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Best Poems Written by Aleks Kurai

Below are the all-time best Aleks Kurai poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Social Outcast

Life as of late has been a path I have not perceived that I would go along again. I thought that I was getting better then I ever have been before but now I see it it the other way around. I’m a sad pitiful excuse for a human being who isn't taking the full opportunity of life. Instead of going out with friends and living the time of my life, I sit inside slitting my wrist and worrying what the person I never talk to thinks of me. I’ve lost so many friendships if that is even what you can call them because I worried about how I acted around them and never realized thats why they liked me in the first place. I would always conform to the people I wish to called friends not know that I was just a pest to them that they were trying to avoid, I was so jaded as to wether someone liked me or not I didn't see the clear evidence that they didn’t. Even then I still try to conform for them as if they approval is as important as god to adam & eve. They promised me things, got my hopes up for months on ends knowing in the back of their head that it would not happen, it was as if I was just their little puppet on strings dancing to whatever tune they wished to play. I’ve been so focused on how my future would be that I never realized how shitty the present is for me. I got to these therapy appointments where they give me pills on pills telling me i’ll get better but always get told im getting worse. I only have myself to blame because I know I dont want to get better I just want for the pain and distress to be over in an instant cause when i work on fixing it the smallest things makes me feel worse then when I started. I’m sorry for being to be a weird, awkward, annoying person for I have not done anything to help your opinion of me to change, I just make it worse and worse. I dont know why I thought I would fit in with you if I cant even fit in with my own judgement of myself. I’ need to disconnect from the world and everyone in it as if a never ending hibernation that I only come out of once I’m accepted. You can think and call me whatever you like as long as you are honest I appreciate to know how I am an outcast to you that way I can hide it as I try to impress you with another pitiful attempt at giving you the friendship you have rejected in the past

Copyright © Aleks Kurai | Year Posted 2016

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Social Injustice

Who’s right is it to tell us it is bad?
Who’s right is it to tell us it is wrong?
Who’s right is it to tell us it is disgraceful?
Who’s right is it to tell us it is improper?
Who’s right is it to tell us it is unfitting?
Who’s right is it to tell us it is inopportune?
Who’s right is it to tell us it is troubled?
Who’s right is it to tell us it is hopeless?
Who’s right is it to tell us it is indecent?
Who’s right is it to tell us it is unethical

Why do people think they have the right to tell someone how to live?
Why do people think they have the right to tell someone they are wrong?
Why do people think they have the right to tell someone anything?

The human race was created with an ability no other animal has.
We as humans have the ability and honor of having independence.
Freedom to live our lives how we want with no restrictions.
To do what we want when we want. 
All other animals are bound to their owners and mother nature.

So why are humans trying to take that away from each ourselves?
If that’s gone what is left?

We decide out fate.
We decide what we want.
We decide what we do.
We decide.

not you


Copyright © Aleks Kurai | Year Posted 2016

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Mankind's Ignorance

Colors, A specter of light no meaning or purpose yet without them not just the world but everything on it would perish No direction No warnings No purpose They guide us tell us what is right or wrong what is dangerous and what is safe revealing emotions that without lay dormant elimination of color means the elimination of life Even now with color how do we know my colors are the same as yours One can not describe a color for it is limitless Without bounds color has no essence color is the definition of essence Who are we to have a favorite? To pick a single shade of limitless possibilities and with swagger say that one color is the best take away even a single shade, a single color from the world and the world will stop destroying itself from within It is when all colors are together that the world can continue to spin for life to be able to survive a day longer it needs harmony One to be so ignorant of this fact you hold the arrogance of self righteousness in only one Is pure mutiny Jealousy is the only word to describe it to not the how important a seamless pointless object is For ignorance is bliss

