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Best Poems Written by Naderia Bookram

Below are the all-time best Naderia Bookram poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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The pain that i feel is so unreal
The memories of you never seem to fade away from me
The lonely nights
The days, the months the years that pass me by
The life i live is all a lie 
The pain i feel is so intense
I start to feel like it isn't making any sense 
Where do i go 
What do i do 
Is there anyone out there i can turn to
I miss you so much you have no idea 
I long to hear from you but you don't long to hear from me
What does one do with a one sided love 
Is there even a cure?
Why does life bring so many obstacles, with no solutions 
It's been 15 years feeling this way, how can i just make it go away
No matter what i do where i go 
Our memories just tag along
Like a shadow in the night 
Please someone tell me how i can win this fight
Pain pain go away please do not come back any other days
I want to feel free like a bird 
With nothing on my mind 
No one in my heart 
No tears in my eyes 
No feeling like i just want to die
But at end the end of the day 
No matter what direction i turn the pain 
It still remains

By Naderia Bookram

Copyright © Naderia Bookram | Year Posted 2017

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The  lonley feeling in my heart 
Is literally tearing me apart
I am surrounded by so many
Yet feel like there is no one there
Sometimes i feel i am going crazy 
Just feeling like pulling out all my hair
Feel like i want some company
But not just any kind
Company from a special someone
But that someone is no where to be found
As they belong to someone else now
And there is no return 
Why do we always have to lose the ones we love
Either they are taken from earth 
Or they are with someone new
Why can't life bring me happiness 
For all the thing i do 
I wish life could change one day
And bring me some happiness too

By Naderia Bookram

Copyright © Naderia Bookram | Year Posted 2017

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What You Are To Me

You asked me what you are to me
It's a little hard to explain 
It's like a puzzle in my head playing with my brain
Something's tells me in my heart you mean a lot to me
But then i have realize and face reality
Sometimes it seems we are friends
Sometimes it seems a lot more
But then at times it just seems like you are closing all the doors 
The doors to your heart where your feelings lies 
The way you feel deep within the feeling i believe i see in your eyes
I wish things were different 
I wish i met you nine years ago
Then i am sure if it was then your feelings you would show
I know its hard as the situation i face
I don't want to ever Hirt you min any way
You're loving, you're caring you're honest all a girl could ever need
And to know what i was always looking for is standing right in front of me
But yet i can't have the opportunit
How my heart bleeds to know 
Something perfect like you is right there in front of me 
And then to turn around and face reality
I know it's wrong what i am doing 
But yet it feels so right inside
I think about it day and night
But only thoughts of you come to my mind
Forgive me if i am wrong
If you just want to be friends I'll understand 
I know know what you been through 
Trust me i understand
No one wants to be hurt 
It's a feeling that lies hard to over come
But i respect what you feel and will let you decide the out come
I appreciate your honesty that i do respect 
Cause not a lot of guys out there can be the way you are
But do know to yourself i do have feelings for you
I hope i never loose you even if we can only be friends

By Naderia Bookram

Copyright © Naderia Bookram | Year Posted 2017

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Illusions is a thing people want you to see
It is not for real only make believe
It's like being hypnotized and you don't even know
Just like you see when you are at a magic show
It's all an illusion just to trick you 
To believe what you see is for real
But reality is it doesn't happen the way you think it does

BY Naderia Bookram

Copyright © Naderia Bookram | Year Posted 2018

Details | Naderia Bookram Poem

Another Day

Another day passes me by
I sit alone and cry and cry
Keep asking myself why
Why do i suffer in so much pain
Do i have anything on this earth to gain
What purpose do i serve in this world
Or could i just be another girl
Is there nothing special about me
Do i lack in every degree
Is there really nothing good about me
Why do people tell me lies
Why do people make me cry 
Why do all these things happen why
Sometimes i just wish i could just die
So i will be left alone
With no worries of my own
No more questions
No more tears no more you no more me
But then i wake up and reality hits
Another day to live like this.

