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Best Poems Written by Grace Kuriakose

Below are the all-time best Grace Kuriakose poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Summer Days With My Friend

Summer, mere another season,
Synonym to never ending emotions.
Emotions when linked with fun,
Well, do there exist a perfect explanation?

That calm fancy swimming pool,
She does try to amaze me.
"But I don't find you cool enough"
That's all I tell her daily.

"So what is it that amaze you?
What is it, that you never miss?
Is it something really that special,
Like a teenage love's first kiss?", she asked.

Special! It never describes her,
She is way beyond that.
Something far more beautiful,
Than lady Rosy's pretty hat .

So what is about her,
That makes you feel so attached.
What do you do with her,
That leaves you this amazed?

We play catch the ball,
We play hide and seek.
She actually is pretty cool girl,
cool enough for a bookish nerdy geek.

We then sit somewhere,
When we are tired to run.
Talking about a hell busy day,
Is just an another level of fun.

She just talks and talks,
Her words, they never end.
You know Peter? That naughty little parrot,
Even his sentences do tend to end.

Listening to her bubbly chats,
My head placed on her lap.
The best possible way to rest,
Sleeping with the beats of her taps.

Annette, That sweet beautiful  baby,
She is my only human friend.
I am proud to say that, I am a puppy,
Mr. Raymond, she calls me, her only non-human friend.

Summer, this beautiful emotion,
I hope it never ends.
I always wait for it, her summer vacation,
To celebrate the summer with my friend.

Copyright © Grace Kuriakose | Year Posted 2017

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Eternal Bliss

Search for an eternal bliss,
Made her lost in the crowd.
Little did she know,
She had it all, locked inside her house.

Feeling that lovely autumn breeze,
She continued her walk.
her heart  felt so happy to hear,
Those  bubbly parrots talk.

She felt a presence, so  familiar,
Pacing towards her.
Like a newly born  tiny cub,
Searching for her mother.

He had that divine charm,
that no one ever denies.
It surely was the magic of
his deep mystic black eyes.

He kissed her hands,hugged her twice.
She  truly loved it all.
She held him tight, told him things,
leaving nothing at all.

He looked at her so amazed,
Without really getting bored.
She talked to him all day long,
As nobody kept any score.

Those dreamy eyes and charming face,
Gave him that mystic shine.
Those four little legs and curly tail,
Made him so divine.

For them he was a dog, an animal,
their very own gatekeeper.
For her, he was her eternal bliss,
Her best friend named CASPER.

Copyright © Grace Kuriakose | Year Posted 2017

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It Never Mattered

Express yourself, well it's really important,
For them it was, for her!! It never mattered.

It never mattered whether they knew she cared,
As her care was hidden behind those endless scolds,
For her those were the best possible way to care.

It never mattered, whether she knew that she meant the world to her,
As her possessiveness was hidden, hidden behind those meaningless fights,
For her those were the best possible way to love her without expectations.

It never mattered whether he knew she liked him,
As her love was hidden, hidden behind those friendly walks,
For her those were the best possible way to cherish all those memories.

It never mattered whether she herself knew she wants to talk,
As  her chats were hidden, hidden behind those silent glances,
For her those were the best possible way to be safe,
Safe from everything that would hurt her.

Copyright © Grace Kuriakose | Year Posted 2017

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If Only I Could Talk

If only I could talk, I would tell you,
How your single smile made my day, everyday!
I would wait for days, just to meet you and see that divine smile.

If only I could talk, I would tell you,
How your single touch made me feel a little more proud of myself!
I would love myself a little more each day as I had the feeling of having someone to love me.

If only I could talk, I would tell you,
How that one piece of bread you shared with me, had filled both my stomach and my heart!
Even a single piece was enough to satisfy me soul.

If only I could talk I would tell you ,
How happy I feel when you call me part of your family!( Trust me it feels the best)
I am on the top of the world, Every time you say that.

If only I could talk, I would tell you,
How blessed I felt when you took me to your home
I could thank almighty for years and still won't get tired  just because he sent you to me!

If only I could talk I would tell you,
What a bliss it is to be a part of your family, to be your best friend.
I had found my heaven, even far before death.

All these and more, I would love to tell you, If only i could talk.
But trust me you are my world,
So whether I get the chance to tell or not,
I would be there always to express it all.

