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Best Poems Written by Juana Guillen

Below are the all-time best Juana Guillen poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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I Am An Alien

I’m an alien
From a poor country
 A refugee in a rich country
From a far away third world country
Where corruption as cancer is spread every where
And people starve of hunger.
Within frontiers at El Salvador,
Nicaragua, Guatemala.

Refugees like me come and go
Through the frontiers to Mexico, USA, Europe. 

There is a great difference in the world
 Between rich and poor countries 
Holland is a European rich country 
The older you get the most isolated discriminated you feel.

As in Honduras in Holland there is unemployment.
Families are unable to fulfill their basic needs for their kids.
You can protest it won’t help!
There’s Unemployment, drug addiction 
As cancer poverty spread everywhere in the veins of third world countries. 

People are searching in the garbage.
Can you explain me this difference?
Does it make any sense?

Copyright © Juana Guillen | Year Posted 2008

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Water moves continually Over land, evaporation and transpiration 
common chemical substance 
essential to all forms of life 
 the substance  has a solid state, ice,
 and a gaseous state, water vapor.
About 1,460 teratonnes (Tt) of water covers 71% of the Earth's surface, 
 in oceans and other large water bodies, 
with 1.6% of water below ground in aquifers 
and 0.001% in the air as vapor, 
clouds (formed of solid and liquid water particles suspended in air), 
and precipitation.
Can cause hurricanes when global warming extends 
entire villages left submerged as in people's streets

Earth's water is contained 
within man-made and natural objects 
near the Earth's surface as water towers, 
animal and plant bodies, manufactured products, and food stores.
Water moves continually 
Saltwater oceans hold ing 97% of surface water,
 glaciers and polar ice caps 2.4%, 
and other land surface water such as rivers and lakes 0.6%.
Water moves continually 
 Water moves continually through a cycle of evaporation or transpiration, 
precipitation, and runoff, reaching the sea. 

Water moves continually over land 
Winds carry water vapor over land 
at the same rate as runoff into the sea, 
about 36 Tt per year.
Over land, evaporation and transpiration 
contribute another 71 Tt per year to the precipitation 
of 107 Tt per year over land. 
Some water is trapped 
for varying periods in ice caps, glaciers, aquifers, or in lakes, 
 providing fresh water for life on land. 

Clean, fresh water is essential to human and other life.
In many parts of the world, it is in short supply.
 Many organic molecules as well as salts, sugars,
 acids, alkalis, and some gases (especially oxygen), are soluble in water.
Water is essential for all life on Earth.

Humans can survive for several weeks without food, 
but for only a few days without water. 
more than one billion people
 in low and middle-income countries
 lack access to safe water for drinking, 
personal hygiene and domestic use.
more than 20 percent of the world’s people. 
 close to 2 billion people 
did not have access to adequate sanitation facilities.
leading causes of morbidity 
and mortality in low- and middle-income countries, frequently called developing 

 over 1.1 billion people are currently without safe drinking water.

Copyright © Juana Guillen | Year Posted 2007

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Spirit whose work is done
The produce of my poetry
A scented gift 
Bearing the present moment.

I´m unable to make a living from my poetry
Even though i would not freeze in most 
In any winter
In the market of ignorance
Since i´m a poor poet
I can´t do some shopping.

I travel fast drawing in woodland the path
We spend our lives in conceiving
The divine of God himself.
Culminate in the present moment
The charachter of truth
Revealing the circumstances
The offence for which someone was murdered-.

I will briefly narrate another crime
As E. A Poe 
Whose work is like Homer
Which occurred about the same time
As the murdered of love
The characters of the truth 
Revealing from the circumstances
The offence for which someone was murdered.

Whilst I´m detailing bloody deeds
Proof and evidence
Which took place during my stay in this building
Where everyday the  butcher puts off his killing clothes
Or sharpens his knife
Enjoying his repartee and art of robbery.

