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Best Poems Written by Dustin Legan

Below are the all-time best Dustin Legan poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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If I Could Be Anything

If I was a fish I would be in a bowl in her room so I could watch her sleep. If I was an insect I'd want to be a butterfly so when I flew by she would see me and say I was beautiful. If I was a bird I want to be a humming bird so I can fly around her house drinking sweet nectar from the flowers surround her. If I was a dog I want to be a puppy so she would kiss me on the nose and tell me how cute I was. If I wasn't feeling I'd want to be loved so she could feel me all around her. If I was a book on her show I would want to be the Bible so she would have Something to Believe In. If I could be anything I would want to be her boyfriend so I could tell her all the things a princess should be told, and a shoulder she could always lean and cry on and the ears I would always listen to her dreams and troubles when they come and the person that would always be there when she needs someone and her Shadow so she would never feel alone. By Dustin Legan

Copyright © Dustin Legan | Year Posted 2017

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Motivational Truthfulness

Spark to light the fire. It’s my life mission to gain the knowledge of what makes people laugh and intrigued by my experiences in my never ending and changing life. I want people to know that they do not have to give up on themselves no matter the hardship and trouble that is put in their path! KEEP IT MOVING!

I’ve been the Host of radio shows TV Shows MTV specials but in the end I and EVERYONE deserves to be happy. SORRY I DIDN’T FOLLOW YOUR GIVEN EXAMPLES BUT I BELIEVE THIS IS MORE TOUCHING AND PROFOUND! So come say hi I’m willing and able to tackle the Best and the worst that life puts in front of me!


Activities and Societies: Promotion of self, DJ SERVICE, Clothing Line (KEEP IT DIRTY) The Society of CHEROKEE NATION

What you see written above I wrote long time ago. I barely remember even writing it and the worst part about of it all. I don’t even practice it. I did at one point and for some reason I decided because of in a relationship and failure in a job because of certain things that I have done or had done, made me lose that state of mind or as I would say let’s keep it dirty and keep it moving keep it dirty was a passion for me along with entertainment along with a statement a way of life and because of my shortcomings with addiction not taking responsibility and basically giving in to depression and fear I just fell down we all get in a bad way and I was in a bad way and let’s be honest or let’s keep it real let’s keep it movin let’s keep it 100 lets keep it dirty! things don’t change overnight and I tried. I thought of everything I could do to get back on my feet… I gave it to God tried to put it in his hands and i still do! Ill always remember this, everybody that I talk to, God included said it doesn’t happen on your time it happens on God’s time, with that being said I was and am still in the process of making a better me. I just wanted to do it faster quicker you know instant gratification now!now!now! Like a little spoiled brat that is how I acted and that doesn’t get you anywhere. I’m leaning on God for real this time or the universe or whatever you believe in. whatever is your church whether it be nature, music, climbing mountains, beautiful landscapes, art whatever makes you feel closest to God for yourself or your inner self believe whatever you want to, we are all here on this earth to do something which is called be happy. I believe all of us want to find our purpose and in the process it’s not easy but you have to find out what you believe in, what your passion is and even that is a process. Start thinking about what makes you happy because that’s what I’m doing right now! There’s millions of things in the world that you’re never going to understand so let it go. I’ve come to a conclusion that the more you fight it the more confusing it gets and the more frustrated you become and that frustration turns into fear and doubt of yourself because as soon as you start to doubt who you are that’s when you get lost…. things go dark….. stagnant……. but if you ever had a passion, if you ever had a hobby that you loved or if you ever discovered something you can’t let go, I believe if you go back in your mind to your childhood and see through your child like eyes like you are there, it will come to you! you may have to go back to your old neighborhood your old houses or Apartments that make you feel because that’s when the fire starts! It may start small but then it grows and gets louder and louder. I still struggling but I know one thing… I want this world to be a better place or what I do or what I say or what I have to offer , laughter or an idea to make a movement or start something that will benefit our world, something that will change and awaken the sleepwalkers the people that are just going about their day to day life not knowing or forgetting or just not wanting to wake up.  I know you want to do it your just scared. Dig deep and go in your heart because that’s where you need to go to reactivate your drive, your passion!!! Get angry get excited and get ready. I read something the other day about a mind shift and as soon as you make a shift to succeed in your passion or follow your dreams no matter what happened in the past whether it be relationships drugs alcohol violence jail death in the family or friends. Depression, post traumatic stress disorder none of these things will be able to stop you. I have a dream and I want to see it through but in order to do that I need to inspire or motivate other people like you so keep it real with yourself and remember who you were, because you are still here. If you have the same aspirations these same kinds of thoughts and you have a dream, you have got to find a way to make that dream happen. I’m starting with you!

