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Best Poems Written by Chris Ron

Below are the all-time best Chris Ron poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Heart In My Mouth

Walking down the aisle
Thinking about a while
Looked up saw you standing by
A moment so jubilant still wanted to cry
Had seen belles so many times
But why, why it happened this time
That my heart was in my mouth
The palpitations I felt 
With those feelings I dealt
You turned your head, glanced at me
Went by my side with so ease
Wanted to beg and say please
Tell me something your address your name
Would have sounded so lame

Moments passed so did my life
Even forgot your face 
but remembered that fateful day
When my heart was in my mouth
You headed north and I headed south

But once more he gave me a shot
Saw you again and it was all plot
Me falling from height
Can tell wasn't right
A moment so ecstatic yet so plight
But again my heart was in my mouth
Again you headed north and I headed  south

Now I know your name 
But will things ever be the same
Can't hold it back anymore
Have stepped into the door
Which has been locked
You crooked me my thoughts are blocked 
By the smile of yours
That moment I just want to pause
Still happy will always be
Is it normal I just can't see
This feeling is pure bliss
Will surely admit 
Yes unrequited it is

Copyright © Chris Ron | Year Posted 2018

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If I Fade

If I fade will you still be
The person that looked at me
With fondness that was inexplicable
And love that was impeccable

If I fade will you remember 
The days when we remained apart
But knew what was happening in each others heart.

If I fade will you go to places
That was once a dwelling of the memories of our past 
And smile with the nostalgic moments
That made our love long that last.

If I fade please do not lament
Because what lies in past can’t be undone 
But move towards eternity without disruption
Cause you were to me a song 
That could never be complete 
and even the most prepossessing words were obsolete

If I fade I’ll try to communicate 
But it will be arduous cause I am leaving the gate
That stand separating  the bond that we shared
To complete the journey that lord creates
Nobody can exterminate  my reminiscence and love
Look into the stars I'll be above

Copyright © Chris Ron | Year Posted 2017

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Vanquish Your Fears

Vanquish your fears cause you can do 
What others haven't even imagined in their wildest dreams,
You need to become illustrious and bold
And nobody will ever hold,
a command on you and nothing will ever be told
wake up and rise what you think will remain as thoughts,
there are others fighting for a cause

A cause that is unknown 
but as humongous as a rock
Nobody will strain you 
If you disregard what happened in the past 
Cause your resounding work will everlast
The greatest tombs that stand 
In the muddy deserts hands.

Remember the pain you faced
Cause it will give you elation when you are on the place,
From where success is not debarred and you hold the key to the hall of fame
And your milieu will never be the same.

You are stoic, you are Hercules
Cause you remained apart 
From the extravagant environment that was at ease.
The people that looked at you with disgust
will be covered in rust,
Seeing the giant leap you made
Everything you conquered will lie in a shade,
Apart from scorching heat of the sun 
That once tried to exhaust you when your work is outdone

If you vanquish your fears 
There will remain no tears
That will be an obstacle
And for posterity your work will be a chronical
Till then I'll pray
That you never fall astray
And are filled with hope 
Cause your life will be a slope 
From climbing back is unfeasible 
But sliding down you will see
What triumph is meant to be!

Copyright © Chris Ron | Year Posted 2017

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Did I Waste

Did I waste the life
That was given to me 
By the almighty
To have a vision and fortitude
And help others 
To develop the same and be resolute

Did I waste even that single moment 
That could change the course of my destiny 
rather I am covered with dust 
Dust of the earned wings of 
my friends and kin
who have achieved everything

Did I lose hope when I needed it the most
And now that aftermath has become a ghost
That keeps haunting me even when I am awake
Pondering on what went askew in the past
And why my dreams didn’t last

Did I let it go in vain 
stress and strain my father faced
who waited for so long for his son to be
what others neither envisaged nor could see

