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Best Poems Written by Kacie Ray

Below are the all-time best Kacie Ray poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Don'T Fall In Love With a Poet

We are the generation
of discontinued imagination.
With our twisting words
you’ll drink in
Our beautiful stories
spun from the nothingness.
Shadows of hope
glimmering in the distance.
Farfetched aspirations
that will never be reached.

We are the hopeless romantics
you all wish you could be.
We are amazing with words
yet terrible with people. 
We know what to say
and when
without missing a beat.
We are dreamers
and wishful thinkers
and procrastinators beyond belief.

We have hope
for things you
cannot fathom achieving.
We are desperate
for approval
yet hard to convince.
Destined for greatness
that will probably be missed
We are the socially anxious,
and descriptive
We are the ones
you wish you could be.

We are heartbreakers
because we are lost.
We are lonely
but happy.
So trust me when I say:
don’t fall in love
with a poet,
unless you are ready
to become one.

Copyright © Kacie Ray | Year Posted 2017

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Do you miss it?

once whispered
into starry nights?
The fading wisps
of color once painted
on a 5am sky?
A cool breeze
blowing away the remains
of summer?

Or hands
lingering in each other
for a second longer than necessary?
A tight embrace
felt for hours
after its end?
The tail end of a kiss
imprinted on lips
for eternity?

What about the last snow flurries
on Christmas Eve?
The faint echo
of a church bell?
The final rip
of wrapping paper
through the house?

Do I miss
the smoke
from flames
long since put out?
A dispersing cloud
of steam on a hot cup
of tea?
The last drip
from a melting icicle?

Do you mean
the final ring
of the clock
at midnight?
The last breath
taken before
A hopeless reach
for the edge of the horizon
on a heartbroken night?

I miss the simplicity
of life.
And days
spent staring at
the sun.

So yes.
I suppose
I do miss it.
I miss it all.

Copyright © Kacie Ray | Year Posted 2017

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An Ode To the Moon and Stars

You ask us to search
for indescribable patterns.
And I do.
So I am
under a clear, black sky,
desperately searching.
Yet I will never find the answer
I am looking for.

The world around me
has become a dark
and desolate place.
Whispering secrets into the ears
of non believers.
Imploring us to
believe that
it is over.

So I sit,
finding hidden messages
written in the sky.
Clouds and sun
suppressing the truth,
telling me
it will never be okay.

I see the whips of clouds
hiding the good.
I see the sun rays
blinding me from malevolence.
I see the blue sky
fighting to keep its secrets.

But I see the moon
and the stars.
And they are clinging to me.
Begging for me to have faith
and listen.
Hoping I won’t give up.

And I know not to fight to live.
Instead, fight to believe.
Because my belief
will not be found
in the contents
of a math book.

So this is an ode
to the moon and stars,
and all that fights for me
in times that my heart is empty.

Copyright © Kacie Ray | Year Posted 2018

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A fireball
burning from within.
Destined to destroy
and you know it.
But don’t stand too close.
You’ll get lost in
her fiery eyes.

She’s an enchantress
but she doesn’t know it.
So captivating
you’re lost in the sea
of her
The words on her tongue
are spell-binding.
Heart twisting,
mind spinning,
soul filling limericks
that have never done more
than reflect her emotions

But every-so-often,
her mouth runs dry.
She breaks.
And you don’t want to be far
when she does.

She’s devastatingly gorgeous.
Heartbreak in a person.
But she’s gentle
and she’s perfect.
A beautiful
who has always been more
than a sum of her parts.

She’s a force to be reckoned with.
Dangerously powerful
yet careful.
She is strong
but unaware
because all she knows is
her imperfections.

She is broken
but that’s okay.
Because like her,
so many strong women
began as broken little girls.

Copyright © Kacie Ray | Year Posted 2017

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When Will I Be Good Enough

When will I ever be good enough?
That one
stupid question
that plagues my dreams
after day
after day
and all I want in this world
is for someone to say
that I’ll be okay.
Even though I know
the whole world is falling apart
and I might never see the sun
rise again.

I want everything to stop.
To slow down
but just for a moment.
I need to breathe
and to not feel
and to release
all of this pent up anxiety.
But I’m sad all the time
and just want to be left alone
because depression is more
than just a word.

It is pain and broken dreams
scattered along the bottom
of a mountain with
carved into the side
of the overhanging cliff
like a leftover nightmare.
Too scared to keep going
and not strong enough
to give up.
Stuck in the middle
hoping someone pulls the trigger
instead of letting you
do it yourself.
When will I finally have had enough?

