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Best Poems Written by Reuben Enahoro

Below are the all-time best Reuben Enahoro poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Like a Broken Pot

Forget not, the time long before now
The chats laughs and so much more
What it came with, of course, not pain
Shall we let now, the memories fade away
And the beauty of all those time, vanish
Leaving only pieces like a broken pot?

Do not forget how much water it had held
Nor the quantity it fetched to quench our thirsts
When all we needed in life depended on it
Let’s not push it aside for any reason
Nor leave it just outside in the heat
But mend the cracks, while we still can

Copyright © Reuben Enahoro | Year Posted 2012

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Dear Teacher

Am I just another creature?
Thriving hard to make a future?
Beyond what can undergo suture
Thoughts have almost my heart rupture

No my dear you are special
With no thought of being partial
Who has got so much potentials
That you’ve displayed from initial?

Why have I not come top in all I do?
Why hasn’t anyone asked to know who?
When I put my potentials all through
Except, sometimes, just you

Bother less on those, my dear
They have all, their own fears
Of a genius who’s so much near
That will with them this glory share

I hope not to forget who I am
For I hope to do great with these arms
To reach wide even to those in farms
Yet not to have a soul by it harm

It’s great to think less of persons
Just do your things in its right season
Without a thought of selfish reason
And their thoughts shall be to them a prison

Copyright © Reuben Enahoro | Year Posted 2012

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Beneath the Oak

There we were beneath the English oak
With heads bowed, we sat and spoke
Of all that we have borne, in the heart
Just as we did as kids from the start
There was the usual pollen in her eyes
That freeze me deep like the winter ice
Nature wrote a note we couldn’t alter
Though fate has brought us from afar
We dared not hold hands, so feel nothing
The same hand I’ve felt since I was a teen
Love still had a place, deep in our hearts
Yet we must speak now and then depart
Never more to look back even tomorrow
Lest our goodbyes today will be with sorrow

Copyright © Reuben Enahoro | Year Posted 2012

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At dawn a black cock crowed aloud
The man and women all alike
Woke to the noise and set to pray
Beside the stump, they all did kneel
Pouring libations to their gods

At morn the day was bright to chat
The men and youth all did gather
Talking, laughing really loudly
Calabash filled with raffia wine
Gulping on still, they all lay drunk

At noon they all were still gathered
Around the bushes came great noise
The noise they know to be of war
Topsy–turvy    the town did run
Lifeless, they all now lay slaughtered

At dusk there came a dead silence
Calabash broken and wine splashed
The happy noisy town, now gone
The houses now left desolate
Just the cock stood, that broke the day

Copyright © Reuben Enahoro | Year Posted 2012

Details | Reuben Enahoro Poem

Pledge of a Youth Corps Member

I thought one day to play my part and I was sent

Now I’m in a strange land but not a stranger in the land

We’re gathered here, bearing one purpose in mind

And looking gaily, bright faces, fresh from home

I have been camped here for eighteen days now

I have been equipped and armed to the teeth

With great arms needed for this bloodless war

The nation may not observe what we do today

Our tasks is not to please any, but be just corpers

Dressed in khakis, crested vests and oversized boots

Marching to and fro, under sun’s scorch, like soldiers

Bridging the gaps between villages and government

Preaching the sermon of a better Nigeria to everyone

And just within the spheres of our influence to act

But ask just this one thing from our great nation

The support of our government as it seems right.

If the government too, shall lead by example

In the supreme campaign towards a better Nigeria

We hope to follow each step with all our hearts

And be faithful, loyal and honest

To make a reality, the essence of this scheme.

Though our footsteps make only a light impression on this soil

We shall do our best and wish the government does too

For each small step is a giant leap of growth

And we would fight as true patriots of our dear nation

To defend her unity, uphold her honour and glory

So help us God.

