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Best Poems Written by Alexea Norman

Below are the all-time best Alexea Norman poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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I Cry

I had a deck of cards when I was seven years old... 
I had a winning deal to, but then I had to fold...
I couldn't deal with the feel of his hold
My room was always dark when he came in
His breath was hot and the sheets were thin
He couldn't help but touch my skin
He'd tell me he loved me but then he'd grab my throat
On his every command I'd choke
With every word I'd cry
But then he'd scream and tell me to comply...
I cry, I cry, I cry
People have listened to my every lie
I say I'm fine when I wanna die
He'd touch me, love me
I'd give a silent reply...
I cry, I cry, I cry...
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye...

Copyright © Alexea Norman | Year Posted 2016

Details | Alexea Norman Poem

The Truth In Lies

We are taught that if we try at something we can succeed

We are taught that we are safe in our own homes

We are taught that as long as we have each other the bad will never reach us

That the darkness will never get in

We are taught that goodbyes are not forever

We learn that there are things we just can’t do

We learn that we are never truly safe

We learn that the bad never has to reach us and the darkness never has to get in
because it’s already there

We learn that goodbye is the last word someone speaks before they disappear from us forever

The world is full of harsh truths

We are not taught this but we know

We know in our blood that lies are a part of life

Like love and pain

They provide balance for the truths

A comfort in the cold nights

A net to catch us when we fall

Lies keep us balanced

They keep us calm

You have to have evil to have good

And you have to have a lie to have a truth

But one day, all your lies will be torn from you

One day you’ll have to face the facts

We will not always succeed

We are never safe

The darkness is always with us

And a goodbye is final

Copyright © Alexea Norman | Year Posted 2016

Book: Shattered Sighs