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Best Poems Written by Al Johnson

Below are the all-time best Al Johnson poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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You'Re the Weak One


You’re the weak one, you’re a bully.  The weak one is definitely
not me.

The bully is always the weak one, but your weakness you can’t
seem to see.

So, I’m going to try to shed a little light on your weak and inappropriate ways.

Your weakness began on your first bullying day.

Your false sense of power is not strength at all; it is a cry for help desperately trying to break through.

I actually feel a little sorry for you.

Weak kids like you always seek to find other kids they can dominate.

Bullies do this with vicious words, inappropriate actions, and misguided hate. 

Is being a weak bully the banner you want to carry for the rest of your life?

Get rid of the bully banner forever; take up a banner that shows respect, 
understanding, and tolerance for others, and always hold that one very high.

	Al Johnson

Copyright © Al Johnson | Year Posted 2012

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The Will To Win

The will to win will ebb and flow throughout our lifetime.

Where the will to win settles is determined by the purity of the heart and mind.

The will to win can be compelling, stout, and awesome as a redwood tree.

The will to win can be insignificant and unimpressive.  The size of the will to win is individually controlled by you and me.

The will to win can move with grace, dignity, and magnificent fortitude.

The will to win can be noticeably clumsy and overbearingly rude. 

The true, respectful, and heartfelt will to win may bend, but always refuses to break.

The will to win may crumble from the least bit of negativity, losing all progress it has made. 

So, let each of us make a vow that will be etched in stone for the duration of time. 

Our will to win must never falter or descend.  Our will to win must always radiate, by being nothing short of sublime.
Al Johnson, aka Alfredo Leon

Copyright © Al Johnson | Year Posted 2014

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My Mental Toughness

My mental toughness wasn't anywhere to be found when you started bullying me.

I didn't think much of myself; your bullying made me feel small and weak.

I spent a lot of time being angry and crying.  I didn't laugh like before, not very much 
joy in my life at all.

You were winning, and what little pride I had left was sinking fast.  I felt like repeatedly 
banging my head against the wall.

Then my parents told me that bullies might sometimes be physically strong, but mentally 
they are very weak.

They told me to develop my mental toughness, by doing so, the bully I could easily defeat.

So, I started thinking I was strong, in body and mind.

And you know what?  The more I thought about being mentally tough, the more 
confidence I seemed to find.

Mental toughness is a powerful tool that all kids should develop, have, and put to use.

If a bully happens to come into your space, the bully will sense your mental toughness.
He will know if he tries to bully you, he can't win, no way, he's destined to lose.

Al Johnson

Copyright © Al Johnson | Year Posted 2014

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Your Nasty Words

The nasty words you spoke in private toward a specific group of people rightfully were made
public and revealed what you truly harbor in your heart.

I'm a proud and intelligent member of the ethnic group your nasty words attempted to debase.
Look in your mirror and ask, when, where, and how did my bigotry make its unfortunate ugly start?

More importantly, have you ever asked yourself why you disrespect certain ethnic groups for no proven 
reason, and adore other groups simply because of the color of skin?                                

Your nasty words vividly reflect a soul that's empty, a mind engrossed in ignorance, and a vision
myopic at best.  What a pitiful state of existence you live in.

It's actually sad that in your mind, you truly believe your nasty words are justified, giving you a false sense 
of extreme power over the subservient "them."

What your nasty words have truly done is dull the magnificent glow in your heart you were born
with, and displace it to a state of existence, way too far south of being dime.

Your nasty-words-state-of-mind is crippling you mentally and physically in ways you're not even
astute enough to be aware of.  Ignorance will not allow you to.

Without heartfelt change, you'll never experience the wonderful embracing of all worthy 
humankind.  Tolerance and understanding for others not like you, are attributes foreign to you.

So, continue along your path of misguided tunnel vision.  You should openly and with vigor recruit others that 
think exactly as you do.  What a despicable union of bigots you will all make.

Then, for the betterment of humankind, unlike Noah and the Ark, your vile group should congregate in distasteful 
harmony, then immediately take a non-returnable ship to distant outer space.                                              

Al Johnson, aka Alfredo Leon

Copyright © Al Johnson | Year Posted 2014

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It's Never Too Late To Change

If you are a bully, you know you are because it's who you've chosen to be.

You make excuses that you being a bully is someone else's fault.  Unfortunately, the truth
you refuse to see.

So, you constantly search for easy victims, you want to destroy their confidence and 

You don't care how other kids feel when you bully them.  Because of your bullying, kids have 
nightmares, instead of pleasant dreams.

I'm a kid just like you. 

But I don't bully other kids, that I would never do.

Nowhere does it say you have to be a bully for the rest of your life.  

There is a good side of you that lies deep within.  Right now it's asleep in the dark of night.

The good person you can be eagerly awaits to spread its wings, bringing happiness, fun and
joy, eliminating shame.