By Naderia Bookram

Copyright © Naderia Bookram | Year Posted 2017

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Coronavirus also know as Covid-19
A deadly virus that is wiping the population clean
It's just like the flu but can do so much more worst to you
It started in the Whuhan city and has made it's way around
It's a virus with no cure yet found
What can we do is the world coming to and end
Will covid-19 put us all to bed 
We can only hope and pray that this epidemic can just go away 
So many people have the symptoms, yet so many people have been put to rest 
I never would of thought something this bad would happen in this world 
But here we are today defeating this plague everyday 
not one day doesn't go by where there isn't someone tested positive 
I say we all put our hands together and really start to pray
For all the people who are suffering with covid-19 and those who have already passed and gone away.
we should wish for a cure to quickly be found 
And maybe start to make some serious rules around 
In this world to make life better and safer 
So we can prevent these kinds of epidemic that just come around.
By Naderia

Copyright © Naderia Bookram | Year Posted 2020

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The way that I feel is so unreal 
The things that I do just leaves me so confused
I have so many questions yet the answers are not found
I just feel like I am always falling to the ground
I try so hard in life to do all i can do 
I just wish people can open their eyes and see
What they truly mean to me 
I speak words and I write poetry 
But still I feel it does not show
I express myself yet feel like no one really cares to know
I put my life in a grenade which every so often explodes 
I need to find a way out from where I reside 
I long to feel happy, loved and appreciated 
which I think will never be 
Cause everything I want will never happen in reality 
Then I sit back and think, why I feel the way I do 
And then come to a conclusion that there is nothing I can do 
So the feelings just remain the same.

By Naderia Bookram

Copyright © Naderia Bookram | Year Posted 2018

Details | Naderia Bookram Poem

What Will Become of Me

Like a summer day in June
When the flowers start to bloom
Love is in the air
The sweet delight of the morning so bright
You can only think of the happy thoughts with delight
Families enjoy people go out 
And you see all the children running all about
And all you can think is summer is finally here
Another day that passes in life and
I wonder to myself what will life be like
What would it be like for a kid like me 
When i am just merely 16
Wondering where will I go 
What will i be
Do I know what I want
What is really meant for me
I sit in my room looking at the moon
Pondering what will I grow to be 
Will I become something or
Will something become of me
Will I ever marry and have a family 
As a kid I have seen many things in life
Growing up 
From the rich to the poor to the in between 
From the happy to the sad to the just satasified
I sit and wonder and worry about what will become of me.

By Naderia Bookram

Copyright © Naderia Bookram | Year Posted 2018

Details | Naderia Bookram Poem

How Do You Feel

How do you feel when it comes to me
I have tried to ask you many times 
But yet still I have no idea
I feel like you love and care for me
But to this day you fail to admit to me
Why must you make things so complicated
I know we will never be
But to hear you share the way you feel 
Will mean the world to me
My heart melt when I hear from you
My days become brighter when I see you
I long to have you back in my life
I have tried so hard 
I have made many different sacrafice
To have you in my life is a dream come true
Why can't you just open up your heart
And share with me the way you feel
Can I be wrong with the way I think
Am I just wishing you would feel the way my mind is thinking
And here I am against the wall drinking
Hoping to hear what I want to hear from you
Can I just be crazy, now I am starting to feel lazy
I feel empty without you
How I wish you could just share the way you feel
So i can come to a conclusion if my thoughts are true
But I i guess I will never find out
No matter how hard I try 
Maybe in the next life time
My life will finally be granted with you
Until then always remember my love for you 
Lives on in my tiny broken heart
Until the day I am granted my life with you
Always and forever please don't forget
Please always remember with all the broken pieces 
I hold together in my heart I will foreve love you
And there is no one on this Earth that cou;d ever replace you

BY Naderia Bookram

Copyright © Naderia Bookram | Year Posted 2018

Details | Naderia Bookram Poem

For My Love

For you my love 
Is the blood that flows
For you my love
Is the air i breath 
For you my love 
Is what makes my eyes see
For you my love is 
Is what makes my heart skip a beat 
For you my love 
Is what helps me to sleep
For you my love 
Is the reason i rise each morning
For you my love
Till death do us part

Copyright © Naderia Bookram | Year Posted 2017


Book: Shattered Sighs