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Best Poems Written by Contact Us.Aspx

Below are the all-time best Contact Us.Aspx poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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We'Re To Be

I saw what we would look like:
Those two Lilies living lively in close proximity;
So close, in fact, their identical buds stare into
their mere reflections of passionate pastal smiles
and blushing petals like the powdered cheeks of a middle school affectionary -

A glimpse of us displayed
in the large field - two Dandelions
uncommonly rooted within centimeters of each other,
Close-cornered so in that their seeds,
Like an arranged marriage, coupled in the wind's 
breasting breeze -
Yet as sure as death, to be split by unsure currents and rushes
of High and Low pressures.
Known Pressures;

I thought I caught a glance
Of what possibly could've been there-
growing azaleas
masked by a single magnolia:
self-infatuated, blinded by selfish desire (or wishful thinking)-
an image of what
we were to be.

Copyright © Gavin D.S. | Year Posted 2011

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The Boxing Match


Round 1
Your knees became weak
Learning that your opponent was The Great Enah;
The one to never lose a match.
The one to tear you apart from the inside,
with a double right hook to a left
uppercut combo,
and finally a killer left jab to the
right cheek to only take you out
for 3 seconds at a time;

Round 6
My heart sunk
Learning of your match when you were half way done.
At this point
just to
keep your
Battlescars have taken captive your beautiful flesh
Wrinkles of veins stand like mountains
above valleys of blood on your deteriorating skin.
Yet I watch you continue on,
to land a glorifying punch to say
"Everything will be alright."

Round 12
The final countdown
Revealing the final combo
A fatal melee straight through the chest.
I fell to my knees as she tumbled to the ring's floor.
The impact of her body loosely colliding to the ground
echoed in my gut.
6 Rounds,
Not even 60 or 600,
could prepare me for this moment -
She lost.


Copyright © Gavin D.S. | Year Posted 2011

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Stoney Path

I've traveled a road - barefoot
that's paved of spring stones
Feeling that occasional lush of warmth on my callused feet.
A chilling wind scales my shoulders,
reminding me that I've been walking the cold of Winter.

Bitter-sweet is the Winter sun,
tearing through the snowy clouds with igniting rays
that uncomfortably heat my cheeks.
Flushed with the embarrassment of not knowing how to proceed,
I lower my head,
hiding my love-inflicted smile,
and tread on the stoney path - barefoot

and undesirably alone?

Copyright © Gavin D.S. | Year Posted 2010

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Two Faced

It smiles to you
Speaks kind words
Encourages you
It's your friend

Then it turns its head
Stabs your back and suffocates your front
It destroys your name
and dares to claim - 
A different side
A different face

Copyright © Gavin D.S. | Year Posted 2008

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Romans 7:24 : My Birth & Rebirth

'O wretched man that I am! Who shall deliver me from the body of this death?'

      None have I yet, from my days so young, met in the pastures of my life and its 
weeds. None hat met my plead nor steer for righteousness to bring me to the 
light from this shaded skin and flesh. 'O wretched man that I am! Who shall 
deliver me from the body of this death?'
      That is my plead in motto; My forefront from sin. Sin - the wrong introduced 
from the law; The law that shames the gospel; The gospel of Jesus Christ. Back 
at when the day of Pentacost came and at when the Crucifixion Day fell; Hope 
rose. The law was appended, but God's word never died, it prevailed.
     Back at 'Day 1' in my life, I was born of a natural birth - A sinner. Just a fat little 
sinner. I would toil with my birth parents and just get on their nerves! To cry 'n fret 
when nothing's wrong. To eat and eat and eat and eat. And as we all know, when 
we eat a lot, we "leave a lot" behind. But sneaking past the early years, to about 
the 5-7 ages, I'd do the most craziest things, and boy did I get some whippings! 
But those whippings led me to myself, and someone opened my eyes and found 
me. 'O wretched man that I am! Who shall deliver me from the body of this death?'
     That question empowered me - and had me wondering. But someone had 
found me. He saved me from a life of destruction. On June 17, 2001, age 8, I 
went down in the Water of Baptism in the name of Jesus Christ, and that same 
day, I spoke in tongues - God filled me and delivered me.
     June 17, 2001, God wrote the obituary of Gavin D. Sumter - the sinner, and He 
wrote the birth certificate of Gavin D. Sumter - the Holy Son & Child of God. 'O 
wretched man that I am! Who shall deliver me from the body of this death?'
     I'm proud to say that God has delivered me!