But if you can’t give up on yourself
it can only be a matter
of mere moments
before someone else decides
that they don’t want you around.
And so
you let their nasty words
snuff out the last shred of hope
that you had left in your
tiny soul.

And you’re not sorry
that you kept trying
but despite everything you told yourself,
you decided to give up
because you knew
they were all right.
Because there is not enough good
to go around in this world.

It is a mess of terrible people
who only have the courage
to say mean things
because they themselves are insecure
about this
and the other thing.
And we all know that life
only gets worse.
So what’s the point anymore?
Why not just give up?

Let the people who said that
I was stupid
and pathetic
and annoying
and broken
Because even though I kept telling myself
they were wrong,
they were right.
And I’ll ever be good enough
to win this fight.

Copyright © Kacie Ray | Year Posted 2017

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Because of You

I watched you
dismantle my dreams
kill my ambitions
without a second thought,
and rip my hopes apart
without breaking a sweat.

You destroyed my sense
of self worth,
picked away at my last shred
of love,
and demolished
my goals
in a single step.

I let you
extinguish the fire in my soul,
listened when you whispered
degrading thoughts
into my ear,
and believed you
when you told me
I was pathetic.

Because of you
I still believe
that I am a worthless ball of anxiety
that no one will ever love
because depression
is not something you can hide
under a mask.

Because of you
I have lost myself
and I have no hope
of ever finding who I was
ever again.

Because of you
I have lost enough
to never need another lesson
in heartbreak

Copyright © Kacie Ray | Year Posted 2017

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The Truth Behind the Broken

I’m Kacie.
Five feet
eight inches
of insanity
trapped in a fifteen year old body
with too much ambition
crammed into the seams.

I’ve got hair darker than obsidian
and eyes deeper than black holes
so trust me when I tell you
not to look too closely.
You’ll drown.

I was born in a generation
that thinks it is cool
to say they want to die
which leaves those of us
who have given up
as background noise to a song
stuck on repeat
which is terrifying as it is.
But look…
here I am.
Still going.

I’m terrified of everything related to
love, hope, and trust,
but have no problem
letting you whisper
your darkest secrets into my ears.
Perhaps that is why
these shoulders I carry
are heavier than the sky.
And yet here I am,
still struggling
to hold them up.

I’m a sucker for blue eyes
and messy caramel hair,
long eyelashes
and goofy smiles.
I fall hard
and fast
for the people who tend to
love me the least,
but hey.
At least I learn my lesson.
Sort of.

My fingers are full
of the words I cannot say,
my feet
the songs I cannot sing,
and my head
the voices of thousands
trapped with nowhere to go.
Which means
I am a poet,
an author,
a dancer,
a daughter,
a friend,
an enemy,
and a hopeless romantic.

I like typewriters
and old country music
and paperback books.
So technically
I’m an old soul,
born in the wrong generation,
and have been left
utterly confused
since the very beginning.
Of course.

I am not the type of girl
people expect me to be.
Which is to say,
I’m not the girl
who slathers on a fake face
to hide insecurities
drilled into her head by society’s
rampant “reality check”.
But I am the one
who hides behind a smile
so people don’t see her bruises.

I’m afraid
that if I show you my scars,
you’ll hand me the razor
and tell me to keep going
while you laugh in the background
and get high
off the scent of my blood.

My name’s Kacie.
I enjoy libraries,
dancing in the rain,
and stories without endings.

I have an impenetrable titanium
wall built around my heart
so no one else can shatter it,
but I don’t allow myself
to tear it down
as often as I should.

My hobbies include
listening to sad songs,
hoping for silence,
and trying to convince myself
that I am someone worth loving.

I don’t know much,
but I do know this:
I’m loud
in times when I should be quiet
and I’ve never stopped fighting
despite all the people
who told me to quit.

And I have taught myself
the meaning of love,
of belief,
and of hope,
without even trying.

