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Best Poems Written by Anna Hopper

Below are the all-time best Anna Hopper poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Stupid Smart

What does it look like
From over there
Describe the sights
No details spared 

How does it taste
Is it always delicious
By the look on your face
I’m a bit suspicious

I happen to be
Opposite to you
On the humanity tree
Like yellow and blue

I imagine your half
An enlightened bunch
No need for math
Just an arrogant hunch

It seems quite ironic
To say the least
That, in fact, you’re ignorant
Yet too smart to see

Copyright © Anna Hopper | Year Posted 2018

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My Shoes

I have this thing called ADHD
The H isn’t silent, I’ll help you to see
Ever since I was small, it’s lived inside me
It affects who I was, am and will be

Most people know, the layer on top
A tid bit of knowledge before the facts stop
Evaluating their lives, they tend to conclude
From the limited facts, they must have it too

But I need to speak up, I yearn to be heard
This isn’t a fad, or something I’ve learned
But rather, a voice, indecisive and quick
Listing my options, insisting, I pick

It never shuts up and will never be pleased
Off my terror and panic, it greedily feeds
Trembling with jitters, it fears the unknown
I lock in my choice, but it never moves on

Attached to my ear, I gave it a name
This relentless voice is none other than shame
Guilt and short comings, smeared in my face
A constant reminder, I’m not fit to race

The H stands for hyper, when in fact, I am tired
It refers to my brain and the way it is wired
I fidget when seated and excuse myself often
I come across rude, but my shoes must be walked in

I desperately try to absorb, process and act
I work hard to be average and display enough tact
But a fairly small task becomes a tricky ordeal 
My response is to panic.  It’s an everyday drill

It’s mental exhaustion, causing physical fatigue
I’m smart, but I’m slow.  No patience to read
I’m resentful and sad.  It seems so unfair
But these are my shoes and my shoes I must wear

Copyright © Anna Hopper | Year Posted 2018

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Mirror Mirror

I look in your eyes 
what do I see
A shell of myself
who I used to be
   A minuscule fragment 
of who I was before
When red carpet 
stretched out across my floor
   A day and time 
opportunities, abundant
Long before I became 
hopelessly redundant

   I see an array of patches 
from my many mistakes
My eyes tell a story 
of painful heartaches
   A veil across my skin 
of wrinkles and cellulite 
Shards from the past 
when my future was bright

   Bags under my eyes 
from restless nights
Not dead, but a disgrace
 I've become a blight
   My once white teeth 
Now a yellowish tint
Thanks to years of smoking 
to relax and vent

   I despise you 
for what you reveal to me
You show me ugly 
and how it feels to be
   Unheeding of the causes 
for my bruises and scars
You show only the top layer 
worn and charred

   You are so vain 
with your spotless surface
Come to think of it 
you really serve no purpose
   You make people conceited
More often, depressed
It doesn't effect you at all 
you feel no distress

   You hold your head high
As if your invincible 
No one dare break you
Superstition or principal
   But I can see through
As clear as glass
You have no soul
Just useless mass

   You're a thief of identities
Because you haven't, your own
No personality to claim
An ever changing clone
   Not a person or a place
Just a thing
With nothing to give
Nothing to bring

   There will come a day
You will shatter to pieces
Your frame will fall apart
At the perfectly painted creases
    There will be no memorial
They will trash your remains
No one will miss you
A thing without a name

Copyright © Anna Hopper | Year Posted 2015

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It rained the first day
It rained the last
Tears fell each time
It’s moving too fast

So many days in between 
Victories and regrets
A painfully beautiful time
Another giant step

Once again, I sit and reflect
As the crying sky mourns
I realize how helpless I’ve been
Starting the day they were born

Copyright © Anna Hopper | Year Posted 2018

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The Good Old Days

It’s a feeling that never fails
To follow a generation
Triggered by sights and smells
A nostalgic way of thinking

A one up on millennials 
Knowing the correct way
It’s all the vibes and feels
Of back in the good old days

A love/hate relationship
For the progression of technology
Every day we use it
But reminisce the “used to be”