Copyright © Reuben Enahoro | Year Posted 2012

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A Lot Has Changed

Once upon a time are those times now
We were too young to understand
That there’s something we needed more?
Did we share love truly from the heart?
A lot has changed, since time passed by

The rains have come and long gone
These leaves, once fresh, are withering
That tree that formed for us, a shade
Now stand without leaves or beauty
A lot has changed, since time passed by

The summer has come, drying up all things
My bones crack beneath my shrinking flesh
My lips bear wounds without moisture
My eyes are dim and sight difficult
A lot has changed, since time passed by

In my heart are memories of time long gone
Those times mean more to me I can least say
You hope to slip and I cannot hold you back
If you’re treated badly please, come home
A lot may’ve changed; yet we can go back in time

Copyright © Reuben Enahoro | Year Posted 2012

Details | Reuben Enahoro Poem

And the Man Died

He woke in the chilling morn of Monday
Standing tall and stretching like a snake
His son lay carelessly on the old ragged mat
Innocence envelops him like a clean blanket
Unnoticed, he trudged past his dear son
Gathering implements crude and shabby too

He jumped without delay on his old motorbike
Rolling it away from the thatched roof hut
That the engine shrilling noise may not spread
Like the wheezing cry of the morning wind
Through the windows of many blocked houses
That never was heard in his old derelict hut

Wearing many tattered shirts, he zoomed off
Into the thick dark bush that stood just ahead
The speed was great and the rain drizzles
Drenching him thorough to his very soul
His arms shiver as they held the motorbike
Unsteady he rode on, into the forest

Before him lie, a thunder-stricken tree
Crossing the road that leads to the farm
Head on collision, the bike tumbled 
He lay on the wet ground, without a help
It was still dawn and none around
He writhes in pain and with tears-filled eyes

Blood in his eyes, one thought filled his mind
His son at home, an innocent in this world
He wished he lived a better life than his
He struggled to survive death’s strong grip
Squeezing strongly the last of his breath
With tears in his eyes, the man died.

Copyright © Reuben Enahoro | Year Posted 2012

Details | Reuben Enahoro Poem

What Am I Mom

Thou are a flower and fragile, my dear
Sprout at dawn, beautiful in the morning
Fit for nothing less of an angel’s gift  
But gathered around by predators’ claws
With words so calm and tone sweetly melodious
Beautiful smiles and most flattering gist
Just to have a feel of thy innocent sepals
They suck the nectar till the sepals wrinkle

At noon thy beauty fades like the rain cloud
From thy stalk thou fall beneath the feet
They trample on thee and go their way
When flowers of less beauty than thee
Shall gather at dusk in contest before nobles
Scars would have, your beauty dented
From afar they’ll laugh and discuss you
‘I marred a flower as pretty as that’
They’ll chat and wave as you walk in shame
Beware my dear, guard thy sepals so precious
When it falls from stalk it cannot return
Even when they stand and say to you:
‘What is yours to give, is not yours to keep’
Stand back, reply and say to them:
‘When it’s time to give, I’ll give it all’

Copyright © Reuben Enahoro | Year Posted 2012

Details | Reuben Enahoro Poem

It's a Month Now

It’s not been like it was, April
For I spent alone, last April

How May shall end, I cannot tell
I can’t believe I, to those words, fell

When you promised to come back
And I allowed you, your things, pack

Copyright © Reuben Enahoro | Year Posted 2012

Details | Reuben Enahoro Poem

Survivors Part 1

Just beyond those tall trees
Lies my father’s humble hut
If we embraces a little speed
We’ll be there without delay

I feel so much weakness inside
I think no more of going further
My legs bleed; I’ve lost much blood
Dying here or there is all the same

Speak no more of death Alluyah
You’re not dying, let’s move on
Lest, they come and meet us here
And we both be killed for this attempt

If we did not, what we have done
Would we not have been killed the same?
Do I now fear death for making a move
And following the lead of my own heart?

I do not wish that you sit and speak
But walk and cover some distance at least
That’ll take us farther than closer to them
That we together may rescue the rest

Go ahead; I don’t think I still can
If indeed I close my eyes in death
Make sure from here, you leave and live
That you may tell the story to all

Copyright © Reuben Enahoro | Year Posted 2012

Book: Reflection on the Important Things