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Best Poems Written by Carol Landrum

Below are the all-time best Carol Landrum poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Hump Day

I am so weary it is the middle of the week some call it hump day, but I don’t seem to be walking around with a hump on my back, but I can tell you I am too tired to be wired. If I was wired you would see my 
Hair standing up on my head. I might seem kind of hyper in your eyes, but it is just my inner child wanting to play. I had too much coffee so now I am eating some toffee. I am jumpy and I am getting 
Nervous because I now had way too much coffee. I feel like a tea kettle about to burst. I am starting to 
Get stressed I think I need to go get some rest. But I lay down to nap hoping I will snooze like Garfield, but my spirits restless so I lay there tossing and turning. Then, I remember I left the coffee pot on and the coffees burning. I manage to get up and stand on my feet I hurry to the kitchen and I turn the coffee pot off. I go back and I lay on my soft bed and I fall to sleep, in a really restful sleep when I 
Start to dream blissful and exiting dreams. I enjoy my dreams so much that I want to stay in my sweet slumber. I think of a number the number seven and I wake up alert and rested feeling energized, not worn down like a battery. I feel a surge of energy and I once again resume my daily activities.  I sit down to rest after I have cleaned my nest and I hear my stomach start to growl. I get up and I go to the refrigerator because now I want a snack.  I feel like Garfield I crave lasagna for a snack, but I eat some 
Carrot sticks and ranch dressing instead. How yummy they are in my tummy. I hear them crunch each time I take a bite oh it is so fun to munch. I think I will drink me some red punch now. I go to the kitchen and I get myself some red punch from the refrigerator and I pour it in my glass ,but to my surprise I missed the glass I poured some on the table as well. Well I must clean that up. If I keep this up I am going to be so lean because I must do extra cleaning because of my messes. I place my wash cloth back in the sink and I go back and I sit and I munch on the rest of my carrot sticks and I drink my punch. I love the sound of my crunch as I munch it is sweet music in my ear. It makes a rhythm and I go about with my day as busy as it is.

Copyright © Carol Landrum | Year Posted 2013

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In the darkness I was blinded I could not see because my spiritual eyes were blinded. I was stubborn and didn’t care about the Lord. I believed the lies of Satan and philosophy of this world. I was so empty and i wept tears like rain because nothing would satisfy my thirsty parched soul.

Then one Sunday morning I went into a little   church where  I heard the message that Jesus saves I decided it was time to take the first step and I went to the altar there  I met a man named Jesus who took away my sins and become my sweet savior and friend, so dear. When I got up I found I felt so different I was as light as a feather and all the quilt that I carried for so long had vanished. 

Everything was different I wanted to tell everyone what Jesus done for me. I read my Bible and prayed as the days went by I became stronger and stronger in the Lord. I put the whole armor of God on and I will continue to run the race. I will not quit because I know I will get a reward at the end of this life. I want to see Jesus when I get to Heaven and I want to worship with the saints.I am glad that my name is in the book of life I am glad that I am going to a better place

Copyright © Carol Landrum | Year Posted 2013

Book: Reflection on the Important Things