An expression of disappointment 
Across a slowly, shaking head
And subconscious judgement
Of how others break their bread

One thing is for certain
History will repeat
This earth will keep turning
Beneath our aging feet

Copyright © Anna Hopper | Year Posted 2017

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Christmas Time

Nightgowns on at 9:01
Adrenal induced delerium
Santa’s journey has surly begun
To our beds, we were a scurrying

Closed eyes, at 9:05
But sleep would not come easy
We’d twist and turn, side to side
At least til 5 past 3

Then somewhere before, 3:44
Sleep would come, by chance
Til little sis would creep through the door
Ready to sneak a glance

Prowling the stairs, side by side
And past the grandfather clock
Which, by now, was reading 4:55
Five ticks before each tock 

Around the bin and into the den
Stood our sparkling 8 foot tree
Palms were there, to catch our chins
We’d gaze til 5:03

Up the stairs, new teddy bear
Little sister, close behind
Sound asleep, to prepare 
For the alarm at 6:59

Copyright © Anna Hopper | Year Posted 2017

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Rainy Days and Mondays Contest

I contemplated a suitable description
To sum up my life.  A truthful depiction
I considered a title for a romantic comedy
But I gave up romance, in exchange for monogamy 
Humor is a product of my relentless misfortunes
I’m trapped in a recurrence of Monday mornings
In a permanent cloud.  I’ll never get out
Indefinitely waiting on flowers to sprout
I realized my title should be gloomy and grey
I went with the name, Rainy Mondays

Copyright © Anna Hopper | Year Posted 2018

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It was 1999
Shotgun rider
2000 green mustang
My sis, always beside her

Landed the same job
Only Mexican restaurant in town
Put gas in our car
Kept our wheels going round

All dolled up
Kissed our parents goodnight
Pretend to go to bed
Cruising feeling right

Idiots with wheels
License to drive
Dr. Pepper and cigarettes 
Never felt so alive

Introduced to Mary Jane
She was a silly lady
Laying on the hood of our car
Listening to Slim Shady

Hungry for boys
Just a tease
Looking fly in our prime
The birds and the bees

The dawning of 2000
Life as we knew it, about to end
Eyes met at 12:01
We both began to grin

Cheers to a good year
Twice as old as I was then
Thinking of my sis today 
Missing my best friend

Copyright © Anna Hopper | Year Posted 2015

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Foolish Compromise

I dream of the feeling, of not feeling too much
Being pleasantly mild, unbothered by touch
I imagine, I’m average and pleased to know
Achievements take effort.  I’ll go where I’ll go

As for uncertainty, I’d choose not to dwell
But go with the flow, through life I would sail
A change of direction would not stunt my growth
To new opportunities, I’d dare not be loath

I’d swiftly adapt as my options evolved
No chores left undone.  No problem unsolved
I’d begin living life, beyond my emotions
Concrete and 3D, new doors would be opened

But even this longing, is only dream deep
The cost would be high and path, far too steep
To compromise intensity, passion and brains
Would flush my own gifts down society’s drain

I’ll accept my quirks, extreme highs and lows
I’ll live my best life, without letting “me” go

Copyright © Anna Hopper | Year Posted 2019

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My Little Girl

The best of all of God's creations
Flipping through my radio stations 
Kisses when I'm feeling blue
The world revolves around me and you
You point out daily, how much you've grown
I react as though I hadn't known
But you can bet, I didn't fail to notice
Not one moment, have I missed
I study your face, memorizing the details
Capturing photos incase my memory fails
But I assure you, if I'm coherent
I'll remember time, together, spent
Shotgun rider in your car seat
Singing ABC's just a little off beat
Working through tangles, in the shower
Receiving a gift, the perfect flowers
Why do I ache and miss you so
While here I am, watching you grow
I've seen this scenario many times
You'll learn to color inside the lines
Then I'll buy you a car and off you'll go
I'll fake a smile and put on a show
Next will be a man to steal your heart
I already miss you, before we're apart

Copyright © Anna Hopper | Year Posted 2015


Book: Shattered Sighs