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Best Poems Written by F. Darlene Mack

Below are the all-time best F. Darlene Mack poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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The Journey

THE Journey

It’s not about the
It’s about the journey

It’s about who we become
Through the

It’s about who we are
After the 

The path is too long
The road too narrow

Why me, why my life and loves
Why my marriage, my family
I really don’t understand

It’s not about the 
It’s about the journey

Who we become through 
Life’s trials

While waiting for them
To pass
While waiting to be delivered
Who are we then?
It’s not about the 
It’s about the journey
It’s about us

Copyright © Flossie Gierke | Year Posted 2015

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I'M Not Perfect

I may not be perfect but I'm still here.
Maybe I wasn't there for you.
Maybe I didn't fight hard enough or you, 
 for your rights.
I didn't fight the way you thought I should have.
I may not be perfect but I'm still here.

You didn't know how hard I tried, or
the many nights I cried.
I may not be perfect but I'm still here.

Does my admission of guilt give me a license to mess up?
To fall from grace, your good graces.
Does that give me the right to let moments
slip by?  Not taking advantage of the opportunities
to set things right?
If my admission can keep others from falling,
I gladly accept responsibility for my failures.
So no one else has to miss out or
 fall through the cracks of life.

I carry my imperfection with me, every day.
Do all my pretty words excuse my actions?
Just because I decorate the truth does that let me off?
Truth be told I did let us slip through the cracks.
But does my acknowledgment of the truth give me
any peace, how about you?
Admission of guilt isn't enough, is it?
I really don't know anymore, 
But I know this I'm not perfect but I'm here
The battle scars of life are written not in blood,
but in tears.

Only God knows the depths of my sorrow, 
only God knows the tears I've cried over this.
Yes, I may not be perfect but I'm still here,
Awaiting the day your forgiveness reaches your ears.

Copyright © Flossie Gierke | Year Posted 2019

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All I've ever accumulated was 
Everything I've accomplished was
     me by my side.
I gave praise to me, my beauty, 
    my knowledge and my 
I sought out the praise from 
    others, and boy was it a 
I challenge anyone who thought
    they were better than 
No one stepped up, as far as
    my eyes could see.
For I only saw me, myself 
    and I,
I'd prospered quickly, I had
But then life fell hard on me,
It's the kind of thing that 
    brings you quickly to
       your knees.
I stood with nothing, not even
I lower my head in shame, I closed
    my eyes.
I said in a whisper because I felt
    so ashamed,
"Please forgive me  in 
    Jesus' name."

Copyright © Flossie Gierke | Year Posted 2020

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Walking In a Circle

As I walked down the street.  I caught myself looking for a sign.
Of an old familiar road that had become lost to me.  
I could not stop thinking about my directions, and my choices.
My mind was not settled, I had thoughts,
What about this?  Should I go over there, or around here?
How about down over there?
As I began looking for answers to questions, I had not yet even asked yet.
Was I trying to find a destination that did not exist?
Because the road I was on was coming to an end.
Was this just a puzzle for me, a maze?
Was I seeing things?
As I continue to travel down the road, I could no longer see clear.
Was it because my destination was shaken?
That I could no longer find my way?
Is this a symbol for my life?
Just when did I let go of reality?
I feel like Alice falling down the rabbit hole.
Just then the wind blew, and a car came to a screeching halt.
I found myself right back where I had begun, I had waked in a circle.

When our destination becomes cloudy, and unclear
That’s when we try to find a better way to reach our destination.
And we end up walking around in a circle.
In the journey we take, why not follow God’s plan for our lives.
Because when we don’t follow his plan, we end up walking around in a circle.
Life’s too short to keep going in circles.
But maybe that’s just me.

