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Best Poems Written by James Wilson

Below are the all-time best James Wilson poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Hope: Slave Narrative

Hope is something that is wished for
Hope something that we want 
when we feel like our prayers
aren't being answered
Hope gives us joy for the future
A time when better things await
Hope is a miracle
Something wonderful
Something not from this world
and I know what you're thinking if 
hope is all of these things
how can one obtain it 
and the answer is simple
it's embedded in all of us
but to be more precise
Hope is found at the heart

Copyright © James Wilson | Year Posted 2014

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Color: Slave Narrative

We are people of color
beautiful of color
but we are viewed as athletes
rappers and 
eventhough we have one of us
in the white house we are still
viewed as such
we were once kings and queens
but was stolen from our land 
and our land was robbed of everything
we were oppressed and forced into a way of life
that we didn't want 
our women was raped and viewed as
sexual objects instead of people
our men was labors and when they
could no longer perform they were tossed
aside left to fend for themselves and when
we finally had our freedom our problems
continued we viewed as second-rate inferior 
to the other race, we weren't
given any opportunities and when it came 
to school it was horrible
just another thing we had to endure
like segregation we couldn't use the 
same restrooms or sit next to them but
the sad thing about it was that it was viewed as constitutional
"Separate but Equal" was what they were calling it
but when the nation was under attack who did
they turn too they turned too us for help
but we were still treated unfair but there were some 
bright moments for us during that era
Jack Robinson opened the door for us to play sports
Dr. Martin Luther King
Malcolm X 
Rosa Parks
fought for our equality along with others that are not 
mentioned in this poem that's why I 
am grateful for all of the opportunities that I have today
I am grateful to go to school and 
sit anywhere I want to 
I am grateful for all the people of color who gave it there all
and sacrificed everything they had so that we could
have this chance to do what they could not do
I love my people of color
my prideful
beautiful of color and 
just to let you know
I'm not a racist just someone 
giving you the history of our people
the people of color

Copyright © James Wilson | Year Posted 2014

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Stranger: Slave Narrative

hello does anyone know
where I am at 
for I certainly do not
this land is foreign 
and strange to me
the people dress and act
in a manner different from me
the buildings are huge 
they can probably reach the heavens
I'm scared and 
want to go home
but this is my home now 
not by choice 
by force 
I didn't want to come here
I would rather be hunting 
lions and tigers
instead of working these fields
all day 
all night
from sun up to
sun down
this is a nightmare
no, this is hell
I've done nothing to deserve this
so why is this happening to me?
I would rather die then
work another day in these fields
but if I do that then I am 
certainly destined for hell
I don't know what to do anymore
can't recognize myself anymore
when I look at myself in the mirror
I don't see my reflection
I see a different person
I see a stranger

Copyright © James Wilson | Year Posted 2014

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New Day: Slave Narrative

Can't wait for the new day
this day had brought me
nothing but heartache and misery
but I will make it to the new day
no matter what
I'll do what ever it takes
bite scratch and crawl 
my way to the new day
cuz I can see it over yonder 
over the horizon and all
I have to do is hold on
til the new day arrives
can't wait for the new day
cuz I'm tired of living in poverty
maybe this new day will be full
of happiness and joy
but won't find out unless
I hold on til the new day
arrives which is over yonder
over the horizon 
what a wonderful day the 
new day will be

Copyright © James Wilson | Year Posted 2014

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40 Seconds: Death Note Eposide 1

This is the last 40 seconds 
of my life
So I am making my will out 
To anyone who finds it
You can have it all 
The money 
The cars 
The mansion 
Everything you can have it all
35 seconds left
Time is running out
My life is drawing 
To an end
This is my conculsion
My farewell speech
30 seconds left 
I have no regrets
I lived a good life 
I accomplished everything
That I have set my mind too
I travled the world 
Married the girl of my dreams
Had three beautiful children 
That gave me two 
Amazing grandchildren
25 seconds left
My eyes are blurry 
And my speech is slurred 
Don't have the time to call 
My beloved this will be
My final resting place
20 seconds left
Don't have the strength 
To write anymore 
Handwritting is horrible
15 seconds left
As I proceed to lay down
I know that I won't get up
10 seconds left
My soul is leaving me
Won't see my grand children 
Grow old, hope they live
A better life than me 
5 Seconds left
I see the harbinger of death himself
He has come to collect my soul
I guess this is the end for me 
My life has come to the........

