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Best Poems Written by Edie Hendrikse

Below are the all-time best Edie Hendrikse poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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A Mother's Heart

A Mother's Heart

She brought this babe
Into this world with such care,
A life full of hope and dreams
Nothing will happen to him...nothing would dare.
She sends him to school
And days filled with little league,
Never a thought he would
One day leave dressed in fatigues.
That day came too soon
A day covered in clouds,
Kissing him goodbye 
Knowing he would make her proud.
Her son fought for his beliefs
For the red, white, and blue,
For independence and justice
Freedom for his mother and for you.
There is nothing more wrenching
Then that of a mothers cry,
For the loss of her child
And the call saying her son has died.
You see I can not understand
I can not say its okay,
All I can do now 
Is kneel down and pray.
"Dear God
I know you have taken him
And made him strong once more,
But I miss him so terribly
All the way to my core.
There is no way to describe
This pain which fills my soul,
Could you not take me too
Release me from this black hole."
Her son fought for his beliefs
For the red, white, and blue,
For independence and justice
Freedom for his mother and for you.
Can you even for a moment
Imagine the ripping apart,
The pain and agony of
A mother's heart.
Edie Hendrikse

Copyright © Edie Hendrikse | Year Posted 2005

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Dance With Me

Turn down the lights
This night our love flows free,
Hold me close
And dance with me.

Candle light glowing
Your scent makes me hungry,
Feeling your warmth
Please dance with me.

My fingers in your hair
The music soft and dreamy,
Your hands upon my hips
Come dance with me.

Your mouth close to my ear
Singing softly right on key,
Words that melt my heart
While you dance with me.

Your lips upon mine
Hearts beating rapidly,
Your body growing hard
As you dance with me.

Our bodies joining
Your love felt so deeply,
Passion exploding
Always dance with me.

Eyes locked together
Our fingers joined tightly,
A love ever lasting
Simply dance with me.
Edie Hendrikse

Copyright © Edie Hendrikse | Year Posted 2005

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Distance, no less painful
Than a knife to the heart,
Bound by chains made of miles
Keeping us apart.

Release me from the confines of my mind,
Give me more than assurance
Promises of “in time”.

Tell me now
Don’t  hide or refrain,
When will you commit
And kiss away the pain?

Copyright © Edie Hendrikse | Year Posted 2006

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Through Another's Eyes

Have you ever taken the time
To see and recognize
The beauty surrounding us
Through another’s eyes?
The rock in the stream
A child may pick up to hold
With a smile upon their face
To them its as special as gold.
The last rose on the bush
Before fall takes its toll
An elderly woman breathing its scent
Calming her soul.
The setting sun dipping in the ocean
The waves still hitting the shore
A surfer watches and grins
His body tired and sore.
A rainbow across the horizon
The colors numerous and bold
A grandpa with a child on his lap
Of luck and gold this story is told.
Take a little time each day
Just a minute to give it a try
Find the beauty in the little things
And see things through another’s eyes.

Copyright © Edie Hendrikse | Year Posted 2005

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As I say goodbye
To the last 12 years,
Oddly enough
Its without tears.

We just didnt have
What it takes,
To make this marriage work
To avoid the aches.

I have no sorrow
No hard feelings what so ever,
For there are good memories
And a son to keep forever.

Here I stand
At yet another crossroad,
So eager to see
How this path will unfold.

A promise of another adventure
Will you, can you wish me well,
I would return the gesture
If it were your happiness up for sale.

Not for money
But a heart on the line,
Perhaps too soon in your eyes
But the chance I take is mine.

I may fall along my way
But never because I fail,
But because I chose to live
Tired of hiding and tucking tail.

It all sounds so selfish
But this I know,
My children will always be with me
And a whole world to them I want to show.

Life is about experiencing
All it has to offer,
And if I can give to them more than I had
The more challenges they will conquer.

Success will be theirs
Isnt that what all parents strive for?
So back me up and offer your support
For life is worth living-who knows whats in store.

Copyright © Edie Hendrikse | Year Posted 2005

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They tell me you're gone now
I don't know what to feel,
I once loved you so much
I guess now my heart can heal.
You were everything
I thought a man should be,
I didn't understand
You didn't explain it to me.
I remember so well
You coming home after a trip,
I would lunge into your arms
And you would place me upon your hip.
You told me stories,
And drove with your knee,
I was in awe of you
I always missed you - didn't you see?
We met again as adults
This time I wasn't so blind,
Not a child, but grown
Understanding now why we were left behind.
You were so different
And yet the same,
Only the alcohol and the pain pills
Were stealing your name.
I was frightened of you
And made myself believe,
I didn't like who you had become
I was just waiting for you to leave.
Then no contact again
How was it so easy for you?
To walk away
With never a clue.
You didn't know what happened
While I grew up without you,
No one to guide us
To make sure we didn't break the rules.
Then a call today, its July 23rd
The day of your eldest sons first breath,
And now every year after this
The anniversary of your death.
Do I have any guilt
I believe I made my peace years ago,
But I am so sad I lost you
Daddy, I loved you so.

Copyright © Edie Hendrikse | Year Posted 2005

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Why is it I was blessed
Im sure Ill never know,
But fate chose me
With a precious gift to bestow.

For you see I was not aware
Of the treasure I was to hold,
A warmth from deep within
Saving my heart from the cold.

I hope I will always be worthy
And never take for granted,
How my breath was taken
And left completely enchanted.

I promise to give of myself
Until my last breath is spent,
Because I was blessed with
An angel that Heaven sent.
Edie Hendrikse

Copyright © Edie Hendrikse | Year Posted 2005

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My Light

I have forever looked for you
The one that brings life to my life
A meaning to my dreams
One who gives me purpose
You see me...not my physical me
But my heart.
You see the potential
You know me better than I know myself
And it amazes me, for I want to see her too.
You share your energy, that zest for life
And teach lessons you have lived.
How do I give back?
I listen to every word...
Even the ones I do not want to hear
Because they are not said to harm
But to bring light into a darkened mind
And love back to a tired heart.

Copyright © Edie Hendrikse | Year Posted 2005

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Release Me

“A lifetime I will wait for you”
How romantic would that be,
But I cant promise that
‘Cause I desperately need you next to me.

There is too much space
Unexpected opportunities,
Too much free time
Explanation in obscurities.

How do I keep you mine
When others there you will meet,
Innocent as a cup of coffee
And me left here to weep.

Is it just my mind
Or the way its doomed to be,
Love with no worries
Just there teasing me.

I just want the key
To what my future does hold,
Love me as you always have
Release me from this blindfold.

Copyright © Edie Hendrikse | Year Posted 2006

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My Dream

When I was a little girl I dreamed...
That someday I would find you.
But you were nowhere to be found.
Others came and pretended
But I always knew,
It wasnt you.
I knew what you would feel like.
I knew your heart and your soul.
I knew your touch and your scent.
So much happened then.
I lost me but never my dreams.
I tried to move on and I did my best.
I always held on to you
Praying for you,
Praying perhaps you would find me.
God heard me.
And now through you, I have me back.
To you I give all that I am
For you are all that I dreamed of.

Copyright © Edie Hendrikse | Year Posted 2005


Book: Shattered Sighs