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Best Poems Written by Deanna Schaub

Below are the all-time best Deanna Schaub poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Winter Winds

Winter winds blow all around. 
I’m astonished by the sounds of Jingle Bells and reindeer stomps. 
All of this should never stop. 
Snow lies on the ground, if only that weren't too profound. 
Time only leads to decay, but not on Christmas, not today. 
You should see the angels pray. 
Toy trains, and rag dolls are the things kids used to want. 
But time has changed, yes so have children… 
Santa seems as if a villain. 
So much fighting, so much crying, it sounds as if the kids are dying. 
“I want money, I want fame, and these toys are just so lame.” 
But that’s the product we provided. 
Second chances are no more, Santa’s plot we wait for. 
He’s sick of this, he doesn't care, it’s as if he’s not wanted here. 
He gets ready to take it all back…. 
There’s still one toy left in his sack, it’s for a little girl, half a world away. 
Now how could he have missed this, on the perfect Christmas day? 
He turns around, not time for war. 
This toy, the girl is waiting for… It’s not a toy like you’d expect. 
She didn't ask for electronics, or stupid games such as Sonic. 
She just wanted one small thing… 
She’s waiting for something EXTRA special this gloomy day. 
In a bed she sits and stares, at the window near a chair. 
She’s so weak, and all alone. 
She doesn't even have a real home, not where there are bright lights anyways. 
They've decorated a weeping willow, the only tree around the “home”. 
So she has lights to see. 
It’s Christmas after all, but there’s no way to calm the raging sea. 
She’s dying, it won’t take much longer, and she doesn't care about the tree. 
She needs a new heart extra bad. 
So, Santa’s bringing her the one thing, that will stop her parents from being sad. 
He rushes to the hospital in his golden sleigh, and climbs right down the vent, 
He’s saving Christmas today. 
Santa rushes in just in time, finds a doctor, the girl is dying. 
It’s not what he usually does, but he stays and watches as they save her life. 
He waits for her to wake up. 
“Santa, you saved my life, oh thank you so much! I needed my heart to be touched.” 
He just smiles, and kisses her hand. He’s so glad he didn't destroy the land. 
Christmas is still a special day. 
There’s no more sorrow, no, not today. Santa smiles though some are still ungrateful. 
There’s that one child, standing in the snow, her life can now be started in the evening glow. That’s life for the grateful, loving, caring, and the thankful. Most of the time Santa just gives toys. For all the good girls and boys. But not today, and not tomorrow, once a year he gets rid of sorrow. So sleep tight and say your prayers, Christmas time is but once a year.

Copyright © Deanna Schaub | Year Posted 2012

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Behind the Scenes

Give me a moment, just one more in time.
I'll give you a love dear, I'll make it divine.
Yet I have some problems, like you'd never believe.
Stand around long enough, and maybe you'll see...
All of these things that are wrong with me.
Right now you say you love me, I doubt that it's true.
People like me just don't deserve people like you.
I know what you're thinking, how strange I must seem...
To someone that doesn't live in the same world as me.
Maybe you're different, you might stick around.
But wht take my chances, when I'd much rather drown?
Then you call me selfish, for this joke about my life...
Yet you know nothing of the pressure of being a girlfriend,
with no intentions of ever becoming anybodys wife.
That's quite enough though, no more about me.
I would gladly become what you asked me to be.
If you promise to love me, forever and always...
If your actions prove to me something I never knew...
I will some day become yours in eternity.

Copyright © Deanna Schaub | Year Posted 2013

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The Calling

I’m sitting here another day. 
I feel as if it’s getting late. 
I don’t care what people say. 
I’m not going to that place. 
But then I hear your voice again. 
It’s calling me but we aren’t friends. 
There is nothing I can gain. 
I’m tired of living with this shame. 
I followed you around the world. 
You called us lovers until the end. 
But then you left just like the stars. 
You tore apart my empty heart. 
Yet now you sit here and call my name… 
Do you really think you can send me pain? 
I tried to give you a second chance. 
You blew it, hell, you just would again. 
People tell me I should move on. 
But what is life when you’re gone? 
I’m not saying I’ll take you back… 
Just that living without you is worse… 
Then having a heart attack. 
So I’m just sitting here drowning in sorrow. 
Though I might get better tomorrow. 
Yet still your voice is calling me. 
But don’t you get it, can’t you see? 
I loved you my whole life. 
But I would never agree to be your wife.

Copyright © Deanna Schaub | Year Posted 2013

Book: Shattered Sighs