That I have told you nothing about crime 
That is not true!
I told you everything about serious literature
You      most pardon me if i repeat
That remark now 
And then this letters infamic realistic literature

I want you to take seriously the things i´m telling you
And feel that if i were in your place
And you in mine
But when i wrote the metamorphose
The law of life in the trial
I walked in a desert
And experiment misery in the castle
That night
Whether one look ahead with fear 
Or anticipation 
The German war machine
The ghost in the machine
Mussolini in Italy
Hitler in Germany.

Rather than actual reflexion of reality
The workers of the world
Whose spirit of the the world
I guess is the handkerchif of the lord
A scented gift and rembrancer designedly dropt
In the corners
That we may see and remark and say :whose? Balzac

Or i guess the grass is itself a child of Dickens
The produce babe of vegetation.
Zola the new balzac

From the agency of change becomes the multitude
A rainbow coalition of fragmented identities
In nature there are two types of parasites:
The first is the plant which attaches itself to another plant
And steals food from the host.
The second type is a minute
Living organism which invades 
and grows within plant
Or animal tissue and obtains its nourishment from it.

As the system presses against its natural limits

Copyright © Juana Guillen | Year Posted 2008

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Children At Risk

Children At Risk
children are at risk when they can 
physically hold a gun
forced recruitment of guerrilla groups
is not unknown
and occurs mainly in the third world
some return home
with help of pulleys 
and improvised shear legs 
with difficulty are able to move
the fallen portion of their bodies
mutilated by mines
in the lost cities of African
South America
they were capable physically to hold a gun
now if opportunity
they can take a pencil and a paper
and go to school
to learn how to read and write

Copyright © Juana Guillen | Year Posted 2008

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I Have Read

I have read about the destruction of jerusalem
But i do not think the mortality was greater than  in Mexico
When Cortez heard
that Monteczuma was approaching
Speaking through Malinche he hung round emperor montezuma´s neck a falze 
And he attempted to embrace him
But the scort composed of great princes gasped Cortez arm to prevent him
For they considered this an indignity.

After eating a sumptuous dinner in a native style
Montezuma ordered the lords of Texcoco and Coyoacan to show him his 

Large houses capable of accomodating all the soldiers and horseman
And artillery in a convenient spot.

After the capture of the Emperor
When he demanded the emperor the treasure from Guatemoc
It rain and thundered that evening 
And the lighting flashed
And up to midnight heavier rain fell than usuall
The lake was full of heads and corpses

Cortes ordered a banquet to celebrate
The capture of the city
And plenty of wine from Spain 
And also some pigs brought from Cuba

Unaccustomed terror the voyage of discovery
It must seem very strange that after many battles
Cruel deaths was  inflicted
Before the aztec eyes multitude
And was torture a prince as Guatemoc for greed of gold
all the gold and silver and jewels were collected together.

While cortes has taken a king´s lodged in a palace with white washed walls
On which it was easy to write with charcoal and ink
And everymorning malicious remarks appeared
Some in verse
Some in prose
In the manner of lampoons.

One said the sun
The stars
And earth
And sea followed their courses,
And if they ever deviated from the plane
For which they were created
Soon reverted to their original place
As a aztec goddess jade skirts swiming in blood.

According to Diaz this was Nov 7 ,1519. 
And after that they went to Florida,
What is now call California, Texas, 
And Peru.

Copyright © Juana Guillen | Year Posted 2008

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Persons Responsible For Violations

in the territory 
of former Yugoslavia there are some war crimes
in the territory of former Yugoslavian crimes are the subject 
and persons are responsible of mass graves
in the territory of former Yugoslavic
individual and institutional 
racist behavior 
are responsible for the greatest violations of human rights 
in the territory of former Yugoslavia as around the world directly -
indirectly you can buy an express ticket
at the tourist information
and behind the rail way station
read the names of those responsible
of war crimes around the world
you can as well visit another country
buy another rail ticket
to German then the culture of silence
may build another wall around you

Copyright ©2008  Juana Semiramis Guillen

Copyright © Juana Guillen | Year Posted 2008

Details | Juana Guillen Poem


There are a lot of different breeds.

