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Best Poems Written by Kristi Thrush

Below are the all-time best Kristi Thrush poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Caterpillar Dreams


Sweet, moist, musky earth pervades all of my senses 
In safe darkness, beneath this leaf, my cool canopy 
I have no wants as I slumber here in contentment 
I am humbly grateful, alive with my blessings 

Rested now, I feel a need to explore this place 
Hungry to feed my belly and begin my journey 
I crawl out from my haven into the brightness 
The tree I seek is beyond this forest of grass 

My world is brilliant yellow, brown, and spring green 
I climb an etched blade, and feast on its succulence 
I chew my way down, and nourished, I aim for my oak 
My little legs scurry toward where I must rest soon. 


The sky is pink, orange and red as twilight wanes 
I am weary like the sun, slowly closing his eyes 
I begin my ascent toward a branch high above 
I labor up the scaly skin, finally to the limb 

Nestling in a crevice of this arm that holds me 
I watch the last ruby glow melt from the sky 
My day's toil leaves me exhausted yet peaceful 
Starlight’s gently sparkle a silent lullaby 

I dream I am cradled in finely spun cotton 
I dream I am nothing but pure spirit and joy 
I dream I am falling, then floating, then flying 
I dream of bright blossoms dancing in the air. 


I awaken to darkness, yet hear birds singing 
I have slumbered so long, and feel the need to stretch 
My surroundings crackle when I extend my body 
A thin, radiant beam enters, shocking my sight 

This body's strange to me; I seem to have arms 
I beat them against the sides of my enclosure 
It crunches apart like dry leaves in the autumn 
I stand on thin legs, atop a broken casket 

The air is alive with wisteria and lilac 
Upon its sweet breeze, I surrender myself 
I flutter and float as I bask in the sunshine 
I am a young orchid blossoming in the sky

Copyright © Kristi Thrush | Year Posted 2007

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Nature's Table Haiku

terra cotta earth 
baking in sun's open kiln 
large empty table 

drops of kindness fall 
nourishing new sprouts with hope 
earthen mother heals 

lively greens abound 
nature's plentiful banquet 
offers of herself

Copyright © Kristi Thrush | Year Posted 2007

Details | Kristi Thrush Poem

The Gingerbread Man

The gingerbread man sleeps in the pan 
Until the spatula comes, and the hand - 
To snap off his crackling, new-born limbs 
No end to human appetites - and whims ... 

He's stuck there, broken, on the baking pan - 
Little doughy, cooked - little doughy man ... 
He'll feel every bite, now counted with dread - 
Until finally, someone bites off his head! 

Now that he knows, he hopes death will be swift - 
"Bite through my neck, and bring me death's gift!" 
"On this sheet, I'll live as fully as I can" ... 
A very short life, for a gingerbread man!

Copyright © Kristi Thrush | Year Posted 2007

Details | Kristi Thrush Poem


I scream from this megaphone, 
this God-given voice amplifier! 
It is a gift to me, but only works 
in a certain way ... backwards! 
It is clear that my megaphone 
was mis-created just for me. 

I shout words like: "help me!" 
It reverberates within me again. 
The words I incant, echo into me 
like I'm yelling down a canyon - 
to a passage that is within me - 
I hear a cry, but no one else does. 

I am a drum, an empty one, alone. 
I try to call out, but only cry within. 
The reverb attacks my sensibilities, 
and so I scream again in disgust ... 
But I only repulse myself; I'm alone. 
I call though, again, out to you ... 

Alone, I hear my echo'd cry for you.

Copyright © Kristi Thrush | Year Posted 2007

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In My Dreams: My Home, the Sea

Swirling whirlpool of my mind 
Late-night jangled, stressful bind - 
To the coolness of my sheets 
I await whatever greets ... 

Half asleep and half awake - 
I leave my mind, for rest's sake 
I stop thinking, then I see - 
That which always waits for me. 

Bird-egg blue and mossy froth - 
Slightly cool and fragrant broth 
Beckons me, this ocean does - 
To escape from that which was. 

Heart awakens, then I dive - 
Blessed to feel so much alive! 
Peace, yet power stirs my soul - 
In this endless fishes' bowl. 

Colors rich and creatures rare 
Dangers grimace - I don't care ... 
Through the caves and liquid realms - 
Free, I wander, with no qualms. 

Someday forever, I will stay - 
Amidst this splendorous array 
Of silence reigning in the balms - 
My soul, the sea's embrace, it calms.

Copyright © Kristi Thrush | Year Posted 2007

Details | Kristi Thrush Poem

Like a Bubble

Sometimes I feel like I live in a bubble: 
Delicate film for skin, vulnerably alive. 
I float but not freely, bound by the earth 
and its gravity, pulling me down, while 
I need to fly, rising from the boys who 
pull wings off dragonflies, just for 'fun'. 

Ah, when the wind stirs me, swirling me - 
in circular patterns, while I breathe fully, 
Not afraid anymore, the breeze is so gentle, 
yet it playfully moves me around and around. 
Gravity is lighter, and I let myself be blown, 
from the breath like God's, which created me. 

Like a loving father, this kind wind supports me: 
He holds me, teaching his young daughter a waltz. 
I am lifted and carefree, within his arms, smiling. 
I am gazing within the sweet eyes of magnaminity! 
Oh, Father, please protect me, yet let me be free. 
Keep me from reach of those who would harm me!

Copyright © Kristi Thrush | Year Posted 2007

Details | Kristi Thrush Poem

My Image and I

From across the room, my reflection shines to me. 
The mirror shows the same girl I've always been. 
I smile at her, and joyful eyes welcome me in. 

As I approach this glass toward my living portrait, 
with each step I see the years that have gone by. 
Forty-six unfold before me, by my last stride. 

Leaning up close, tiny rivers flow under my eyes, 
my skin tone has darkened, and I have less hair. 
Not Snow White, and 'of them all', I'm not most fair. 

I gaze into my eyes, looking for sympathy ... 
I see love and pain, peace and courage instead. 
Vanity loves new buds, hating blossoms with dread. 

I stand back now, at ease, remembering myself; 
but before I kiss this reflection goodbye - 
We share a hearty laugh, my image and I.

Copyright © Kristi Thrush | Year Posted 2007

Book: Reflection on the Important Things