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Best Poems Written by Noline Van As

Below are the all-time best Noline Van As poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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I once said to a barren friend of mine,
Anyone can write poetry – it is just words and emotions combined.
It was a long time ago – but then I realized,
The ease for him, is the hard for me, we all customize. 


Yet, a talent can be unique in such a way – that only few can be categorized, 
For I know nothing about singing and dancing – try to adapt – I will be brutalized. 
So what of is it with words and ideas – rhyming or not – a fun way to state?
With black, blue or green ink on paper, for poets it is a path to escape. 


I once glanced over a famous piece of art,
With paint and pictures the artist created happiness and pain apart. 
With colour he emphasised his love and proud,
With pictures he silently yelled his joy out loud.


I have collected a lot of reasons to earn my discharge,
Now with Poetry… one can be amused, one can be relieved of reality so harsh.
Poets can learn, poets can teach and poets can relate to another’s theory,
We can pronouns, we can read and we can write of any topic sincerely. 


I once told one of my barren friends, 
Anyone can write poetry… that thought came to extent. 
For poetry is unique and highly valued,
Poetry is used to show every poet’s gratitude.

Poetry is not just words and emotions on a piece of paper,
It is a fine description of truth, thoughts and poets using them tenderly.
Poetry is a piece of art that should be respected in a gallery, 
It is the work of the artist – the poet – using nothing to create something extraordinary.

Copyright © Noline Van As | Year Posted 2017

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Finding Truth

When I was little, oh, when I was small,
Only a child, believing in good is all…
When I was younger, oh, when I was youth,
Only a child, believing everyone would tell the truth.


They never did, they truly never did;
“Never lie! God forbid!”
Their words, oh, their words so ironic,
Preaching to a child, go along and lie some more – be fanatic. 


I grew up, oh, I became tall,
Then, reality shown me every damn lie they told.
I am older, oh, I became the grey perception,
A women disguising her childhood misconception.  


When I teach, oh, when I preach,
Dear darling, life is not waiting under a bridge.
When I speak, oh, when I tell you,
Dear child, superheroes do not exist, it’s not true.


Dream big – but you need to be realistic,
Otherwise, you chase after wind, falsely being optimistic. 
Go along, wish to grow up now, my dear child,
But remember, life is tough, forget the idea of it being mild.

Copyright © Noline Van As | Year Posted 2017

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Chasing Identity

In the dark corner of your eyes so faded,
See the life threw a glass of shattered wages. 
Using those to create a world with wrong perceptions, 
Money, lust… and a whole lot misconceptions.

Trying to reach the standards of those with high titles,
Pretending to be an angel – with demons inside you going viral.
Slowly suspending your suffocated life’s landing,
Crawling, crawling towards graves and endless searching. 

You are looking…

You glance over what expectations you need to attain,
Begging for mercy, begging – oh begging for someone to erase your pain.
No identity, no unique value to place you on the pondering plinth,
Just another… you… another cliché… an embryonic triumph. 

Circles and corners; they trap you inside that perplexing sequence, 
Stroked by greed, lashed by tags and in dispute with gravity and his sense.  
Not able to move… no place to belong… just another lost soul in this world of replicating, 
Follow their steps, lead into their future and never return as your own being. 

You hide…

Oh, my dear, you hide from the good you can be,
My lost soul, rather be you then me.
Sympathy I have for your poor humanity so absent from victory,
You living up to others’ success is truly an unpleasant catastrophe. 

Leave, leave now before the clay turns hard on your feet,
Before you and a different head compellingly meet.
Oh, my dear, go now before I shut the door of your imminent,
My lost soul, before the dark corner of your eyes become too confident.

Copyright © Noline Van As | Year Posted 2017

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In the Courthouse

For what you say I did, I plead guilty,
for why you say I did it, I deny freely.
For you do not understand how I felt,
after I buckled up my belt.

A man like me is never denied,
so she asked for every tear she cried.
“No!” is like giving me permission although unwilling,
to do what I feel whilst she is screaming.	

You might call me a psychopath and you wish I can die,
but your grieve and pain is the drug that gets me high.
Do you not do what makes you happy?
I dare you to try and judge me.

Furthermore, back to how I felt after I did the deed,
I felt the pain she felt, I watched her bleed.
I can still smell her fear running up my nose,
and still, feel her arms pushing away the consequence she chose.

All I wanted was to express the beauty she meant to me,
all I wanted was for her to see;
That a man like me can care for a girl like her,
but she brought out the side of me I never wanted to share.

With regret of never seeing her again I want to say,
to her family and friends… during the torcher she started to pray.
“God, I cannot do this without your help, please have mercy!”
for a second I stopped… and then she stared at me.

Her eyes were dead, her soul lost in fright,
her voice yelled silence in the middle of the night.
Her mouth was shut as she bit on her teeth,
sorrow ran down her cheeks that made it hard to breath.

Now, in Court I am for my misunderstood actions,
in this Courthouse – I just want to resolve your misconceptions.
Yes, I do believe I deserve to be sentenced,
but for you listening… even I wish I could have prevented this.

Copyright © Noline Van As | Year Posted 2017

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Life Knock Me Down Once More

Falling, falling like the rain above our heads,
Breaking, breaking into millions by awful threats.
Show me how we should stand tall
Even after the highest fall.

Reach above what you might think - 
Would safe us if bad happens after every blink.
Promise, promise the fight with gravity will stop,
I want to catch air before another knife comes to chop and chop.

