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Best Poems Written by Eufemio Basada

Below are the all-time best Eufemio Basada poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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A Knight's Parody

A magic knight coursing on in brilliance

On lean hack in clanging, cleaving aegis,

Crunching incantation-dark, blunt, and grunt.

So light illumines his cold, whiskered phiz

And it predates the warrior in night hunt.

Chase is stashed by shade then stir lulls to prance

When periphery is gorged by a mist.

Pitches of bolts burst ahead ere he cries.

His corpus recoils from cuffs in the breasts;

Wide-flat nose lights down to the ground; he dies.

Copyright © Eufemio Basada | Year Posted 2007

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Mental Affair

I gaze a stalky single-helix cradle,
Squished so in seemingly hydrous blue cover,
Attracts square substantial planes in a bundle.

I embrace now feather's mass helve to ladle
Psychic portraits siphon to it in wander.
My fist fiddles as it scribbles on oodles.

Cuts of a suckling tree, soil, river fondle
Paper, pen, poet in cahoots as lovers
Rupture of a skeptic smug gnostic noodle

Copyright © Eufemio Basada | Year Posted 2007

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Behold the pulchritude overhead exalts to about a spread. 

It is o full swift which greatly outstrips thunder and gale added, 

Yet ocular to sigh from more than a score of hillocks afar. 

It is yet not as harefooted as my head can proceed thinking, 

Wending in raining sands anyway in the world; I am, warping. 

Eclipsing, rising flowering is stalking to a lightning hark. 

Fit ratherish hebetates the wit seeing the fleeting on-dit. 

Wights excitedly get unaware and err without a merit. 

Thunderstorm is a marvel, a thrill, and opposite to a pit. 

To expand the concept in top glass, I can only compound it 

To a bit, as Oak's nether jut loud rackets; I lief bracket it 

To daunted lit fibrils in an electric, animated chit. 

Grandiosity and haste of german "Blitz" allure me pretty, 

Puffing sinew of great intensity as exit gratefully. 

No wonder Homer, a sage, enkindled Zeus with it slatefully. 

Withal, Gandalf scragged up a demon by a bolt, hit it fatefully. 

I fumble in night to kiss spits heard in my inner olio. 

To fancy, a mountain of clouds on the stratosphere sits and flows. 

Ergo, zenith and nadir fascinate each other, pitch and tow. 

Lightning is jars of macedoines of grits afloat as dominoes. 

A scad of millesimals in a galaxy: shrunk, shot, and blows. 

Such dragons breathe snows wee of infinitesimal ratio, 

So snows sock the gullible cherub in me so as hue arrows. 

A bolt o real as it speeds, is so so vivid; No nod, it glows. 

A man tranquil in a head, able or wicked, it's good to know, 

Mental heaven to if it is full facile to trow; Thor follows.

Copyright © Eufemio Basada | Year Posted 2007

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The Return of the Ring

Rugged room of like cavern, mountain.
Beneath is a stream of hot fluid.
Sole soak the Lord of the rings can bleed.
A meteorite quiet fountain.

Hot golden lava slowly strickles;
Behold, floats Gollum the monstrous ghoul.
To the volcano's bluff, it fast crawls.
At last, came and flaming fright bristles.

Before, like princely film, in air, hoofs.
Hole gate of Mordok to interfuse.
Volcano's chamber choked to peruse.
Lava ripples as the mist storms soft.

Now, Gollum reels with a nova, sonic.
Strikes the vale about, corpses quicken.
An army grows of ressurection.
Orc bones and rotten flesh- demonic.

Copyright © Eufemio Basada | Year Posted 2007

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Familiar Poesy

I was quiescent and reposing on a wooden chair

to a faraway distance the vista seemed nothing.

I was engrossedly thoughtful in an empty stare;

In this somber fixation i did not sound maudlin.

In the surrounding, in a room, there was naught to care

even how vociferous the unaffecting din.

I was vacant without a frown or grin.

Then, an astonishment by an abrupt interruption

awakened me chop-chop from the pensive exertion.