Copyright © Flossie Gierke | Year Posted 2015

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Mine Not Yours


Did your day meet adversary in the face?  For I the LORD have proven myself to you, over a thousand times.
I’ve been with you in your corner, 
Your foot have not fallen or slipped, through it all I’ve been right there beside you.
Do you not understand the reward for finishing the race?
Do you not deserve rewards for staying the course?  When all around you others seem to be failing, 
Am I not with you?
If love equal to victory, then have I failed in my love to you?
If I’m powerful would I let you slip through the cracks?
Forces can try to bind you, but you can move
In all this I say na, for not once have you fallen or slipped from my sight.  
You reside in the eyes of the LORD, yours are forever and eternal
I repeat these are MY words not YOURS

Copyright © Flossie Gierke | Year Posted 2015

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And So It Begin

And so it begins

I gladly give up the controls to my LORD and Savior.
Who better to do the driving than the one who created the world?
Who better to trust than the one who can raise the dead.
Our illusion of control can ease our minds until life throws us a curve and it always does. 
 The appearance of control is an illusions
 any sense of control is an illusions 
Remember the devil disguised himself as an angel of light.
  He specializes in illusions,  making us believes we can live our lives anyway we choose.
  And we fall for it every time, just look at Eve in the Garden of Eden,
 she fell for the devils trick and Adam with her,
the result kicked out of Paradise, and so it begins 
We want complete control over our lives, and our destiny. 
And anyone offering us a glimpse into that has our full attention, who’s got time for God and his way of life, not us.
We believe in what we want to believe. 
 We choose to believe in a lie rather than the truth. 
no one lives like Jesus anyway, life is too short to let someone else do the driving. 
take back the controls, for our lives, and our destiny.  We become master of our own lives, 
and so it begins
the beginning or the ending,,,

Copyright © Flossie Gierke | Year Posted 2014

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Thoughts Flow Like a River


I find myself back to what I like to call my moments of writing out my inner thoughts
.  In these quiet moments I let my mind reflect on the paths of life.
  I sometimes smile as I write.   I can feel the spirit of the LORD, guiding my hands.
  His presence flows through my fingers as if He is the one writing out my thoughts. 
 I often smile because, some time I don’t even understand.    
 But In a way I do.
  I’ve learned to enjoy and let this feeling wash over me like a spring shower. 
 And God knows, oh he knows, how to guide me.
 When I can comprehend the word of God and all that he tells me I’m more than mystified,
 To say the least.
  He has given me more than words can say, and I’m truly humble for the opportunity.
  My life seem to flow with the knowledge of him, and all that he does for me.
  I was pondering once about the river, how it flows.
 And I thought about the rhythms and it flows too.
  All that God does, his spirit flows. 
.  And the gentle rhythm is his signature that he is with us.
  And when the rhythms is gone or our spirit is out of whack.  
 Then we know he is not in our choices.
  So let the river flow through you. 
 And rest assured that God is in it.  
He’s is in control.
  Just as the river flows, God is always in control

Copyright © Flossie Gierke | Year Posted 2015

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Humanity Bleeds

Our humanity bleeds, but not our acceptance.
Surrender to this world’s system, no not me,
Try as I may to recover,
I remain as I am, my dignity tucked neatly away in my pants.
All honor lost, my voice to speak out, hushed by them.
Respect you say who’s your or mine?
I can speak out you say, only if I say your words
Of my own choosing!
So I bleed, I bleed because of humanity, or was it acceptance?
Is it not the same, aint that a shame.
My humanity bleeds, because of my lack of acceptance
I surrender to the world’s system, not my own.
I tried to recover, but I became just another number in the system.
I lost my voice, I lost all respect so now I just bleed,
Of my own, but I still bleed.
Don’t we all for humanity still bleed.

Copyright © Flossie Gierke | Year Posted 2014

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Expression of My Love

Expression of my love

My love can’t be
Expressed by 
Mere words.
For words alone aren’t 
Intense enough
To portray what’s
In my heart.
A lifetime of demonstrating
The magnitude of my love
Would only be but a glimpse
Of the grandeur of love
That flows deep inside of me.
I surrender, I succumb to the 
Deep ache lodged 
Inside of me.
Waiting to erupt as you 
Begin to explore to recess of my 
Love for you, 
You and only you 
Will I show my love true?
Expressions of my love.

Copyright © Flossie Gierke | Year Posted 2013

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God Cares

God cares, He cares for you,
The light inside of us may dim.
But with the LORD's help, we 
     can still win.
When it all gets to b too much,
His grace  and mercy is more than enough.
God cares, He really do,
He cares for me, He cares for you.

Trouble may come your way,
To try to shake up your day.
But God will come through,
Miracles do happen, especially for you.
God cares, He really do,

Work can weight you down,
But having love in your life, and turn it around.
God cares, He really do
He cares for me, He cares for you.
God cares

Copyright © Flossie Gierke | Year Posted 2016


Book: Shattered Sighs