Copyright © Aleks Kurai | Year Posted 2016

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Happy Birthday baby. I wish you the very best. I want to give you my heart, give you my eternal rest. My only goal in life, is your maximum happiness. Yet you continue to reject it, as if a virus to your soul. Truth is you deserve better then me. You deserve someone there, who can satisfy your every need, and not feel guilty for doing so. I try. I’m trying to give you everything. for you deserve the entire world, no you deserve the universe. A basket of fresh picked daises. A box full of assorted chocolates. A man to open the door for you. A person to wake up next to. Anyone other then me. I wish to show you, to show you how much I care. To spend every last penny. To ship a new closet to you. To be able to feel your touch. To show you Your smile. It’s like a sliver of heaven, seeing it reminds me life is good. Forcing a smile of my own. Something only an angel can do. Your eyes. I don’t know how to describe them. Every time I study them, I get lost in an evergreen forest, never wanting to leave. Your hair. Flowing with the magnificence of a newborn fawn, galloping through a fresh field of wheat. Not looking for anything but just… being naturally majestic. Your shyness. Hiding behind everything in sight, like a newborn kitten afraid of the world. Though you think it is a weakness, It is one of your greatest traits. Your voice. No amount of words can summarize, what comes to mind when I hear you speak. For mind mind draws a blank, as if my ears are hearing pure bliss from a goddess. I love you Katelyn. Forever and Always. I wish I could do more for your birthday, to show you how much I love you. Happy Birthday Princess, I love you with all my heart
With more love, Jorge

Copyright © Aleks Kurai | Year Posted 2016

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Letter To Who Needs It

I’m not a miracle worker and I can’t promise you much. I can’t make the words go away. I can’t make you love yourself. I can’t give you an appetite to eat. I can’t just magically make you sleep. I can’t turn back time and magically explain what happened between now and then. I know there’s a lot of light outside and I can’t dim the lights but I got a room you can hide in. Anything outside I can bring it to you. I can’t turn down the volume I know the outside world can get really loud but we can close the windows. What I can do is I can wait right here with you until you’re ready. We can talk all day or I can just sit here and be silent. I could be across the room, a few towns over, or right next to you. We can play games or listen to music. You can use my face to practice your makeup or if you need to hit something I’ll be there. We can do whatever you want just as long as you know when we leave the room and we re-enter the world we’re going to do it together and I’m not going anywhere. I’ll skip school, tell my parents I’ll see them later. I’ll bring some movies, my laptop, and junk food, I got entertainment or I can just sit here and talk to you. It doesn’t matter what we’re doing but throughout the duration of you feeling this way I’m going to be right here until you feel better and when you’re ready, you and I will re-enter the world together. Ok? Just before you do anything let me know.


Copyright © Aleks Kurai | Year Posted 2016

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Love… love is ever-changing. With each generation, we seem to lose the meaning. We rely so much on what others think that it prevents our possibility for true love. Love… love used to be everlasting. It was something we held dear to us, that we only gave to the person we knew, we knew we wanted to spend every waking moment with. Love… love is boundless. Now opened up to everything, we can connect to people from anywhere. No longer confined to our neighboring towns, the whole world is a brand new opportunity. Love… love is evolving. Society, technology, medicine, socialization, we as a race are advancing leaving behind the old ways. So does love continue to evolve, or did it develop into an all new emotion? Love… well love is love. There’s no denying true love is harder to come by, but it still exist scarcely in the world. One can only hope to find it, and experience the true definition of… Love
Love: 1. unselfish loyal and benevolent concern for the good of another -K

Copyright © Aleks Kurai | Year Posted 2016

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Everyday she thinks it’s her last.
Mistreated, misunderstood, misguided.
She thinks she deserves nothing.
But that isn't the case.

She is beautiful, kind, and sweet.
She hides its from others in fear of being hurt.
For she has been hurt by a lot in the past.
Hopefully she will learn to open up again.

Her smile is like a sunset on the last autumn day.
Her eyes glisten like a endless shimmering ocean.
Her hair flows with the magnitude of a beautiful fawn.
Her laugh is like an orchestra of angels playing in sync.

She is taken for granted.
Torn and belittled by the ones closest to her.
She’s afraid to open up.
For she does not want to lose another.

Then came someone.
Someone who thought he died and was seeing an angel.
He doesn't deserve her but she doesn't believe that.
He wants to treat her like a queen for she seems like royalty.

He trys.
Slowly but surely.
To win her heart.
And drag her out of the darkness that has consumed her.

She thinks he is saving her.
But it is the other way around.
She is his last hope for love.
He realizes this and tries even harder.

She fights against it.
Against the fact that anyone could love her.
She believes she deserves nothing.
But all he wants to do is give her everything.

