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Best Poems Written by Jackie De Vore

Below are the all-time best Jackie De Vore poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Wedding Prayer

To You….both…….On Your
                               ……………………Wedding Day
                    As you stand together; and say “I do”
                    This is the day—That is all about YOU

       It is yours to enjoy, as you begin your new quest.
     No matter the view, North, South, East or the West.
     Wishing you happiness, in everything you do
      May all of it happen, just right ……..and exactly on queue.

     May our Lord bless you; and keep you, both very strong
     May your lives together – find you, both, ….  just where you belong
      Lean on each other; ……and be best of friends,
     With this combination; there won’t be any loose ends

      I’m sure you can do it; because you want it so much
     With this in your hearts; it will be “yours’ to  touch
     Wrap yourselves up; and look way up above,
      Because with God’s love inside you; You’ll always have love.

            My prayer, for your lives together…..

Copyright © Jackie De Vore | Year Posted 2017

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To God Be the Glory,Great Things He Has Done

To God be the Glory….Great things He has done…..

How can we ever thank God; for all that He’s done
Giving us life; and sacrificing His son?
It is so much more than making a place for us to live
It’s all of our world, and all that He continues to give
It’s hard to imagine; the plans He has in store
Because when we think things are great; He brings us some more!
In our little circle of life; we get wrapped up in so many things
As for the birds; they just sit there……..and hear themselves sing

Still, we know that He watches over us; and holds our hands
And, yes; when we ask; He hears our demands.
All the miracles He does; many we don’t even know of…
Yet, we can be assured, He is handling from above
The songs that are written; praises to the King
What a way to worship Him; with voices we sing
No man, woman or child….have the silver to pay 
To God be the glory…… must be this way….
            One of my favorite things to say…“To God be the Glory; Great Things     
                          He hath done!!!!!!”
The most wonderful of all…………….He gave us His son!!!
                            Penned – August 29, 2017 –

Copyright © Jackie De Vore | Year Posted 2017

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God's Adoption Plan

God’s Adoption Plan…….
When our Lord has a plan……..we surely don’t know what it is…
Yet, if we seek the help; we will certainly know it is “His”.
Many times, we think the DNA, is a very important part
But I am here to tell you…………it’s all about the heart!

The little ones, need their daily and hourly..  “love and care”.
Perhaps that is the reason…….that you were put “right there”.
Of course they need the diapers, bottles, and milk to help them grow…
    These are needs; plus lots of clothing, this……..we all seem to know

    Each name is special that we hear, and the vision that we see,
    No matter if they are in a bassinet; or bouncing on a knee?
    Very soon we see their spirit that they have within themselves
     They are much more than a picture; just sitting on a shelf.

     Oh, the blessings that we feel; as the daily things are done,
     This life we hold and see; be it daughter or a son.
     Let us thank our Lord and Savior for giving us this time to share
     Because every little child needs us, or someone to show them that they care!

    So let’s not think about the DNA, that might have been
   Just give us a “little one”…….and we’ll do this again!!!!!

Copyright © Jackie De Vore | Year Posted 2017

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I Believe

I believe,
Her body is healed – her pain is not there
She met our Jesus; up in the air
Now, pick up those memories; deep in your heart!
It’s not the end; it’s a place to start…..

Copyright © Jackie De Vore | Year Posted 2017

Details | Jackie De Vore Poem

God's the One

God’s the one………………
God’s the ONE who made you small,
And if not that; then He’s the one who made you tall.
When the time is right; He’ll make His call…………
We know this; because He’s the one, who does it all!

We talk so much of our DNA
He’s the one; who has His say
No matter if you were born at night; or in the morning sun
Yes, there is no doubt; He’s the ONE!!!

We each are formed, in perfect measure	
Then of course; God has himself, another treasure
He’s the ONE who gives our heart, a starting beat
And in my mind; that in itself, is an awesome feat!

The wonder of it all; is hard to conceive
Yet, it is easy for us; if we just believe
Thinking of things we cannot see
Brings our faith………….and us to eternity!

This can make us anxious to please Him much
Because without His blessings ….we aren’t worth a touch
We need His spirit inside our hearts
This assures forever; that we will never part

So, from the little speck of seeds we grow
There shouldn’t be doubts; of course, God knows
He’s our creator; designer and giver of life
He’s the ONE; we learn to lean on; when we have our strife

And at any age; we can make our decision
And accept the love; and see God’s vision
He’s paid the price; so long ago
With me, there’s no doubt; I know it’s so!

Thank you Lord; for being the One
For giving me life; and, to all under the sun
And when this life is over and done………….
You bet I’m ready …….to spend it with YOU…………..the  Son!

        Penned August 28, 2017

Copyright © Jackie De Vore | Year Posted 2017

Book: Reflection on the Important Things