Copyright © Kacie Ray | Year Posted 2018

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Growing Up Is Voluntary

i was fifteen
the first time a boy told me i had the grace of snow white

i was fifteen
the first time he told me i had the fierceness of merida

i was fifteen
when he told me i was as kind as cinderella

fifteen was the age of tapering imagination,
tattered ball gowns,
and rotting pumpkin carriages

fifteen was the dawn of paper mache crowns
torn to shreds
when you became too old for disneyland

fifteen was lonely

and yea maybe that was
because fairy godmothers couldn’t wipe away bad GPA’s
and unfinished college resumes
but it was also because i couldn’t have a prince charming
if my ending wasn’t happy

fifteen was the year i needed belle’s love of books
more than i needed merida’s courage
or jasmine’s fire

fifteen was the year i needed anna’s forgiveness
and elsa’s hope

fifteen was the year i spent locked in the tower
hoping someone would let me out
even though i had the key resting in my palm

fifteen was the year i gave up

and i stopped believing in happy endings
because what was happy always ended
but no one really noticed that i had shut them out like elsa
and that i was hiding my insecurities behind bloody ballet shoes
and bruises

and i know that doesnt seem like much
but it was one 
three pairs
and four
six blood stains on satin
before i set down the mop and dusted off my dress

i was fifteen
when i stopped getting older
i was fifteen
when disney became home again

and i was fifteen
the first time a boy told me i was just as adventurous as jasmine
i was fifteen
the first time he told me my eyes held rapunzel’s wonder
i was fifteen
when he told me i had belles love of books

and i was fifteen
the first time i believed him

Copyright © Kacie Ray | Year Posted 2018

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Ten Things You Should Know Before We Date

So i made the mistake of going on a date.
And normally
that wouldn't be a bad thing
except normally i dont go on dates
with the best friend
of the guy i genuinely love.
But anyway.
Usually the first
and only
thing out of my mouth
when i go out with someone tends to be:
hi im kayla
Followed by that insufferable silence that you keep trying to fill
with stories about football
and your sisters ballet shoes.
Except this time those three words were followed by a series of statements
i wish i could shove right back down my throat
because to be honest i really shouldn't be telling you all of these things on a first date anyway.
Especially when the series of statements started out with the phrase:
ten things you should know before we date
as if i actually expected this to last.
my favorite color is green.
Not forest green or lime green
but the green that you see when you look deep into your best friends perfectly blue eyes
and discover a flaw in them.
The green that you can't help but be captivated by
because you didn't expect it to be so stunning.
i am a sucker for blue eyes and messy caramel hair
which means i love the small details about people.
And that's the problem.
I focus on the details
rather than the big picture
and end up missing the whole movie.
I am broken
which means that
i have a road map tattooed on my upper thighs
and the color’s too light to be ink
and too white to be stretch marks.
i am terrified of everything related to love hope and trust
because it only takes one to push you past your breaking point.
And trust me you don't want to get there.
i am a poet
so i hope you can decode my web of letters
that create masterfully woven stories of indescribable pain.
I am terrified of heights
but not afraid of falling.
So if i fall for you
make sure i'm not up too high.
The last thing you want me to do
is shatter us both when i land.
I am clingy
and i won't be the one to let go first
so if you're done with me make it clear
because i wont see the hints.
i am an old soul.
So when you catch me staring at a typewriter
or handwriting letters in cursive so intricate it could be an embroidery design
just smile and walk away.
Chances are i'm lost somewhere around nineteen fifty two 
and my hair is in curlers
with red lipstick kisses marking my envelopes.
But because i'm an old soul
i don't quite know where i belong just yet.
So ten
Don't let me get lost
before i get to explore the things every girl should see.

Copyright © Kacie Ray | Year Posted 2018

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The Color I Never Knew I Needed

My favorite colors
were yellow
and blue.

Yellow for joy
and wildflowers
and sun.

Blue for content
and the crashing of waves
on an endless beach.

My favorite colors
were yellow
and blue.

And now?
Now they are you.

Because you
are the spirals of everything.
Paint flecks
sprinkled across endlessness.
Stardust dribbled
on a night sky.
in the ever-most subtle ways.

The indescribable feeling you get
right before falling.
Stomach twisting and giddy.

Now my favorite color
is ocean blue,
pitch black night sky
speckled with silver,
storm clouds,
distressed wood against rusted metal,
pink rose petals,
and love letters.

My favorite color
is the impossible shade
of perfection.
Staring into the eyes of oblivion.

My favorite color…
My favorite color is everything.

It is looking at you
and seeing nothing
but hope
and love
and adventure
and a lifetime worth of happiness.
It’s joy and fear
mixed into a captivating landscape.

My favorite color
is a rainbow slammed against a wall,
twisted into a kaleidoscope
of random.

It is
It is the impossible.
It is you.

Copyright © Kacie Ray | Year Posted 2018


Book: Shattered Sighs