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Best Poems Written by Victoria Teele

Below are the all-time best Victoria Teele poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Not a Dream

Where have you been all this time?
I’ve been looking for you.
All these trials and tribulations,
It just doesn’t seem fair what I’ve gone through.
I can’t even count all the nights,
I have cried myself to sleep.
Only to pray that somewhere,
You’d someday come find me.
So how has this dream of mine,
Turn into life before my eyes?
I’m afraid I’ll wake up tomorrow,
And it will all be a lie.
Yet your touch reminds me,
That loving you is not a dream.
And things can truly be as perfect,
As they really do seem.
I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to express,
Exactly how thankful I am.
But my life is now complete,
Because in my heart you did land.

Copyright © Victoria Teele | Year Posted 2012

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The Little Man

That tiny little man tried so very hard,
He tried to hold me down.
He said, “Why do you smile so big,
You know you’ll never get off that ground?”
For days upon days his mean words,
Poured in just like the rain.
It was if he got some kind of pleasure,
Trying to cause me pain.
Yet what he couldn’t know,
Because he was such a tiny man;
Was his words had no meaning,
They were just empty shells in my hand.
Didn’t he know he wasn’t the first?
Others before him had tried to break my spirit too.
Yet unless you give them the power,
No one can take that from you.
So I may face an opponent,
Then wipe a tear from a bruised cheek to pray.
But I will wake up tomorrow,
Because I didn’t let the little man break me today.

Copyright © Victoria Teele | Year Posted 2012

Details | Victoria Teele Poem

The First Heartbreak

I try to begin but I can’t,
My body won’t allow me to breath.
I don’t understand what is happening,
What is going on with me?
Something is grabbing at me;
Now I lay pinned to the floor.
It feels like a dagger has ripped through,
And I am now pierced to the core.
I try to move my limbs,
But the pain is too much to bare.
Yet how do I just lay here dying,
When I know the world is right out there?
It would be so easy,
Just to give up and give in to this.
But I don’t truthfully know,
What “this” even really is!
I have never felt pain before,
That has knocked me down so hard.
And when I recover from this,
Will I be mutilated from my scars?
I can feel my heartbeat screaming,
While wanting to give up the fight.
That dagger just turns some more,
While the darkness sets in tonight.

Copyright © Victoria Teele | Year Posted 2012

Book: Shattered Sighs