Please remember, no matter how much you have bullied other kids, for the better, it's never too 
late to change.

Al Johnson

Copyright © Al Johnson | Year Posted 2014

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What is self-motivation to you?  What does self-motivation really mean?

Are you self-motivated or easily defeated when complications and depletion of any 
success you’ve had, rudely intervenes?

Complications will surely produce unwanted thorns that can be piercingly painful, 
throwing you way off track.

Strong self-motivation is a radiant guiding light that will always help you find your way back.

The pathway back may not be easy, true success in life has never been.

But which satisfied you most, self-motivation where you once had it, or complications that 
somehow wore your self-motivation way too thin?  

You may be feeling the drive and determination that once engulfed you, no longer has 
their tenacious bite.

Here’s the fastest way to regain the self-motivation you once had, if it has taken flight:

When you have conviction with self-motivation, you walk tall, your head and shoulders 
loom above the crowd, no matter your physical size or height.

Self-Motivation makes you the leader that people look up to, respect, and seek, which is 
quite nice.

You must march on by being the strong and self-motivated one. 

I implore you to strut and march only to the beat of your proclaimed rhythmic drum.  

Create an immovable and unbendable melody from the depths of your heart, mind, 
body, and soul.

Your new revelation will be etched in stone.  Your self-motivation henceforth, shall never 
falter and surely never grow old.

Al Johnson


Copyright © Al Johnson | Year Posted 2014

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So, I'M Bald

I started losing my hair years ago. 

At first, I panicked.  Finally I said to myself, I’m going bald, “so!” 

I once tried remedies, herbs, and such.  

Unfortunately, my hair didn’t grow back very much. 

I knew many women preferred men with long hair so they could run their fingers through. 

And because of being bald, I didn’t want to end up being a turn-off to you. 

Then, fortunately, I came to grips with what’s important in life and what’s not. 

So, I’m bald, so what!  Beautiful lady, would you care to rub my bald spot? 

I’m otherwise fit, intelligent, sincere, humorous, romantic, handsome, and strong. 

My hair is just no longer long. 

Lady, if you need to run your fingers through anything of true importance, try my heart! 

That’s really the ideal and only meaningful place for true love to start.  

Alfredo Leon

Copyright © Al Johnson | Year Posted 2014

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I'M Bouncing Back

Yes, I'm bouncing back from a state of sadness and gloom.

I can't allow this sad state of mind to linger and loom.

No one, especially a kid like me, should be made to feel this way.

I'm very unhappy because I am bullied almost every day.

I've decided I'm bouncing back to the good old days when my life was full of nothing 
but lots of fun.

So, those of you who've been bullying me on line and at school, got a news flash for you, 
I'm bouncing back! The days of you bullying me are over and done.

Better yet, though it may not be easy at first, you might try real hard ending you bullying 
ways.  Why not switch to a more harmonious track.  

Because lots of kids I know who have been bullied, just like me, are real quickly going to 
start bouncing back!

Al Johnson

Copyright © Al Johnson | Year Posted 2014

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I'M Not Going To Be Afraid Anymore

I'm not going to be afraid anymore of you and your bullying ways.

You've been bullying me over and over again, day after miserable day.

You call me names, sometimes you push, shove, say bad things to me, and spread 
rumors about me to other kids.

I told my parents, teachers, and principal too.  You always lie and say bullying is not 
something you do or ever did.

So, it's obvious I have to solve my own bullying problem by taking a stronger stand.

I'm not going to be afraid of you anymore, this I hope you clearly understand!

Short of having to fight you, unless you provoke me to, you will no longer bully me!

Can you hear the strength, sincerity, and passion in my voice?  I'm not going to be afraid 
of you anymore.  It would be in your best interest to immediately take heed!

Al Johnson.

Copyright © Al Johnson | Year Posted 2014

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Your Nasty Words Cannot Hurt Me

You hoped the nasty words you said to me would hurt me so much that like a turtle, 
I would go into a permanent shell.

My parents told me not to give a bully that kind of satisfaction.  From all the nasty words
you said, guess what?  I'm not feeling that bad at all.  In fact, I'm doing quite well.

Yes, your nasty words hurt me at first, just as you wanted them to.  

I'm lucky to have parents, responsible adults, and even other kids, who showed me how to 
handle bullies like you.

I don't care what you do anymore.  I really don't care what you say.

Your nasty words cannot hurt me again.  You tried putting me down, but with help from 
others, I've been lifted up in every way.

I see you as a small-minded bully, with no positive direction.

I also see you as a kid who could be nice and kind to others, if you decide to change 
your intentions.

Just in case you refuse to change and continue with your bullying ways, declaring that's 
just how it's going to be,

I'm going to do all I can to spread my knowledge to as many kids as I can.  Then the
next kid you try to bully, hopefully, will confidently say to you, "Your nasty words
cannot hurt me."

Al Johnson

Copyright © Al Johnson | Year Posted 2014


Book: Reflection on the Important Things