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Best Poems Written by Max Parker

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Drab Shades of Nonexistance

I hide.....
From myself and away from others.
I wear dark glasses and caps
And paint my body in drab shades of nonexistence
Then dance, alone in the darkness
To music I have imagined.
It's better this way.
I don't have to misread faces
Or think I am being judged (although, 
Perhaps being misjudged is a better term).
I can float on clouds of thought, Pretending
That all is fine, All is fine
All is fine.
I have my coffee, my cigarettes, my pills.....
(Are you judging me now because I smoke?)
This is an introduction, by the way,
To my imaginary nightclub act
Where I sing, tell a few stories, a few jokes,
Smoke (They make concessions for me
So that I may smoke inside because I am a headliner!)
I think that the audience loves me.
They laugh, cry when I sing, "Send In The Clowns"
The applause is wonderful and
Feels like rain falling from the sky
To envelope me, soak me, cleanse me.
And then, my set is over and there is
No one in the room but me. Alone.  Afraid.  Scared.
I hide,
From myself and away from others.

Copyright © Max Parker | Year Posted 2014

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I've traveled this road before.
Maybe it was in a dream, but I don't think so.
I remember too well the cold pavement
Beneath bare feet and walking
Toward the water color moon.
The road was deserted, except for thoughts
And emotions that seemed to swirl
All around then land in the snow by the wayside.
I remember, too, feeling alone and
Miniscule compared to the landscape.
The moon appeared to be just for me and
I reveled and bowed to it's beauty.
No sound, except for my heartbeat and
The breath escaping my lips
Making vapor clouds which I hung
My thought on then watched
Them float away into the twilight.
I was responsive and resolved to reach my destination....
Where ever that might be.
I wasn't cold or frightened but I
Was careful to stay to the center
Of the pavement to avoid what might
Be hiding, as things often do, in the
Places I could not see.
I remember walking for hours while the
Moon seemed to be floating away from me,
Perhaps it was traveling too, on this road.
Maybe we were both searching, searching, searching,
With either of us knowing what it was we were searching, searching, searching 
I would pause, on occasion, to catch my breath
But I don't think the moon stood still.  It kept
Wandering in the sky but always seemed
To stay centered to the road.
It cast no shadow, neither did I.
Both alone on this night, content.
Both voyagers.  Both waiting to see
Where the road would lead.
I've traveled this road before.
Maybe it was a dream,
But I don't think so.

Copyright © Max Parker | Year Posted 2014

Book: Shattered Sighs