Her beauty can only be described as something told in legends.
Her tenacity for what she loves is something I strive for.
Her kindness for people is something I wish I had.
Her heart that has been demolished by others is something I want to rebuild.

She is a star in the night looked over by others.
She is a fallen angel that heaven regrets losing.
She is a diamond in the rough surrounded by insults.
She is a person who is treated worse then a mutt.

Every cut, every scar.
Every negative thought.
Every suicide attempt.
Every addiction.
Everything is because of others.

Your parents think they are helping,
but they are making it worse.
Your friends think you’re fine,
but that is the problem.
Your ex’s think you’re awful,
but that is their opinion.
Your boyfriend thinks you’ll survive,
but he know’s you won’t.

You are the air I breath in.
You are the blood flowing through my veins.
You are the thoughts racing through my mind.
You are the purpose of me putting one foot in front of another.

Even as I write this, it can’t escape my mind.
That you could be gone.
That I won’t ever be able to get lost in your eyes.
That I won’t ever be able to see your smile and smile myself.
That I won’t ever hear the woman I love.


Copyright © Aleks Kurai | Year Posted 2016

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Forever and Always

You sit there wondering, “When will he leave me?” “When will he stop forgiving?” As he told you, “forever and always.” You test him, pushing him to his limits, and he won’t budge. As he told you, “forever and always.” He wont last much, if I keep doing this to him. When will he see my demons? As he told you, “forever and always.” He can’t be real. No one has stayed this long. I just don’t get why. As he told you, “forever and always.” I think he’s the one. He has to be, the one I’ve been waiting for. As he told you, “forever and always.” He left. I pushed him too far. I’ve ruined him I thought he said, “forever and always.”

Copyright © Aleks Kurai | Year Posted 2016

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Blood Soaked Carpets

Red, It pierces your soul diminishing your will “It wasn't your fault” it cycles your head with no end The guilt, chewing at your ankles taking bits of sanity at a time If you ignore it it’ll go away right? You think denial is your minds cure but it is the opposite It’s the supplier to your madness Days past the thoughts get louder it’s the essence of evil you can’t fight it anymore no more denying it hurts too much you let the the thoughts take over *snap* The feeling is different they aren't fighting to be heard It’s quite you dont feel like the same person you were all your life You feel a tug a voice calling you you follow it You realize you’re going towards home you question your own motives Freezing You feel you’re almost there thinking about all the thoughts you get lost you black out You snap out of it You’re at where she lies no idea how you got there a flood of emotions hit you out of nowhere you fall to your knees cursing god Your anger is overwhelming You notice a sharp pain your fist is bulging dripping in blood
Reed the rest here because of the character limit:

Copyright © Aleks Kurai | Year Posted 2016

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Ghost Town

Divided by two houses. One is her captor. One is her savior. She has been hurt. Not knowing who to trust. Not knowing who to let in. Her life seeming like a void. As if she’s separated from everything. Forever walking in a ghost town. One day something happens. Something changes. She doesn't know how to react. A random guy appeared. She was interested so she approached. He thought he had died and was visited by an angel. Time passes and they get to know one other. They fall in love within days. She is afraid of making it official though. To drag him in her despair. To show him her dark passenger. To let him see her hell. But she doesn't realize. For him he’s ready to accept it. To walk through the muck hand and hand. This is something she thought she would never know. Having someone who truly loves her. Who doesn't care about the surroundings just the destination. One day her two houses collide. Throwing her mind into a spiral. Not knowing what to do. He saw her distress and tried to help. He tried and tried but nothing worked. So he did something he never did and gave her space. That was the opposite of what she needed. She thought he was like the others. That he walked out when it go tough. Her life went on and so did his. Both of them getting worse. Always feeling like something was missing. Then he messaged her asking how she was. She was in shock thinking he wanted nothing to do with her. He explained how he thought he was being a burden and gave her time. They rejoiced knowing what they thought was wrong. The love they had for each other got stronger. Nothing can stop them now. So is she ready to open up? He shakes it off knowing if not now then soon. For he want’s to walk along side her in her ghost town.

Copyright © Aleks Kurai | Year Posted 2016


Book: Reflection on the Important Things