A dog is a very common
four legged-animal
 often kept by people,
used to guard or hunt  
but this female is compare
 with Einstein and other genius
mix with doberman
was used in Panama
as founder of Noriega mass graves.

When  ferocious barking
 up the wrong tree
is reward by her mon (a woman).
This forensic dog
 is a great holiday spender,
eats lot´s of pizzas
and can replace
men in his job.

Copyright © Juana Guillen | Year Posted 2008

Details | Juana Guillen Poem


Oh worm
Earth was freedom
Hear the voice, turn away no more.

Hymn to beauty for the mob: the rights of man
I´ll sing you a song: 
Men are born equal and free!

Which nobody can deny their rights in a Republic
A pretty cargo that nobody can deny,
Our constitutions.

Sweet the noble savage meet has sour souce.

The vanity and presumtion of governing
Beyond the grave the eternal laws of god
was the most ridiculous
And insolent of all tyrannies.

To bind 
Or control
In any shape whatever
Without having no longer any participation.
No authority in directing its government
Or how to administrated the nation source of sovereignity.
An american indian made slave 
Is the example of the Inhumanity of human trade
In the concerns of this world as under the labor laws kids all over the world
Are employed as slaves in Colombia, India, Africa, Azia.

Of liberty and rights I sing: freedom.

Little lamb
The right to pay no taxes
The right to raise a mob or riot
The liberty to overturn the state 
The right to break through all the nations laws
Let all be equal.
For The oppressed, the injustice of the law is an example
Every man my brother was made
 to why have one property and not another?

Then hail to libery 
Reform and riot
Against the crystal cabinet
The laws that oppress the poor are unjust.

The poor people of the world unit
On the rejection of the bill for abolishing injustice.
Sears the young heart to images of woe
Injured women, rise , assert the right!
The miseries of man return 
Too long degraded, scorned, oppressed
The multitude
Go gird
Of bright artillery
Conquest or rule
Outline the situation
What nature hast left common
The inhabitant of those cities the mental traveler.
And never forget our history.

Copyright © Juana Guillen | Year Posted 2008

Details | Juana Guillen Poem


All started when Victor Kugler is at the office
And hears noise at the stairs 
open the door seeing a German uniform.

The train of death in between the silence of the landscape
 transporting human beings is leaving from the station.
The train of death is riding 
in between the country side 
carrying goods and prisoners of war
is 8 August 1944. 
The train doors are close 8 people are in.
Ana looks outside the train stop.
She became 15 and got presents at the behind 
house and that last page is dated 1 august 1944

The train is riding with Margot
The noise is loud in Amsterdam
The silence noise is loud in Germany,
home was Holland in 1934-1939,
and Zandvoort summertime with Mrs: Schneider
and at the Montessori school.

There is war and occupation 
then the capitulations and the law
that  was 
each Jew most wears a star.
That’s how Ana frank and her family 
Arrived in Holland
The collaborators members of the NBS the Dutch Nazi party 
had in 1941 this national socialist movement 100.000 members 
and 20.000 Dutch served the German army.
Against the Russian front at the oostfront
because the Nazis wanted every Jew out of Germany.

 In 27 January 1945 freed by the Russian
found but 7.650 people alive
Otto frank is one of them
And almost 6 million Jews were exterminated
Under the holocaust 
That means in Dutch: bran doffer, shoah (of sjoa) catastrophe, ramp
The winter of 1944/45.

Copyright © Juana Guillen | Year Posted 2007

Details | Juana Guillen Poem

A Dog Called: Eagle

There are a lot of different breeds of dog,

A dog is a very common four legged-animal
That is often kept by people
Or used to guard 
Or hunt things 
but this female dog
Is a forensic dog
compare with Einstein
According to National Geographic channel
and other genius
mix with Dobermans
was used in Panama
as founder
of Noriega mass graves.

When  ferocious barking up the wrong tree
is always
reward by her mon (a woman)
 is a great holiday spender,
eats lot´s of pizzas
and can replace
men in his job.

Copyright © Juana Guillen | Year Posted 2008


Book: Reflection on the Important Things