Dear, you can’t because life taught me a lesson,
Never will bad distract if good is near to out measure.
If we ask for one day of perfection,
Would you not agree if I say that is only a false depiction? 

Maybe, maybe one day we will get to acknowledge,
Every tear is worth survival to raising up once more – to accomplish.
Life is not some fairy-tale we live our dreams and never disagree,
Life is learning, acting, realizing that we will never stop facing tragedy. 

Life, Life, oh Dear Life, 
Knock me down once more, 
I need to know what my strength are for.
I need to feel that satisfaction of continuous victory building up my wall.
I will fall, Dear Life I will, but keep me down and you will fail,
I would rather stand up with a new army of bricks protecting me in sculls. 
Falling, falling like the rain above your head,
Breaking, breaking into millions by my awful threat.

I will show you how I stand tall,
Even after my highest fall.

Copyright © Noline Van As | Year Posted 2017

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Burning blue bottles below the bridge,
Fire, fire light up the glitch.
Like water drowning the heat,
Let the resolving and the problem meet.

Slowly dispense the accustomed on the stranger,
Gone, gone away with the gloomier danger.
Like an unwelcoming guest in the house of the vender,
Let the uninvited disappear without being tender.

White weeping willows on the witty green grass,
Washed, washed the tears of the trees sparkling like glass.
Like a dirty old plate soaking in bleach,
Let the filth hide absent from the full house fridge.

Tiny toddler tempted to grow into the mature,
Time, time will sooth the temptation of unnecessary pursuit.
Like a speeding car chasing to win,
Let the dimmed issue shrink into an unseen limp.

Copyright © Noline Van As | Year Posted 2017

Details | Noline Van As Poem

One Step Further

Draw the illusion and design a new portrait with your colouring ink,
make the image explicit and striking with only one blink.
Assure the idea you wish to present before you start,
because once it is done, that depiction will stay in the past.

Watch the film once more than what you already have,
look out for the small details to truly understand the math.
Every time you will find something new to remember,
thus, do not hesitate to even consider.

Read the cover of the book you see in front of you, 
but open the pages and it will start whispering too.
Carefully study before you try to recall what it says,
for every word has a powerful meaning to the title it shares.

Feel the texture of the sculpture that He made,
confirm the tipe of clay He used to create;
Touch the meaning of the art with your open mind,
only then you will realize the beauty which it hides.

Introduce yourself to the wide variety of new creations,
invite them over to enjoy your presence.
Then let them have a good time exploring you as the host,
ask them what they think… take the best out of most.

Then you may choose which you truly desire,
only those you deeply admire.
Appreciate the fact that you waited to learn who they are,
be grateful that you did not judge them from way too far.

The best lies underneath each and every one of the unique,
it is astounding how friends can be discovered beyond just one peak.
Uncover your eyes and reach their souls instead,
fill up your heart with the goodness you fed.

Copyright © Noline Van As | Year Posted 2017

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New Heart Joining Poetry

I find myself writing once again,
With the empathy I show to myself – just recycling.
Every day adds another to the past,
I keep telling myself; enjoy the good in life while it lasts.

Why do I write – why do I share?
They read – they listen – but do they care?
Is poetry my escape to find those who understands?
Is there somewhere… someone wishing upon a similar soul to hold their hand?

Copyright © Noline Van As | Year Posted 2017

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No Longer the Paper's Girl

She took her pencil to engrave her soul on a paper waiting,
But, all he received was one for one a teardrop falling.
He looked up in her beautiful eyes with questions to why she rains,
Waiting for a grey mark – waiting for her to lift her hand and write out the pain.

Moments passed and he still could not get her to tell her story,
He wanted to listen, he waited as he stared at the pencil failing to complete his duty.
She did not move, she did not speak, 
her head felt heavy, and her eyes felt weak.
Her arms laid down on the paper still waiting upon her,
He hugged her back, he held her tight, still with the pencil not making a purr. 
Sad, sad noises explored the air in the room,
Searching for peace whilst she rest her head on the paper’s gloom. 

His poor girl could not use him anymore,
No more word or crafting – no sharing of her heart so sore.
Her poor paper had no reason to wait upon the pencil,
He had no reason… for his girl was no longer notable. 

She replaced the pencil with medication against her head,
She saw the blank paper with the slightest sight she had left.
His girl made him feel like he wanted to rain as well,
For he knew he would never be able to hear her writing through the stories she use to tell.

Copyright © Noline Van As | Year Posted 2017

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Moonlight Shadows

Moonlight shadows, close my eyes with your voice,
Sing me a lullaby, a melody of your own choice.
Turn me over to the dreams I would like to meet,
Make me a believer of the good and sweet.

Moonlight shadows, love me with your beauty,
Show me the light you shine when facing reality.
Teach me how to be strong when you have no power,
Just like you lose yours after twelve hours.

Moonlight shadows, carry me to your perspective, 
Tell me your opinion so that I can start to live.
Share your secrets of how you defeat darkness,
Although you above all can be so harmless.

Moonlight shadows, let me follow you when you lead the way,
For if you disappear it is only twelve hours of the day.
Be the guidance I need to shine my own light,
You can use the stars to shine my way bright.

Moonlight shadows, dear Moonlight shadows,
Save me from the gloom when I am stuck in the shallows,
Leave behind your shades for me to trail,
Let your light be what prevents me to fail.

Copyright © Noline Van As | Year Posted 2017


Book: Shattered Sighs