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Best Poems Written by Connie Pachecho

Below are the all-time best Connie Pachecho poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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A Look Back At Eighteen Months Here-The Show Is Over

A Look Back at Eighteen Months Here-The Show is Over

When your poems reside in a shoe,
like mine,
pounding the pavement to nowhere.
The onset of blisters isn't imagined.
Those blisters take roots,
hindering your motivation
to move-
and to continue to write.
It hurts.
Seeing those poems take residence
in pity.
Sans the
comfort of
leather and lace,
shine and sole,
all of which would have been nice.
But all my eyes see are my poems,
tucked away in worn loafers,
Not exactly eye candy.
But eyesores ...judging by the lack of views, here.
And undoubtedly my shoes made of synthetics 
and sneakers
to the purveyors of good poetry
and good shoeshine.
I look down for good reason,
and stigmatized,
no contest wins,
no poems ever in the top 100 (new) list,
no scent of roses (or views),
An abyss of sublimity,
save for the white bird
that chirps 
to nobodies ears.
To wit.
For he who signs up for this site
got a handful of mixed emotions,
confetti less tomorrows,
a begotten rah, rah,
a ladle of spiel,
poems published ...
and in my case alone footnote 
that I was a member
sans the shoe shine.
I really have to admit,
writing here,
eighteen months now,
has taken its toe.
I have no one to blame but myself.
Kind Regards,

connie pachecho

The proprietor of the show has decided to call it quits, citing mental health issues here. The posse of black bears got to me. The guises, pretense, and hate towards me eroded my spirit. Tell her she can play with my insanity but not my spirit. To my readers, I really appreciate your patronage during this journey here even though the crops are bare and the barn fronts a blank stare.
The cows fight with the pigs, and bacon went to waste. One thing I take is the seed in me to aspire elsewhere, which I've already planted at HP under the name Logan Robertson. Thanks again. Wish everybody the best.

Copyright © Connie Pachecho | Year Posted 2018

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Seal With a Kiss

seal with a kiss ...
a love song

at first glance
of song and dance
his eyes caught her twine
she was more than divine

at first glance
of song and dance

she, a different bred
but he liked her lead
she was tomboyish 
all over than lavish

at first glance
of song and dance

she was bikes in mud
more than perfume in suds
polyesters and tank tops
than finer dress shops

at first glance
of song and dance

she, a bowl of country soup
a little of this, a little of that
she could outdo your lips
without any slips

at first glance
of song and dance

she had look and providence
rode the island in consonance
she had a chime and a chant
that can make men pant

at first glance
of song and dance

in his dreams he took her hand
together they stand
bare backs they scratch
an egg is hatched

at first glance
of song and dance

love is in the air
package with care
seal with a kiss
swim, swim in bliss

on the horizon
of song and dance

two little seals swim
windless of cares and whims
freer to be as one
happy that life begun

on the open sea
of song and dance

there the seals be
volleying a ball of glee
like words, from noses to noses
in the end, words turn to roses

on the setting sun
of song and dance

the first glance, a spark
a chance rose from the dark
together they sing along
to morning dawns

connie pachecho


Copyright © Connie Pachecho | Year Posted 2017

Details | Connie Pachecho Poem

Love On the Riverbed

Love On The Riverbed

He pitched a tent on her banks
Her teeth clenched as pegs dug deep
Campfire sparks, heat's erecting 
The winds howling in lost flight

connie pachecho


Copyright © Connie Pachecho | Year Posted 2017

Details | Connie Pachecho Poem

Trump Shields the Us From Becoming a Carcass Filled With Ants

Trump Shields The US From Becoming A Carcass Full With Ants 

Trumps draws a line in the sand
He's shaken all the trees in the land
Call him whatever, okay an ass
Yet keep in mind his motto USA first
From the civil war to now
No other's brought out the plow
Like how Trump has outlined in his model
In stomping his foot down full throttle
In Trump's twelve days in office
He's raining on the bureaucratic chorus 
Telling big business to fear
Of outsourcing jobs from here
He's taken on the pharmaceutical giants
To lower their prices, and be more compliant
He set a visa moratorium on 7 Muslim countries 
Prompting protester's chastises, so bluntly
He's opened dialogue for domestic oil exploration
Setting the country's future more self reliant of oil importation
He's befriended the Brits, and hired a cabinet of friends
Some of which are the richest, so one hopes it pays dividends
To this he silences his, what, ... critics? 
By calling them, okay, ... idiots !
Trump's IQ some say it's one of the tops
One hope pressure doesn't make it pop
Trump also seen as grandstanding his wall
For the Mexican President to take the fall
Yet he may be right on all of this
For it's a lot of walkovers from the border
That's soaking up the jobs, social and welfare
Taking up space for the ones already here
Trump may be xenophobic and not a tulip or rose
But he can't be accused of tiptoeing in
He needed to stem the colony of ants
Instead of letting them bred and expanse

connie pachecho


Copyright © Connie Pachecho | Year Posted 2017

Details | Connie Pachecho Poem

He Found His Love In Deep Water

he found his love in deep water

there she was a roasted beauty queen lying on the beach
he moved towards her, inch by inch and then he met her reach
she came out of her shell
and that broke the spell
perfect, she was a hermit too living on rock bottom's breach

connie pachecho


Copyright © Connie Pachecho | Year Posted 2017

Details | Connie Pachecho Poem

Lickety Split

Lickety Split

Life is a vessel 
Inside my mind
Creeping along
Elan is over when the sails topple 
The wind ceases
Youth, and lulls old age

