you brother
So just remember what you said and I will never bother you again

Copyright © Theresa Dunn | Year Posted 2018

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My anxiety level is getting up there, but why would you care? Your feeling good as if you could fly, well damn you're always High.
Your going to cause me to have a heart attack and it will come quick with no warning like a slap in the face like a Monday morning.
        The pain in my chest is getting harder to bare, which is making me a little scared.You brush it off and call me a pussy, Yes I have one but it's mine not yours,is that why your always calling me a whore?
           I'd like to beat you with a two by four but probably go to jail cause this means war!
           Our life sucks but you blame it on me but who's getting high in the building?
          You say control it but it controls you and makes you look like a fool.
           When will you learn you are not Unstoppable cause that shits got you comfortable I don't know what to tell you cause you messed it up, Me our children with little ease.
             A grown man still trying to be a teenager anymore you're just a stranger.So be one of them for the rest of your life and you ignore us both day and night.
              Open your eyes dude your being played, probably all those lines you give away.It gets in the way of my daily routine, damn you make me want to scream.That shit don't do nothing for me but fights in the middle of the night 
           Waking up my kids scared to death and I'm tired of it! When it rains it pours and we can't take it anymore I'm not going to ask you to choose cause more than likely were going to lose.
             Take care of yourself you need to for sure who knows you might be sleeping with a whore,I'm done with this cause it makes me sick.Say la ve and safe travels cause soon you will be under the gravel with a stone that says"Here lies Brian,he was a good man at one time"

Copyright © Theresa Dunn | Year Posted 2018

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Three Sisters

Three sisters we are but sometimes a little far from the the bond we should share.
          Pam is the oldest Julie is the middle and Theresa which is me the youngest sisterl 
            We all have had our spits and spats but my love never faded because of that.
                Maybe some anger and hurt along the way but just so you know,
                         Three Sisters we will stay.

Copyright © Theresa Dunn | Year Posted 2018

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Stronger Than You Think

We are stronger than you think,, our trials and tribulations 
We have lost everything we own in two floods, finally owning our own home and not having that feeling of stability cause we can't pay to keep the utilities 
Addicts, theives and hoodlums trying to unravel our world, trying to move us out. 
Well we bought their to, they should just go back to their crazy zoo
We are stronger than you think, never giving up with whatever comes our way 
Twenty years together and still we make it through the stormiest weather 
We have each other and work together and that makes us stronger than you think

Copyright © Theresa Dunn | Year Posted 2019


Book: Shattered Sighs