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Best Poems Written by Lacy Wallace

Below are the all-time best Lacy Wallace poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Thank You From Lacy

A little thanks from me to you,
For all you've done and all you do.

Work life would've been much more dire,
If you weren't always there to inspire.

Thank you for forever letting me moan,
Advice on hand and an ear on loan.

Cracking jokes and making me laugh,
So much better than the rest of the staff.

It's really been a continuous pleasure,
They don't deserve you, you absolute treasure!

Copyright © Lacy Wallace | Year Posted 2018

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Nobody understand this,
Not one of them at all.
The love and the hurt,
And the waiting for your call.

They cannot comprehend my life,
I’m lost and blind to see.
Nothing ever feels the same
When you’re not next to me.

Their hours pass in seconds,
My minutes drag for days.
“Oh it’s gone quite quickly”
That God forsaken phrase!

Everyone knows I miss you
But none notice just how much
They’re not there at my lowest
When I’d kill for your loving touch

They just can’t fathom when I say
Its Tom, I need some space.
All I want is you and me,
Not their interfering face.

No one can begin to grasp,
How it makes me feel.
When I hear your voice at night,
It helps my heart to heal.

Not a soul can realise
The importance of a letter.
Bad day? In pain? Anything,
Your words they make it better.

Birthdays, parties, holidays
All these things to do
I think I’d rather wait
Just to do it all with you.

See, love has made me strong,
I know our love is true.
Because you love me so much,
And boy, do I love you.

Copyright © Lacy Wallace | Year Posted 2017

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Inside the Mind of a Prison Wife

Why didn’t they just give you a fine?
Why did they have to take what is mine?

You may be in that place for your crime,
But my baby you didn’t deserve any time.

The system is trying to tear us apart,
But you’re the only one that can have my heart.

Another year seems so very long,
But together we stand defiant and strong.

The distance between us is always tough,
Three visits a month will have to be enough.

My life is complete whenever you’re near,
No more upset, not one more tear.

Whenever you feel lonely in your cell,
Remember you still have me under your spell.

Sometimes I just don’t know how to say,
My love for you grows day on day.

World at my feet but I only want you,
A steady life, some children too.

When you’re home this will all be history,
As we start to unfold our future, the mystery.

Copyright © Lacy Wallace | Year Posted 2017

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Loving You

Loving you is feeling complete,
Loving you is an everyday treat.

Loving you is all I need,
Loving you is flying at speed.

Loving you is all consuming,
Loving you is flowers blooming.

Loving you is the rest of my life,
Loving you is one day being your wife.

Loving you is Christmas every day,
Loving you is all I say.

Loving you is far from small,
Loving you is giving my all.

Loving you is trying something new,
Loving you is the perfect view.

Loving you is all I know,
Loving you is chocolate gateaux.

Loving you is being 10 years old,
Loving you is having someone to hold.

Loving you is the hearts endeavour,
Loving you is my forever.

Copyright © Lacy Wallace | Year Posted 2017

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It always starts with your mouth
You plant your words in my head like seeds
One by one they bury deep in my mind
Their roots cling on

Your lips travel to my neck
Deep breaths moving my hair along
With each kiss on my nape, stems shoot out
Searching for their sunlight

Planting more as you travel down my spine
The sun rises in the sky
Leaves start to form in the wake of you
Down to your knees

I bend down to find my sunshine
Meeting the hot shimmer of your tongue
A bud of a rose is starting to form larger
Right in my roots

A flower needs water to blossom
You give me all I need and more
It is time to let it rain and flood
So wet

It seems you are perfect for my rose
The petals grow wider and colourful too
I'm ready to bloom, please don't stop
Finally, I've grown

Standing tall and yet more fragile than ever
Holding onto my sun, my life beginner
Every flower needs help blooming
I need you

Copyright © Lacy Wallace | Year Posted 2018

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Christmas Treasure Hunt

As you know, we are going away
But you do not yet know the day.
Take your brithday and plus two,
That's the day I fly with you.

The location is a small surprise,
No guessing yet, don't be wise.
In the end it will all be revealed,
But for the moment, my lips are sealed.

Have a present, number one,
They'll help protect you from the sun.
Stylish though, of corse they are,
Go and find them in my car.

Now for present number two,
Red or yellow? Green or blue?
Search for me inside our bed,
Then pop it right over your head.

Not finished yet, time for the third,
Please don't ask I won't say a word.
To save you from an itchy behind,
With all the coats, you will find.

A helping hand to fill your case,
Things for you body, not your face.
Let's go shopping, no need to pay,
I'm where me and you used to stay.

And now for all our future trips,
Kepp me in a poket on your hips.
Whether we go by wing or wheels
I'm where you cook your ready meals.

In order to protect them all,
Not forgetting your heels nor ball.
You'll wear me on sand or sea,
I'm hiding with the rest like me.

The last one so you have a choice,
I'll let you speak (or shout) your voice.
I'm where you put your bum to eat,
If you want us both, you've got a treat!

To make your ears look bigger still,
You can wear me out or when we chill.
Sitting where you soak and swim,
Come and try me for size and trim.

The flight it takes us 1, 2, 3, 4,
So here is something to help you snore,
While we fly over the Med,
I'm where your Mum rests her head.

This country is sure to top your mood,
After all, It's home to your favourite food.
Open me where you find the keys,
And start to revise "One beer please"

Copyright © Lacy Wallace | Year Posted 2017

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Losing You

How do you keep someone,
You’ve already lost?
The heartbreak and distance,
They’ll come at a cost.

5 months we had together,
No time at all.
But my love for you,
Is far from small.

I get the I love you’s,
But the I miss you’s mean more.
Reminding me once again,
What we’re doing this for.

A call every night,
And a few letters a week.
Miss the pointless words
We always used to speak.

It’s the ache and the pain
Of distance that gets me.
I feel like I’ve started
To mourn the us already.

How do you keep someone
You’ve already lost?
You suffer but fight,
And get through at all costs.

You may be gone,
But you’re always here.
The 8th of May
Will soon be near.

Just me and you,
‘til death do us part.
Your name is forever
Written on my heart.

Copyright © Lacy Wallace | Year Posted 2017

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Nothing Without You

No cowboy with no hat,
No this with no that.

No cold with no hot,
No baby with no cot.

No Kardashian with no Jenner,
No Asian with no henna.

No school with no kid,
No box with no lid.

No cloud with no rain,
No lion with no mane.

No girl with no boy,
No Gabriella with no Troy.

No sky with no blue,
No me with no you.

Copyright © Lacy Wallace | Year Posted 2018

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Nothing Without You

No cowboy with no hat
No this with no that

No cold with no hot
No baby with no cot

No Kardashian with no Jenner
No Indian with no henna

No school with no kid
No box with no lid

No cloud with no rain
No lion with no mane

No girl with no boy
No Gabriella with no Troy

No sky with no blue
No me with no you

Copyright © Lacy Wallace | Year Posted 2018

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Kings and Queens

I know that is my special day,
But I’m writing this just to say,
Thank you from the bottom of my heart,
For all you’ve done from the start.
You make my life ten times better,
I hope you know this from my letters.
My birthday is not the same without you.
I miss all the little things you do.
Like waking up and squeezing me,
Making sure yours' the first face I see
Today I miss you just a little more,
Even the bed hogging and your snore.
I cannot wait to have it all back,
Not sure how much longer I can hack
Without you here right by my side.
When you left a part of me died.
200 days and counting down
Until you come and replace my crown.
Return to your Queen on May the 8th,
My King, please come and restore my faith.

Copyright © Lacy Wallace | Year Posted 2017


Book: Reflection on the Important Things