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Best Poems Written by Carson Jones

Below are the all-time best Carson Jones poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Poor Girl

Long nails
baggy clothes
Tangled hair
dry throat
Poor girl, sits alone
She's bullied
Picked on
Left alone
But stays strong
She wants to be loved
Why is she here?
Isn't suicide a priority?
Or is it a fear?
She's alive today,
but what about next year?
Is it rain, or  tear?
She let it go,
Now she's here...

Copyright © Carson Jones | Year Posted 2013

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i wish i hadn't worn so much makeup.
i wish i didn't wear that shirt.
i wish i didn't tempt those men.
i wish i didn't,
because it was my fault that these two men wanted to touch me against my will.
because it was a 13 year old fault to be pushed around and hurt.
was it really me who asked for "it"?
dirt on my back two men hands wrapped around my wrists, stricken by fear not able to fight or scream.
no, never forcing themselves inside of me.
no, never hitting me.
but feeling their hands touch my innocent body.
still only a child. never understanding sexual assault.
it seemed like a lifetime but was only a minute.
then they were gone.
never seeing their faces.
never hearing a name.
i kept a dark secret for years.
i never thought anyone should care.
it wasn't rape. 
but it wasn't fair.
why would anyone care?
would they even believe me?
i wish i didn't provoke them with my sexuality.
oh please tell me how i wanted it.
and how i was asking for it.
i just wish...

Copyright © Carson Jones | Year Posted 2015

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Hello,My Name Is

hello my name is hooligan
years ago i lost my bestfriend
he laughed everyday
but left before i got to say
i love you
hello my name is dumb
but the memories were so fun
you had a smile on your face but yet you couldnt stay we still love you.
 rip justin baker.

Copyright © Carson Jones | Year Posted 2013

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I Only Wish

she's beautiful, 
                                                         with hair dark and deep.
                                         i imagine me running my fingers through it.
                                                    i imagine kissing her cheeks.
                                                         ive wanted her forever.
                                                           i need her right now.
                                                            but she's like a bird
                                                      nobody can tie her down.
                                   i wish i had her with me. so i can tell her these things. 
                       and i also wish i could tell my mom, who would be so disapointed in me.
                                      i only wish i could come out and scream to the world.
                                                "I DON'T CARE I'M IN LOVE WITH A GIRL!"
                                                 i only wish that my mother could see, 
                            that even though i might be gay, i still want her to love me.
       so tonight ill call her, my lover (if that) and fight with her when she ccalls herself fat.
                                            i laugh along with her, and talk about her day.
                       then my mom will burst through the door crying. then i'll tell her, im gay.

Copyright © Carson Jones | Year Posted 2013

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Children Memories

Kid shows turn to he'll as Dora pulls up her shirt, Barney touches me and it all begins to hurt, spongebob and Patrick makeout in public, Ronald McDonald slaps my mom, and now Hannah Montana wears a thong. The wiggle get out of their clothes and kiss little kids, as yo gabba gabba calls me a b*tch. Blues clues bites you and Mickey mouse fights you! Goofy isn't fun when he grabs you by the neck, I can't breath and my father tells me just to forget, it's all pretend, he says as he gets into my bed...

Copyright © Carson Jones | Year Posted 2014

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Love Or Insanity

i know im in love, and i know who with, 
but he'll never love me back itd be too quick,
he's tall, funny, handsom and just great,
 and i know if i fell for him, id look like fish bait,
he sits next to me and makes me laugh,
i'm sure im headed on the right path, 
i'll smile and giggle at his cute jokes, 
and hope to god he knows im stoked,
im crazy to see him every day,
i want him to hold me in every wich way,
and ill sit at this table in this chair
and when he's talking ill politley stare,
 ill smile so wide so he knows im happy,
and ill pray to god people dont day "make this snappy"
and all i could live is knowing he's ok,
and he doesnt have to talk to me but he does anyways,
im one of his friends and a good one in fact,
 and i know he likes girl. just not me and that's that,
 but im glad i have him and his voice to listen to,
and im glad i have his jokes that are never just a few,
i've seen the way hes looks at me, i know ive felt his touch,
 but just dreaming of kissing him will never be enough,
so ill slit my wrist crying over him,
 and the girl he truly loves she makes my day dim,
people dont know what goes on in his head,
 but i for sure do and its something i dread,
he thinks about sports and girls unnlike me. 
and just thinking of him hurts like being stung by a bee,
so tonight ill think of him and be stung all over, 
and as long as im in love ill never feel sober, 
getting drunk of the touch when you nudge my shoulder,
and dreaming we'll be together when we grow older.

Copyright © Carson Jones | Year Posted 2013

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Pain Pain, Go Away

           *                pain pain go away, why are you hear to stay?
               *             my heart breaks. Your like a snake.
                   *          my soul you will not take.
*                 *  
     *     *   *

Copyright © Carson Jones | Year Posted 2013

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An Unknown Friend Damien Dahr

a man i know has come along
reading all of my poetry.
he talks to me for moral support.
a man who is great at a sport.
the sport i talk about is friendship you see.
a strange to both you and me. 
if you're the stranger
reading my post
you are now a friend 
i will gladly be your host.
when people look down on me
with their agonizing words
you're always there 
sticking up for me.
being an unknown friend. 
a stranger yes
but a fine one indeed
a friend i would like, let alone need
so if you accept my invite to you.
i would like to think of myself as your friend too.

Copyright © Carson Jones | Year Posted 2014

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My world is infinite, so is my imagination, and i would like to show you both. it might seem scary or maybe strange, it might seem weird but i am still the same.
and maybe its time to open your eyes and see my world, or maybe its time to think things through and walk away. or maybe you could you could stay and be open and free, think with your creative mind just like me, maybe we could fly into outer space, with you by my side, maybe we could race. race to a planet far away there we can play games all day and watch the stars at night. wake up to a summer light in the afternoon we can dance spinning around faster than fast and then we can run.

Copyright © Carson Jones | Year Posted 2014

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Take a Stand

Sitting alone in the corner of your room.
there's not much to do.
Always wanting to be alone
Socially awkward heavy like a stone
Too stupid for an education
People always bossing you around.
Forcing you to take your medication
Always being putdown
Bit it's time to breath
Open your eyes to see
People try to see who I am but I guess it's 
time to take a stand, or for you, not for me 
but for all those who cannot see.
They're consider blind as bats but when 
they see with their hearts it's not as bad
Listen to the music feel the beats,
learn to sing with your feet. sing for those 
who cannot speak.
we'll talk with our open minds, and show 
them all how to shine.
Reaching out for a helping hand,
Come on baby,let's take a stand.

Copyright © Carson Jones | Year Posted 2013


Book: Shattered Sighs