Such is the ascent and descent 
Pressing on now in quick montages
Life in its infancy to ending
In a blink of prized tuna and weathered sails
This vessel sailed by much too fast

connie pachecho


Copyright © Connie Pachecho | Year Posted 2018

Details | Connie Pachecho Poem

Christmas Past and Present Bring Me Tears

Christmas Past and Present Bring Me Tears 

My legs of yesterday's 
walked into a Christmas storybook,
a glorious past,
pages filled with good tidings.
And as young kid, once with open eyes,
with clinging beliefs
in good shepherds,
it was
my parents, 
that was better than Santa.
It was Mom and Dad's reindeer, 
being their five children,
that pulled their sled,
in song and dance,
through the stark Norwegian landscape,
deep in the countryside,
to a house covered in snow,
with a chimney billowing.
And that snowman in the front yard,
holding a smile
at all five button noses,
wrapped in long fur coats,
colorful knitted scarfs and caps,
black leather mitts and boots,
frost biting at their lips and toes.
With a parents love nipping at their hearts.
I still remember those very first steps,
on that white Christmas morning,
down the stairs of fairyland,
past the fireplace,
past a cuckoo clock on wall,
into the living room, 
excitement building up in me,
as I look under the Christmas tree,
a spruce
full with evergreen branches of pine cones,
dressed in ornaments, frost and tinsel.
My breath suspended.
And see. 
And see
a red bike,
a roll fast,
my nine year old eyes 
matching the sparkle and shine
and those tires never once tire.
Glorious that moment. 
Forever savored.
Me soon racing down the hill 
at the first hint of spring,
hair blowing in the wind
racing the bluebirds in my heart.
The shine.
These cairns,
marking the passage of my youth,
my walk, 
my walk of fate
through the storybook today swelling in tears.
I still remember,
some fifty years later,
a picture,
from gold to gray.
And as I turn the storybook pages,
of a once fairyland,
I see
the stockings filled with dark chocolates,
oranges, and walnuts.
And pride on
my Christmas card to Santa, 
the one I drew with loving care,
a stick man with a beard and pot belly,
standing next to eight stick reindeer,
placed next to Santa's
plate of cookies and milk,
now half consumed,
bite marks and leftover crumbs,
all for effect,
I soon surmised. 
Later that morning 
we returned from church,
in our Sunday best suits and ties, 
and quietly had dinner.
Today I reminiscence, 
that turkey dinner with all the trimmings,
mashed potatoes and gravy, 
yams and asparagus,
a side of salmon
and apple pie,
like the snowman
and pile of cairns, 
The glow of the candles
second to the glow of seven faces
gracing the table, once.
Both the smiles and glow caressing my heart
on days like today.
It was a walk that once was.
So glorious
and fulfilling,
a budding horizon, 
a promising life,
that makes days like today,
graying and lone,
somewhat on the wilted side,
and somewhat bitter,
a little bit better.
I still look out the window,
past the trees,
along a path,
to see if anyone's coming over today,
for effect.

connie pachecho


Copyright © Connie Pachecho | Year Posted 2017

Details | Connie Pachecho Poem

Tuned Pipes

Tuned Pipes

She plays the organ
To his standing ovation
Her stage tickled pink

connie pachecho


Copyright © Connie Pachecho | Year Posted 2017

Details | Connie Pachecho Poem

Trump's Crib

Trump's Crib

Trump's tank
Thinks blanks


Copyright © Connie Pachecho | Year Posted 2017

Details | Connie Pachecho Poem

He Found Clouds That Weathered His Mind

He Found Clouds That Weathered His Mind

Twelve months ago he caught a train
A train of thought.
At the depot of his mind he got on,
As a stowaway.
All through his life 
He was hitching a ride,
Hitching life,
Hitching nothing.
In tow 
He had nothing to show.
Just seeds of gloom
That grew into trees. 
Trees of melancholy.
On the outside he was normal.
On the inside
He was fighting his demons
Masked as depression.
On this train ride
He hoped for an answer,
A guiding light,
An angel from Heaven,
A welcoming change.
It grew worse.
Winds of faith,
Blowing him chocolate,
Wrapped up in sweetness,
An oasis.
He saw her on this train,
Another stowaway.
Water for his drought
The angel he sought.
His sunshine.
They talked briefly.
It stormed,
She turning into clouds
That weathered his mind.
Another aberration.
He got off,
Kisses blowing 
In the wind
Masked as pain
Taking him further 
Into the abyss, into
the depots of his mind.

connie pachecho


Copyright © Connie Pachecho | Year Posted 2017


Book: Shattered Sighs