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Best Poems Written by Chikwado Nwattah

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To a Never Receding Echo

For  Onyebuchi

Day  and night in an eternal combat.
A  truce : the eternal cycle of night and light
Lost in the ruse of an  eclipse.
Where is the truce in the  ruse of going and coming?
You found yours  swinging on that threshold,
Where udara tree dances to the choirs of the wind.
Then you bend to itch the  scratch.
The debt of birth repaid too soon. 
Where  lion wimp and head dancer limp!
Crippled Aligo!!!
Have you journeyed through the chart on  your palm ?
After a drunken sip of  prerian spring.
Soured tryst with Sophia.
Cherubim  through the umbilical returns
To the progenitor?not conceived! Unborn!!
Halo on rusty hair sits.
Or was it your iyiuwa. Unburnt
Pleat, unpleat  then pleat…
Under  the star-apple tree,
Where all roads meet
Do not live on the threshold
Stay with  me, ignore the whispers of  these  shadows
Itching  your feathered cap.
You  have sucked through this nipple time dry
Leave her, now flaccid, bosom. see she shrieks.
Head of the Baptist shrieks
Superfluous gift for many half Christs,
Too proud for Baptism.
I wonder why?
A pine piercing the sun
Withers at the descent of a dozen, score moon.
Eleodimmuo it is you I am calling.
You, eternity lost in time.

A dance to a never receding echo
If now is dusk, I hope the echo stays
At least,for me, a pedagogic star.
While the magi?me, beside the manger wait
For the birth of light.	
While owl hoots dove’s lullaby;
Vulture hatching in eagle’s nest.
You are my Ogbanje, my forerunner
Even if the lips of days hums dirge as they pass

Now, Soldier ant from  the udara returns. again.
Matching, invading my tryst, feasting on a depleted layer.
Futile to chase; deliberate in pace
 Need I learn this tune?if  it never rest?
Fallowed stream  bites as  dreams cradle me.  
The black thing chants Ogbanje, Ogbanje and  I sign 
At this never receding echo.

In memory of Onyebuchi
If you in dancing to,  faults, my beat. see a fore admission of a mortal's fallibility
Uraoma  Nwannem
© Chikwado Nwattah . 2014

Copyright © Chikwado Nwattah | Year Posted 2014

Details | Chikwado Nwattah Poem



O—pen sesame!!!  I 
L—oose this knot and
loose the sun
A—nd coil your
tongue like the
serpent on a pole
N—ights, you may
feast to yield
I—llumining always;
thawing us, thawing
K—nitting  discords
to sweet harmony
E—arth will not last
a day without you

For  Olanike,
those white melon

© Chikwado  Nwattah
. 2014

Copyright © Chikwado Nwattah | Year Posted 2014

Details | Chikwado Nwattah Poem



From  here  my roost is not  far
Only   fogged.  Yet  paved  with tar.
I   am  that  teetered  beast 
Loose me , Awaiting me is a feast. 
I hear that drum of my hide rumble,
And  the flute of  my  bones  waft
Tunes not humble,
That  tune of my beginning
soporific yet ecstatic in singing
Sheer paroxysm!!!!
I am that carnivore,
This  forage  starves me…
Unbind  me, see home  awaits my return.
I’m  through with my first death.    
My second birth is close..

©Chikwado Nwattah. 2014

Copyright © Chikwado Nwattah | Year Posted 2014

Details | Chikwado Nwattah Poem



A nd the sun rises
in her eyes
C ozy. Piercing my
stagnant pulse
Q ueen of the sky;
thawing my deserted
U nfolding sore
ripples; folding my
grey cloud
A nd showing beneath
H eavens! How deep
am I?

For Acquah, The
first Magi.

Copyright © Chikwado Nwattah | Year Posted 2014

Book: Shattered Sighs