Deep down me a voice so muffled
Whispers to me
Don’t lament on what lies behind
Don’t sob  everything will be fine
You are just eighteen , 
there is more for you to be seen
Countless trophies to collect
And all that died within you will resurrect
You can still be the man you want to be
 but now alter the way you believe 
And now you are not naive
You can be the man with head held up high
And on that day your father will sigh 
A sigh of relief
Because his efforts did not go in vain
And you won’t see that pain
That he faced all those years 
Preserve those tears of joy
that fall from his eyes
They will be for you a treasured prize

Copyright © Chris Ron | Year Posted 2017

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Fallen For Your Eyes

Once a man who had no belief 
Love was nugatory, too obsolete 
No worries, no design.
But his heart did rine 
When saw those blissful eyes
How could it be ?
The beauty that lies 
He had fallen for her eyes

Roughed up his mind, recasted his soul
Beauty that was untold
The mist of the clouds 
The glitter of the sun rays
What she possessed was exceedingly to be praised
He was bewildered 
His heart racing loud
Mystic was the place where his demiurge rise
He had fallen for her eyes

He intended to say what he felt 
To shatter those clutches that withheld 
Amidst in the crowd, went towards her 
Heart pumping loud, rid of all fear
How could you possess me with your eyes 
Inexplainble serenity in them lies 
I had undermined the competence of love 
Speaking it out loud ....
There is a bond that ties 
I have fallen for your eyes .

Copyright © Chris Ron | Year Posted 2017

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Thinking Too Much

I have been thinking too much
These thoughts as such
Are both filled with happiness and agony
What I think sometimes seems so worthless,
sometimes my ideas seem priceless

Things that fascinate
What is that and from where does it all emanate
Is it me or everyone else 
The idea my mind sells
You are ignorant and reckless
There are very thoughtful beings 
And now I am seeing 
Not mere thoughts but everything
From demons to gods,
from beauties to disgusting thoughts

The nature is dual
And it seems to me so cruel
These thoughts often kill me
from some I am resurrected, 
some are uncouth
and from some I am corrected

Often failed in events that never happened
The real voice of my soul is dampened 
I pray for a saviour
Cause this is repetitive and I am in labour

I have been thinking too much
Thinking things as such
That the world will end
Hope the demons inside my head stop screaming
And I wake up realizing that I was dreaming

Copyright © Chris Ron | Year Posted 2018

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Defeated By Fate

I was defeated in a battle 
fought in a place
Distant from where I was raised.
Defeat was certain 
yet hope had the piddling of existence.
Had raised my canons, draped in metal.
Yet the army was nowhere to be seen
Cause this battle was between
a man who had to win what had fallen between crack 
and the fate that had the knack
of snatching everything from him.
Still I clamored the war cry.
And went hand to hand with my nemesis.

I trembled when I saw his visage
Visage of nightmare that you see in your dreadful dreams.
Didn’t disclose his gimmick 
Irrupted upon me.
Parried his attacks, his every move.
Yet his fist struck my head
and knocked me bleeding on the ground.
Mind was in the battle
but body was defeated and covered with wound.
Gave a glance, a glance that to him it seemed victory 
And I would become history.
Covered in gore and with defeat on the verge.
Still there was a surge 
of blood and thoughts.
But when I regained faith
Found that he had departed 
to consume someone of my sort.

Copyright © Chris Ron | Year Posted 2017

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Emptiness resides 
where my heart lies
Sobbing beneath
This plain sheath

I cover it with a smile
Veil it, not to rile
Stumbled due to this world's ploy
Never tasted success, I never felt joy

Ask me what I am?
I would say glass
Because everything like light seems to pass
And breaks it awfully
When stones are pelted brutally

I scream and I cry
Nothing to hide still they pry
I breathe but I am dead
You are an imbecile they said

Even the ones who held my hand in dismay
Now all they say
Follow the world not your heart 
You are so behind because of your lousy start

They brought an end to my dream
I drowned in a shallow stream
Floating at the top of the surface
Nobody cared to even look at the carcass

Please do not leave me I said 
"I won't until you are dead"
Now he and I walk the same way 
Because I begged to emptiness to stay

Copyright © Chris Ron | Year Posted 2018

Book: Shattered Sighs