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Best Poems Written by Paul Geisz

Below are the all-time best Paul Geisz poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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The Golden Thread

The golden thread
Ties them together
Like the strings of the spider
Wrapping around 
So strong- binding so softly

Binding so softly 
A web enclosing
The two into one
Feeling eternally entwined
Not wanting to separate

This fiber- such great value
Surrounding and uniting the couple  
Produces a feeling of security
As they touch each other
A thrilling sensation

Generating a feeling of wealth
Sealing components
Creating a team
Mutually advantageous
The perfect symbiosis

The bond is made 
Weaving hearts together
In the most special way
Sprouting its magical seeds
Drawing them closer and closer

The golden thread of love
An unbreakable tie
Ultimate joy of togetherness
Visions of the future
A dream come true

The golden thread
Binding so softly
This fiber- such great value
Generating a feeling of wealth
The bond is made
The golden thread of love

Copyright © Paul Geisz | Year Posted 2006

Details | Paul Geisz Poem

The Ship and the Wind

He comes and goes
Like a breeze:

In her life…
And out again

Filling sails of joy
Then calm and agony

Like the breeze
He is an ephemeral happening
Coming and going
Never knowing anything

A wind so strong yet gentle too
Stretching her sails
With feelings beyond compare
A sensation that never fails
Every time he is near

Like a boat in a calm
Unable to move
She flounders about yearning:
Will the wind come today?
Her heart is burning

Anticipation at every whisper
Of a change in the weather
Hope and expectancy all the day
When will they meet again?

Like a ship and the wind
All risk is blinded
By desire so strong
The need is so great
What can go wrong?

Although the wind at times
Causes feelings of fright
A course filled with danger
And suspicion
Will this love survive another night?

The stronger the ship
The will to survive
They are anodynes
And this love affair
Will never die

Copyright © Paul Geisz | Year Posted 2006

Details | Paul Geisz Poem

Days Together

Our days together are heaven sent.
The time we enjoy- err never repent.
The peace and happiness we share,
Far beyond what anyone could compare.
How can it be our days are so complete?
Maybe it's because we never compete.
Together we enjoy natural pleasures.
Mystics be ignorant to these treasures;
Think natural things are so immoral!
Their lives never get to become so floral.
They deceive because they can't reason.
Maybe it's because theologies fake plea-sin.
We know what's right and do no wrong.
By loving each other, we do belong.
Rose-colored glasses are not for us.
We believe in each other; we trust.
We perceive the good in life. 
Maybe it's because we have love- not strife.

Copyright © Paul Geisz | Year Posted 2006

Details | Paul Geisz Poem

Harbor Breeze

A gentle wind
 from the harbor port flows,
 bringing thoughts
 to those who truly know.

Soft breezes
 cause the memory to surge.
 Embracing and tossing
 An unquestionable urge.
Like the waves of the sea
 crying out to me,
 your beckoning call
 from the siren: a plea!

A whispering voice
 longing to hear
 the words of love,
 enchanting my ear.

Singing softly
 carrying the songs
 -songs so dear-
 dispelling all my fears.

To those who listen
 the message is clear.
 your love is always
 remarkably near.

Copyright © Paul Geisz | Year Posted 2006

Details | Paul Geisz Poem


Spring drew closer,
  warming my soul once more.
Inspiring rays of hope    
  enticed my life to renewal.

With spirits soaring,
  happiness ordered depression to exit
  down his murky tunnel.
Hopes of resurgence 
  dawned an unsullied season. 

Life began to digest 
  a fresh new countenance,
  and I was alive!
Birds singing ecstasy of dawn
  satiated the sky with harmony.
Bees buzzing around 
  diligently sipped 
  life’s delectable nectar.

But spring began to fade.
Flowers paled and drooped, 
  trying to hold on to their awakening,
  one very last moment;
  clinging to their brilliancy,
  one more time.

Grass, browned and bristled,
  once yielding and kindhearted,
  now scratched and wounded,
  exasperating all navigators of terrain.    

My heart wept. 
Spring departed in silence, 
  saddening my life. 
Missing the sparkle, 
  I despaired over my failure,
  to save the flowers,
  to preserve the spring 
  with all its splendor.

Spring: a replica, in part, of life: 
  unforgettable climaxes,
  effervescent infusions
  filling our vessels.
Life lived to the fullest,
  blooming diversity anew,
  providing a pleasing display.

Spring’s flowers of love
  suddenly breathe their last breath
  and die, 
  but a promise is buried deep within:
  They will return!

Copyright © Paul Geisz | Year Posted 2006

Book: Reflection on the Important Things