Let’s keep it real! I don’t have a job but I have a passion to make an impact on this world and the next generation. Music by Flawless Chris Lynwood please add him on your Facebook

Copyright © Dustin Legan | Year Posted 2017

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The 10

From Sinai to my minds eye no promises made on the words you laid but a word from my soul they will be conveyed.
Let the Trumpet blast with smoke until the earthquake's for Mankind sake for these 10 we all break human mistakes but its all understood by the One and only GOOD! 
Right from the start he gave us mans best friend, his own name at that just in different order but not to worship them. Gave us the gift of crafting with our minds and hands with a warning not to create something to worship them. He gave us pathways for our cells to travel but not to take them in vain even though hardship pain or strains. He demands a day of rest as he did to reflect so keep it holy fore his eyes are clearly all knowingly. The first breath of spirit and life you were given by your parents so honor them even if they are not husband and wife. Take a life someone else's wife or something you didnt earn and you have cut his heart that will bleed through your knife. If you didn't see it even if you did you can't testify or say you can believe it. To admire and congratulate and not to hate because the only covet should be the covenant and then again maybe we shouldn't! So let it rain let it pour make the thunder roar but remember the 10 no less no more!

Copyright © Dustin Legan | Year Posted 2017

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Sending my thoughts into my reflection response's in every direction forming a false thought of rejection. A picture in my mind of a picture of me before I was me started to surface to breathe happily instantly conceived waiting for its chance to deceive the truth deep inside of me. Spirit killed it in absolution knowing it would happen again until I Master being in my skin. I stay in pursuit of hope invisible to a indivisible of me as a good individual prayers are no longer rituals. The beat and passed on get in unison to dance in order to talk to me know please walk with me!! Visions awake on a screen or unconscious in my dream's if I could just learn to listen right now I would be devoted to listening. Is my purpose to search for my purpose? Dustin Legan
3:15 am Feb 16 2015

Copyright © Dustin Legan | Year Posted 2017

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Blind Realization To See

I need to quit wasting my time and letting people distract me people who try to Sidetrack me they are not my friends nothing gets done willpower will dwarf any negative Force or energy so Point your fingers your cameras and you're disdain at me because I am you and we are us, character alone speaks my battles it's a hard fight for him or her being alone in the dark with only God watching I no longer listen to random conversation I refuse to let the confusion of the world's  Sleepwalkers affect Me so now I'm going blind to see.

Copyright © Dustin Legan | Year Posted 2017

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Version of You

Dear Lord O'Heavenly Father Full of Grace Please Clear my Mind of Negative Space so I can be efficient and effective in every way. What stands before me is a mirrored image of fear and I will not be defeated by the lie that it is. I appreciate you believing in me and standing at my side day and day. I am what I think about so let my thoughts be FREE so I can be the best version of me. Amen Amen. Love you 

Writer Unknown

Copyright © Dustin Legan | Year Posted 2017

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Better Man

Is it me or my life stuck in 2003 I look around and I feel like everybody staring right at me pupils dilated irises flowers with irises papyrus's to write down the thoughts in my mind like a census because I can sense this and it's starting to make sense. Tore my clothes or am I too close for comfort because sooner or later I become the prey or the Hunter I wonder can God See Me Now and all that Glory his and my story it's just the beginning it has no end it has no we it's just I am that I am right now it's his Footprints in the Sand I'm just trying to be a better man.. amen amen.

Copyright © Dustin Legan | Year Posted 2017

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Dance Through

May I choose your lips so my kiss can be subject to you, may I feel your touch so we can strum through our problems like tuned instruments and ballet dance through the broken rules. May I hear your voice to melody my soul feeling the awe of silence your passion and presence brings when you walk into a room, oh how I'd love to see you soon.

Copyright © Dustin Legan | Year Posted 2019

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The Universal Declaration Law

Just like gravity the law of attraction is a universal law it is no different than the law of gravity what you think is what you get you have to believe you have to Envision you have to say it out loud and act as if you already have it in your hand or within your life whatever it may be once that is done and you feel it and you could see it in your mind the Law of Attraction has got to give it to you you put it out to the universe the universe allows it back to you. call it God call it the Creator call it what you want. If you will it, it will attract more and it will manifest The Law of attraction is a law of the universe. Be careful what you wish for. Stay positive thoughts and prayers. Dustin Legan

Copyright © Dustin Legan | Year Posted 2017

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G Talked To Me

One Night G talked to my mind In a backyard over a fire in my sleep. "STAY AMBIGUOUS AND DON"T WORRY KEEP DOING WHAT YOU ARE DOING AND EVERYTHING WILL BE ALRIGHT" See Mary met Gabrielle so I knew that I had to be right, then I slipped and fell and on came the fight.

Voices took flight so I put on my Headphones safe In sound and didnt even think about my sense of sight. The veil got thin and the darkness became light.

Paranoid eyes seeing demons saying HI! 

I asked to train my hands but didnt know this kind of battle, "Who can I trust Is that my friend or a shape shifting shadow Hallowed Hollow Ground, Headache starts to pound. WHAT NOW!!!!!!!!!! I screamed OUT LOUD.... Bad Idea GODs got my back but got "CUT DOWN" Tried to run but you cant race the bullet in destinies GUN, feeling the Guilt and Pain as the shells hit me..... One    by     One! WILL I MAKE IT OUT OF THIS?.... They used to HIT me EVERY TIME FULL CLIPS..... Wait Now they are starting to Miss!
Dustin Legan 2:33 am thur 2-16-2017

Copyright © Dustin Legan | Year Posted 2017

Book: Reflection on the Important Things