An instinctively soft guffaw was my reaction

and an immediate beam marked down my emotion.

From a study to a stir was the alteration;

I uttered a word or two in continuation.

It was a spectacle of fruition.

Sometimes it is diverting to father relation

of familiar episodes in consecution;

Even how minute is their banausic condition.

It can be reported engagingly in a verse

with welcome alternate rhyming association

and with no contemplation to secure confusion

so as any sage mortal can immerse.

Copyright © Eufemio Basada | Year Posted 2007

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In the twilight of my life i weep;
Life is more complex stir, mine is deep.
Much as I have shed some essentials,
I'll not unknow a love convivial.
I low,"God, my dolor be muffled 
To a fat langour as i hobble.
Eyes shy of mirth and cry till day passed
And until the dumb tears crept down fast.
Passion that sprouted-Siren! I clue;
When you have left I was turned to blue.
Thing's depth are merry to reminisce,
Towering and not to diminish.
I first glimpsed at her, night, I was sent;
Love have grown then I postured as gent.
I quizzed her loud,"could you be my date?"
She assented,"yes," lurched to gyrate.
So dawned the bodacious occassions.
Early love, not infatuation.
Next day I went to her and stopped by.
I bid her out to a mall nearby.
The sight of her inclined me to sigh. 
To suck her cheek I coveted to try.
How unmannerly to left her by
I ingressed the taxi first dead spry.
We were hyenas to an extent high,
Steel repelled from campus without goodbye.
At the mall she demeaned really strange;
She dogged behind; I was unhinged.
In cinema I glanced by a range.
She was a stunner I cannot change.
Next our paunch bulged at a snack counter;
We paid our own bread with no palter,
Went home and I revealed to like her.
Then she was plainly thrilled, in dither.

Copyright © Eufemio Basada | Year Posted 2007

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A Knight's Hunt

A magic knight coursing on in brilliance

On lean hack in clanging, cleaving aegis,

Crunching incantation-dark, blunt, and grunt.

So light illumines his cold, whiskered phiz

And it predates the warrior in night hunt.

Chase is stashed by shade then stir lulls to prance

When periphery is gorged by a mist.

Pitches of bolts burst ahead ere a miss.

Startle angers his shield of sparks in haste;

Shots hotfoot through with explosions, vanish.

Copyright © Eufemio Basada | Year Posted 2007

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Realizing Reality

Feature the nature a darkness
And us like blind wights yet flawless;
We go about in normal ways.
Things are akin magnetic sways;
Atoms, quarks are real blank, shapeless.
Invisible shield, things pieces,
Brightened? turned hovering arrays.
You seat and lean as if in space;
Also, your body only is
Occulted from optic notice.
Back, you bore on easily my
Core to fathom this dreamy try
In gloom which frights the brightness.
Black paint on things sires a likeness.
If light drifts random your climate,
And eyes not shy- wide radiate;
Thus, you perceive, as you conceive this,
Colored things- sole light and forces.

Copyright © Eufemio Basada | Year Posted 2007

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The Sorcerer and the Stone

Dry tangle of strands like leaves of a pine.
Neck-long sable yet lemon to close a beaming line.

Decked by two sharp wan visage processes.
Shut some-screened eyes and jaw- high and breadthless.

Dangling armor is woven garb of chains.
Bony hands impose his thin scrawny mien.

Spread them down to ignite an incipient
Of electric qeues like sunspot lightning

Toward a floating smooth stone before him.
Struck bouy makes a devious glow as his grin.

Growing fulgence throbbing to explosion
in lieu he is sucked like dusts by the stone.

Copyright © Eufemio Basada | Year Posted 2007

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lightnings picturesque

vehement wind full of zest

pulchritude caution

natural snarl best

do not nictate the eyes lest

it will seem to rest

a relief by waves

racketry from wave breakage

dulcet stir to ears

light illuminates

through a box it radiates

mere simulation

Copyright © Eufemio Basada | Year Posted 2007

Book: Shattered Sighs