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Best Poems Written by Tiema Muindi

Below are the all-time best Tiema Muindi poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Journey of My Life

One day you shall know
The story of my life
Some footprints
Would have faded
The ink would have dried up
Some pages torn
Or glaring scars
Depicting the journey of my life

One day you shall know
The story of my life
That I toiled and soiled
My hands
I wept and prayed
As I trekked
On the journey of my life

One day you shall know
The story of my life
That I saved and lost
The fortunes of my life
That the human sharks
Couldn’t let me be
Neither  let me reach
The dream of my life

One day you shall know
The story of my life
That at times I stumbled and fell
At times I crawled in pain
At times I ran in panic
At times I walked hopelessly
In the journey of my life

One day you shall now
The story of my life
That every time I stumbled
I stood up
Every time I walked
I tried to run
And every time I ran
I tried to fly
In the journey of my life.

One day you shall know
The story of my life
That the journey of life
Is like the streets
Some have lights
Some are in darkness
That the story of life
Is like the desert
Nights are cold
Days are hot

That the journey of life
Is full of crossroads
With smiling faces
That hides hatred and deceit
While some radiates true affection
One day you shall know

Copyright © Tiema Muindi | Year Posted 2014

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I Want To Go Away

I want to go away
Without looking behind
Without fearing  
The safety of my shadow
That you wouldn’t tear away
The pages of our history
Nor distort the legacy of our love

I want to go away
Believing that 
You wouldn’t break into pieces 
The bones that formed part of our lives 
That you wouldn’t burn to ashes 
The calabash from which we drank 
The joy of love that we cherished most 
I want to believe that behind me
You wouldn’t water 
The petals of differences
That made us part

I want to go away
Knowing that my legacy is safe
And the tracks that we passed through 
Forever remind you of challenges 
Shared in life together
I want to go away believing that 
The candle of light that lit our lives
In the darkest hours of our lives
Shall always be there in your heart
That you wouldn’t let it dry
The river of love that watered our lives
I want to go away

I want to go away
Believing that I have forgiven you 
Knowing that you are at peace 
With your sins
And when I erred 
I never intended to 
Even when it seemed so deliberate
The human nature in me
Couldn’t let me be
The angel you wanted me to be
With pangs and pains of deceits from you
I should not let out a cry 
I want to go away

Copyright © Tiema Muindi | Year Posted 2014

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Shattered Hopes and Dreams

Can you pick up the pieces
When the glasses 
Are broken
And pieces
Are scattered

Can you pick up the pieces
When the ashes
Of your dreams
Are blown away
And spread 
Across the land

Can you pick up the pieces
When the horizon
Of your dream is blurred
The sky of your life
Is cloudy
With no rainbow in sight

Can you pick up the pieces
When you stumble
In the race of life
Not once or twice
But always

Can you pick up the pieces
When the spring of your life
Has dried up
When the petals
Of your being
Has withered
Can you pick up the pierces
And start from the ground

Copyright © Tiema Muindi | Year Posted 2014

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A Step At a Time

Even though others couldn’t wake up in the morning
With cries and wailing
Filling up their homesteads
I thank you God
That I still walk on this earth
Having given me another chance

Even though others would have nothing
To eat for days and even to drink
I have a slice of bread and a drop of water to drink
I thank you God

Even though some have cars and private jets
To take them everywhere
I thank you God
That I could still use my legs
Taking to take me anywhere
Knowing that there are those who have legs
But cannot even walk

Even though I cannot sing as the birds do
In their moments of joy
I thank you God that I have ears
To listen to their soothing melodies

Even though I have never been perfect in life
And err many times over
I thank you God
That you still shower
Your Grace and mercy on me
Even though I only pray
When in pain and worried
I thank you God
That you still answer my prayers

Copyright © Tiema Muindi | Year Posted 2014

Details | Tiema Muindi Poem

The Last Journey

The last journey
Is when you shall depart
Not to an exotic island
For a holiday
Neither to a mountain
For a treck
That day when you depart

The last journey 
Is when you shall depart
Not with your spouse
Or Children
Not on a trip
To visit beloved parents
That day when you depart

The last journey
Is when you shall depart
Not in a suit and suitcases
Not in your golden bracelets
And necklaces
That day when you depart

The last journey
When you depart
Not in a plane
Not in a limousine
With aides
That day when you depart

The last journey
You will be driven, not driving
You will be leaving, not returning
They will be crying, not laughing
That day when you depart

Copyright © Tiema Muindi | Year Posted 2014

Details | Tiema Muindi Poem

A Paradise For Me

I found a home
Not of tiled roofs
Or Persian rags
Neither with a pool
Golf course
Nor flowery gardens

I found a home
Not of plasma screens
Wireless networks
Parties and outings
Not of trends and fashions
Neither of social class
As a reason to be
Nor economic status
As a horizon of life

I found a home
Where candles lit my inner life
And not a splash of material wealth
Where birds alarm my sleepy self
And not a bedside clock
Where the cow dungs
Fertilizes my compound
Where a river
Is a source of our water

But it’s a home
That makes me smile
With a piece of cassava
A calabash of porridge
I feel my stomach
With granny and nephews
Siblings and cousins
Uncles and aunties
In a crowded homestead
It’s a paradise for me
I cannot exchange
I found a home

Copyright © Tiema Muindi | Year Posted 2014

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My Land My Abode

I live in Gaza
Not the land where cattle graze
And river flows
But where Israelis raze
Our land in shells
But where Israelis flood
Our land in blood

I now know how to count
Like other boys of my age
But not with fingers and nails
But bodies of the dead
Of friends and relatives
Have taught me arithmetic
Who have died in the pool
Not the swimming pool of your maisonette 
But in the pool of blood
Of those who we have lost.

My grandfather had fought
And died in the front
My father had followed 
And perished in the blast
And my brother has been 
A martyr in the struggle
Just like the many 
Who have been in the front

And now it’s my turn
To go to the front
Not because I do not want
To be in school
I have to defend 
Our land in blood
That which shall be
Tomorrow my abode

Copyright © Tiema Muindi | Year Posted 2014

Details | Tiema Muindi Poem

Of Thirsty Love

How do I get close to you
I could hear the whispers
Of your voice in my heart
I could see the smiles
on your squint eyes
I could feel your hands
and the warmth of that tender touch
Yet you still seem far away

How do I get close to you
I could hear the footsteps of your paces
And the presence of your aura
I could see the shadow of your posture
As you seat next to me
I could count the heartbeat of your soul
Yet you still seem far away

How do I get close to you?
I could visualise the dream from your face
As you wonder in the dreamland
Looking at your lovely face when asleep
I could feel 
The temperature of your body 
When it raises
And the emotive gestures that comes with it
I could feel the laughter in you
Even when you doint smile
I could see the tears in you
Even when you don’t cry
Yet you still seem far away
How do I get close to you?

Copyright © Tiema Muindi | Year Posted 2014

Details | Tiema Muindi Poem

My Life To Me Was Your Shadow

Memories Of Yesterday

When you smiled I laughed for you
When you cried I wept for you
What I loved most
I gave all for you
What you hated most
I absorbed that for you
I wanted no sorrow to touch you
I always had to swallow 
Your anger for you.

You were the faith
That moved my mountain
You were the spring 
That filled my fountain.
I saw no dawn welcoming today
I saw no dusk escorting tomorrow
Each day for me I lived for you
But time has made it be
Memories of yesterday

Copyright © Tiema Muindi | Year Posted 2014

Book: Shattered Sighs