Copyright © Grace Kuriakose | Year Posted 2017

Details | Grace Kuriakose Poem


'Forever'!! It seemed like heaven for them,
One they always searched for.
But somehow she could never relate to it,
It all felt like a bondage to her,
"When one can live life with all the options,
Then why to limit oneself with that one person."
Well that one sentence shaped exactly her emotions.
Forever is never bad, it's actually the perfection.
But that perfection has its own age for existence.
Until that time comes, why to rush, why to leave all the rocks unturned ?
Beauty of life is in the faults, faults that could be in our stars or sometimes in theirs.
Yes! The ultimate happiness is in finding the forever but the path to reach the perfection,
It is through finding the temporaries.
That is the golden rule, she tries to follow ,
And maybe just for fun, everyone should also try,
Even if it is just for once. So yes!!
"Temporary  is the new perfection"

Copyright © Grace Kuriakose | Year Posted 2017

Details | Grace Kuriakose Poem

He Was There

She couldn't find a reason,
Reason strong enough to change her decision,
Jumping off from that skyscraper was the only solution she found.

On the verge of giving up, letting everything go,
That one strong voice, grabbed her attention.
He was there, He held her, He saved her,
She turned around, looked into His eyes,
Eyes filled with love, love whose limit she can never imagine.
That look in his eyes , it made her travel,
Travel back into all those memories  where He was there,  with her.

He was there when she took her first steps,
To hold her, to protect her from everything that could hurt her.
He was there when she went for that interview,
To strengthen her, to  bring that confidence in her.
He was there when she felt all alone,
To comfort her, to bring all the happiness around her.
He was there when she felt that was the end,
To hold her hand, to bring that ray of hope to her.

He was there, yes!! Always,
In her distress, sorrow, happiness, he was present,
Not before her, not after her, just beside her.

She felt guilty, she felt sad,
How could she possibly find the end, where He was showing the new path,
Path that lead to peace,
A path which had the power to take her away,
From all the worries.
She felt that ray of hope again, that comfort she searched for,
She knew she was not alone, as He held her hand,
He was never gonna leave it, like others do,
As His promise was the real one, one he would always keep.

For her best friend was there for her,
One who led her in life,
One who gave her the faith,
Almighty lord!! One who built the universe.

Copyright © Grace Kuriakose | Year Posted 2017

Details | Grace Kuriakose Poem

Giving Answers Is Tough

Answers!! They can be very tough.
Giving answers would be the toughest,
The ridiculously toughest thing that could happen to you.

Giving answers can be tough,
Because you know,
You one word can tear a person's emotions in thousand pieces.

Giving answers can be tough,
Because you know,
Your one sentence could be remembered for a lifetime.

Giving answers can be tough,
Becuase you never know which sentence of yours can make someone's day,
Or considering the worst part, it could tear someone apart.

So yes!! Giving answers is tough.
Because you know it is!!

Bu then !! You ask Him questions daily,
Every second, every minute, every hour,
Every single day you ask from Him.

When you know that answering a single question,
It needs a lot of patience.
Still, you try to test His patience, every single minute.

Why? Why do you doubt Him?
So what He hasn't answered you yet?
He might be busy, busy in evaluating your previous questions!!

So what He answered you with a NO,
He might be waiting for the appropriate question that suits you.
Or He might already have everything you need.

Just be patient, just have faith in Him,
He listens to you, every single minute, every single day.
He knows the most silent desires of your heart.

He might be just waiting to give you His best.
Trust Him, He is listening.
He might not be answering.

Because giving answers is tough,
And you know how tough it is!!
Giving answers is tough.

Copyright © Grace Kuriakose | Year Posted 2018

Details | Grace Kuriakose Poem

She Was Afraid

She was afraid ,
Afraid to wake up everyday,
Afraid to live those dreams,
She lived in her dreams,
Dreams woven with the threads of imaginations,
Imaginations that let her see the world,
A world far away from the reality,
Reality which she was always afraid of,
Afraid to lose her very own self,
Her SELF, someone she met in her dreams,
Dreams that made her the person she is,
A person who is strong,
Strong enough to break all the rules,
Rules that bounded her, not by laws but by soul,
A soul, a free soul, one she always wished for,
Wishes they never come true, yet in her imaginations they were all real,
So real, that she became jealous of her own SELF,
Jealous because she couldn't live everything that her imaginary self can,
Everything she wished for was hers, yet so far,
Far!! When did dreams became that far?
They are just hers  she believed,
Belief was about to break, as the alarm rang.
Yes, she wad afraid to wake up,
Afraid to let her dreams vanish
Afraid to let herself vanish,
Afraid to play a new role all over again on the new day.
Yes she was afraid to wake up. She was not not ready to loose herself.

Copyright © Grace Kuriakose | Year Posted 2017

Book: Reflection on the Important Things