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Best Poems Written by Sean Ferris

Below are the all-time best Sean Ferris poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Ladt In the Harbor

To see the Lady in the harbor
From the deck of ship at moor

The sea and the winds that blow
Tell of freedom where liberties glow

Protection enshrined in its constitution
Articles of Confederation 

The lamp lite for the world to see
Brought millions to cross the sea

The crucible an emulation of humanity
Every race and culture creativity

Is the hope still alive in the U S A
Only those with wealth can stay 

Give us your tired and poor
Time to try on another shore

Copyright © Sean Ferris | Year Posted 2017

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Life is like an old mirror
Stare into it become a seer

The sins of the father they say
Someone someday will have to pay

Those things you thought you got away
Return in living color on a distant day

With disappointment you watch it all unfold
The author on things to which you've bestowed 

The yin and the yang of life 
Remembers those things filled with strife

Maybe life is all filled with quite dis-pare 
Of those mistake that one can not repair

Copyright © Sean Ferris | Year Posted 2018

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Did you see all those N___ on their knee
Protesting millionaire players a monopoly 

Those S O B's should be fired he declared
If its wasn't for football they'd be on welfare

This is the mentality of white trash society
Looking for scape goats of disparity

Right to work in poverty
Southern state mentality 

Black men are under assault in plain sight
Gunned down in the dark of night

Modern day plantation owners agree
With the Mad Mans decree

Black balled for taking a knee
Colin Kaepernick  knelt because of  hypocrisy 

Burning flag's or taking a knee
Is what it takes to secure democracy

Copyright © Sean Ferris | Year Posted 2017

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Mother Earth

Each man kills the things he loves
Given to man from God above

Mother Earth in all her splendor
Bowing to profits praise the big spender

Each day thousands die from pollution
U S stops a United Nations solution

Millions migrate from the patched land
Building walls an American plan

Hurricanes and drought across the globe
We make bombs with laser strobes

Death from the greed that capitalism breeds
Causing Mother Earth to bleed

Copyright © Sean Ferris | Year Posted 2019

Details | Sean Ferris Poem

Down On Your Knees

Did you see all those N___ on their knee
Protesting millionaire players a monopoly 

Those S O B's should be fired he declared
If its wasn't for football they'd be on welfare

This is the mentality of white trash society
Looking for scape goats of disparity

Right to work in poverty
Southern state mentality 

Black men are under assault in plain sight
Gunned down in the dark of night

Modern day plantation owners agree
With the Mad Mans decree

Black balled for taking a knee
Colin Kaepernick  knelt because of  hypocrisy 

Burning flag's or taking a knee
Is what it takes to secure democracy

Copyright © Sean Ferris | Year Posted 2017

Details | Sean Ferris Poem

200 Year War

The history of the two hundred year war
T'was blackness at it core

A Feudal Economic plan
It good conscience it couldn't stand

Thousands died in fields of waste
Quenching its bitter taste

Edits like Dred Scott
Its effect not soon forgot

Raiding maunders of the Klug Klux Klan 
Hanging trees and a  poll tax plan

Atrocities committed in Rosebud
Civil Rights a justice thud

Dispensation in the name of Obama
No ending there but a coma

Today they march commemorating its story
In false glorification of its history

Copyright © Sean Ferris | Year Posted 2017

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Robert e Lee was a treasonous ole soul
To defeat the republic his goal

Slavery was abolished the people were free
But only two third a southern decree

The republic with stood the brutal onslaught
Capturing the rebels stopping the plot

50yrs after the civil war
They put up a monument to lee's slavery once more

In two thousand and seventeen
They thought it was time the south came clean

Remove ole Lee off his high horse
But the white supremest and KKK had no remorse

They march on Charlottesville with torches a blaze
Singing Nazi slogans eyes filled with craze 

Their hate of black and Jews they proclaimed
Three dead and trump said no one to blame

All people just want to live free
But hate filled hearts and ignorant animosity 

Another day in racist America rose in Charlottesville
White Sheets and a rope looking for brother to kill

Copyright © Sean Ferris | Year Posted 2017

Details | Sean Ferris Poem


Corruption stagnation 
A lost nation

A warrior creed
Freedom but a seed

Higher ideals
Millions it kills

Distrusted across the globe
Killing combatants with a strobe

War makes millionaires
Turns billionaires into trillionaires 

A gentry class
Proletariat's mast

A tale of two peoples locked in
Democrats and republics political spin

Whites’ hidden hatred 
A majority they dread 

Gives us your poor and humble
Off to war they’ll crumble

America farce extolled 
The citizenry have been rolled

Copyright © Sean Ferris | Year Posted 2017

Details | Sean Ferris Poem

In a Bottle

I followed your trajectory with my telescope
Over the moon  a complete eclipse

While laying on your back you saw
The man in the moon

You wrote him a note put in a bottle
Across the universe it sailed

He did not return a signature
But he laughed when he saw yours

As you ran down the hill you fell
x rays revealed you have one lung

The open book and glass of wine
Cigar smoke exists the other one

Like the shooting star
From you I am never far

Copyright © Sean Ferris | Year Posted 2017

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Milk and Hate

In the land of milk honey and hate
The Evangelicals sealed it fate

Demanding its citizens religiosity
Inherent of its edits misogyny

Women second class Taliban  
Treated as a form of contraband

The Oligarch fomented  dissent 
While the peasants paid their rent

The war machine marched along
Its armies played King Kong

It became the land of moral decay
A nation that had lost its way

There was no moral authority
They cheated and groped with impunity

Copyright © Sean Ferris | Year Posted 2017


Book: Reflection on the Important Things