Copyright © Gavin D.S. | Year Posted 2007

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Harlem Nights

Traveling down the night streets
Just to see what I would see
Look down the left by the closed Barbershop
A group of friends chatting
Collapsing the night time by chopping their jaws

Going down by that train station
A couple dancing their night away
By the street light at the corner
A graze of wind takes the wet leaves with it
A beautiful sight

Until broken by the alley across the corner
Dimming the graze by a game of dice
A fight roaring down the entire alley
A body dragged helplessly off the banks

A night mixed and tangled by people

Copyright © Gavin D.S. | Year Posted 2009

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A Fool In Love

As love hath come to smite the fool within So has hate to kill the wise heart with sin Thou pit'ist the fool that partakes in love And that of wise men's hearts now dead dark dove But praise henceforth the wise whom fell in love Acknowledging the fool in sin thereof Death smite thee thou becketing demon whole Dark child, dark face, dark heart, dark soul. . .Dead Dove

Copyright © Gavin D.S. | Year Posted 2009

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Let Me Be There With You

Let Me be there with you
Let Me hold your hand
For I can help you through to the promised land

Let Me be there with you
Let Me be your Guiding Light
For I can take away the hurt, the pain, and the fright

Let Me be there with you
Let Me be your sword and shield
For I can fight all your battles, if to Me you would yield

Let Me be there with you
Le Me be your Everything
For I, God, died for you
But now I live again - To only be there with you
Be there for you
To save you
From dangers none could tell
Death, Destruction
An Eternity in Hell

Save you so that you
Would enjoy an eternity in Heaven
In Harmony with Me

If only you'd let Me be there with you
Accept Me
I'll Accept you
Take you in as you are
If you'd let Me be there with you

Copyright © Gavin D.S. | Year Posted 2008

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Perfect Love

Perfect Love is what makes a powerful nation
What makes hurt and depression
Fade bleakly away
Perfect Love is what makes jealousy rooth-up
What makes countries' hate

They thought a crash - a destruction or two
Of buildings we seemed to need
They thought the killing of our citizen's
Would make us fear them
But they know not our country's Perfect Love
The Love that God has shown
For the opposite of Love isn't Hate, but Fear
And Perfect Love casteth out ALL Fear

Through our Perfect Love - We Stand Tall
And Lift our heads Up
We Rebuild our land and Fight Back
But How?

America chose war
To kill and own the Terrorists' land
To devour the skin that we so shame-
Seems to be the answer and way we so claim

But in the process - We Die
We Kill Ourselves
Slowly, this war turns from Dieing For Heart
To Dieing For Pleasure
Has America lost sight of its own Perfect Love?

You may agree, or disagree, to my opinion
But war shows the weakness of a man's conscience
War shows Fear that the attacker will corrupt
And devour their prey
IF it hadn't, the what would be the point of it
Wasting thousands to millions, maybe even billions, or dollars killing
Killing People we shouldn't, and the waste of Natural Resources of our people?
War means to show that you ain't a punk,
Or ain't as 'weak' or as 'subordinate' to other people as they think
But doesn't Perfect Love show the heart of its people?

What should we do...
I don't know
But the question should be opposed to Perfect Love
The Perfect Love we So claim.

Copyright © Gavin D.S. | Year Posted 2007

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Joyful - Joyful

"Joyful - Joyful!"
Cried a man's soul
When the world killed him because of his skin
Hurt him and Destroyed him from the outside - in

"Joyful - Joyful!"
Was the Black Man's smile
When the White man spat on his face
And turned his name into a disgrace

Joyful, Joyful
'Cause he knew his dream
Even though people thought -
It wouldn't turn out as he seemed

Joyful, Joyful
'Cause God had a better plan
God revealed it to him
He revealed a Better Man

Joyful, Joyful
I'm the man that shouts
"Joyful - Joyful!" -
I'll tell the whole world what it's about.

Copyright © Gavin D.S. | Year Posted 2007


Book: Reflection on the Important Things