Copyright © James Wilson | Year Posted 2014

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All night long on my bed
I looked for the one my heart loves
I looked for her but did not find her
My soulmate 
I looked high and
I looked low but 
I could not find her
My soulmate
So I began to ask around
Have you seen her
The one my heart loves
The one I looked for 
But couldn't find 
No said the man
But who is this person 
That you looked for 
But could not find
She is my soulmate I said 
The one who has my heart
The one I looked for but 
Could not find 
So I continued to look for her
My soulmate
I looked to my right and 
I looked to my left but 
Still could not find her 
My soulmate
So I began to ask around 
Yet again 
Have you seen her 
The one my heart loves
The one I looked for but
Could not find 
No said the lady
But who is this person
That has your heart
She is my soulmate I said
So I continued to look for her
But could not find her
I looked high 
I looked low
I looked to my right and
I looked to my left
But could not find her 
Then I began to pray to the Lord:
O' Lord help me
Have mercy on me
Please lead me to my soulmate
The one who has my heart 
The one I looked for but 
Could not find
Then the lord said: 
I have heard your prayers 
And found you righteousness
And virtuous 
In my eyes and will 
Lead you to your soulmate
Stand and turn around
My child
And when I did she
Was right there
Looking more beautiful
Than anyone that I had
Seen in my life
Then the Lord said:
You have looked high
You have looked low
You have looked to your right and
You have looked to your left but 
Could not find her
I said yes
My Lord I 
Could not find her
Then the Lord said:
You have looked all of the places
But never straight ahead
She was in front of you the whole time 
And I said thank you my Lord
Then the Lord said: I have found
Your soulmate now go in peace my child
I could not believe it after all of
My searching I finally found her 
My soulmate 
Now I'm going to kiss her and never let her go 
Now I can rejoice because I finally found 
My soulmate

Copyright © James Wilson | Year Posted 2014

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I Have a Dream

To be the greatest 
That's why I 
Won't stop
Can't stop
But before I go 
Any further let me thank 
The lord for letting me 
See another day 
This day promises to 
Be a day full of 
Happiness and excitment
Now let me thank Dr. Martin Luther King
For everything that he did
Because of what he did
I have a chance 
To have a dream
Sorry if it sounds like a rap
But it's not I swear
I'm just trying to 
Bridge the gap between 
Rap and Poetry 
like he bridged the gap
Between black and white I swear
I have a dream
In my dream 
Is treated equally
In my dream there is 
No more racial discrimination 
No more killing 
That's my dream 
World peace
We shall overcome
I have a dream

Copyright © James Wilson | Year Posted 2014

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Helping Hands

We all need a little help
now and then especially
during these times of uncertainty
where jobs are scarce and
money is hard to come by
the nation is suffering
from greedy politicians 
who want a little extra in their pocket
for what? I ask
when you have money
you greedy bastards
your time will come
but for now let's focus on 
helping ourself 
and our neighbor
get back on track
I know it's hard but we gotta try 
because at this rate 
we won't last much longer
that's why I'm stressing this message
hoping that my words will 
inspire someone to do something great
something that would inspire us all
Who am I? 
You ask 
I'm someone just like you
struggling everyday to make ends met
to make sure that there's food on the table
that's who I am and 
that's why I'm stressing 
this message because at the 
end of the day
 we all need a little help

Copyright © James Wilson | Year Posted 2014

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A While

Its been a while since
I last wrote a poem
Feeling rusty
Out of shape
Man it's been a while since 
I did anything 
Feeling lazy 
I wonder if I am
Having a mid-life crisis
If so, then I have no 
Clue what to do for myself 
Man it's been a while since
I've been on a date
Hoping this new girl will
Give me a chance 
But I haven't ask her
For her phone number yet
Matter of fact she doesn't 
Even know that I exist 
Will I work up the 
Courage to ask her out?
Who knows 
One day 
Who knows maybe
Man it's been a while since 
I hung out with friends
Been feeling down 
In the dumps lately
For what?
Don't know 
Man it's been a while since
I wrote a poem and 
Honestly it feels good 
Glad I did this 
Eventhough I haven't 
Done this in a while
Man it's feel good

Copyright © James Wilson | Year Posted 2014

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Hell ya I'm inspired
that's right you heard me
but for those of you'll 
who didn't hear me let me
say it one more time 
to make it clear
hell ya I'm inspired
Inspired for what you ask
I'm inspired by my 
trails and tribulations
that's why 
I'm spitting this rhyme
saying this poem tonight
I'm inspired by 
those who said I couldn't make it 
those who said I wouldn't make it
but for real
one the real 
I'm inspired by the youth
because there's hope
for the future 
despite what they say
now let me ask you 
what inspires you
yeah,I'm talking to you 
hey you in the back 
I'm talking to you
well come on...
I'm waiting oops 
time is up 
the show must go on
check it everybody has 
someone or something 
that inspires them 
eventhough they won't admit it 
one of my biggest influences is 
the ones who came before us 
who gave it their all so 
we can have it all today
and for that I want to say thank you 
because you gave it your all 
so we can have it all today
now the time has come
to end this poem but
before I go 
my biggest inspiration is 
my lord and saviour 
Jesus Christ 
because he gave his life 
to save the world 
that's why I'm inspired 
and that's why I won't stop
until he comes to get me 
thank you that is all for now

Copyright © James Wilson | Year Posted 2014


Book: Reflection on the Important Things