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Best Poems Written by Jessica Yi

Below are the all-time best Jessica Yi poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Suffering In Silence

To the world you show a smiling facade,
While hidden inside, chaos reigns.
A swirling maelstrom of emotions -
Grief, anger, confusion,
Sweeping through your soul.
Crimson tears drip from the cut in the heart.
Your cries of anguish go unheard.
You are suffering in silence.

All around you a blissful world revolves.
To others, you are part of that joyful existence.
But I can see through the lies. 
Under the copious masks and the false bravado show,
You are battling with yourself, and losing,
The inner screaming falling on deaf ears.
You are suffering in silence.

There is no more joy in you.
All laughter is forced, smiles fake, 
All things a mockery of pleasure.
The rest of the world 
Is blind to the masks you hide behind.
But I can see your true self.
The true you is hiding under all those false layers,
Waiting to be freed.
You are suffering in silence.

Shadows overwhelm and consume you.
Small problems become larger than life,
Worth even dying for. 
Your world is collapsing, spinning out of control.
Everything is falling around you, and yet,
No one notices.
You are suffering in silence.

Groping in the dark, 
The silence,
The shadows,
You finally reach the light, your hope:
A friend who is willing to help you through the dark,
Willing to share in your pain and despair, 
Willing to try to understand what words cannot describe,
A friend whose love knows no end.
I am that friend.
Let me free you from the binds you have created.
Let me free you from your silent suffering.

Copyright © Jessica Yi | Year Posted 2005

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Disdainful Beauty

Disdainful beauty, goddess of the ice, 
With gaze as piercing as a flint-tipped shard.
Age-old allure still does the Chill entice
To dance with her, and pose as Winter’s guard.

Her staff, which strikes the slipp’ry ground, commands 
The timid Sun to seek his early death
And rules bold Night to sate all her demands;
She bends the iron with her frosty breath.

A sweeping cloak of snow behind her spreads
With ceaseless cold that trails within its wake.
As Winter, in her icy bearing, threads
Within a soul a crave, a pow’rful ache – 

Desire to see the sun shine down once more,
Rememb’ring springtimes that had passed before.

Copyright © Jessica Yi | Year Posted 2006

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Nameless Emotions

I sit here with intense emotions crashing through me
One by one they resound within me with an earth-shaking clarity
As I try to pin down names to them, to piece back together my shattered order,
The names slyly elude me, dancing out of my reach
I can feel only the futility of naming these emotions, flimsy names that do not fully 
grasp the enormity and feeling behind these Nameless Emotions.

Anger... This word, how does it depict the blind rage that boils the red-hot blood 
flowing through the body,
The unseeing eyes staring at a crimson horizon of revenge, 
The beating rhythm pulsing, shaking the firm foundations of morality and 
conscious decision?
It cannot, it utterly fails and pales in comparison to the true Nameless Emotion.


Copyright © Jessica Yi | Year Posted 2006

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Here In My Room

Here, basking in the quiet of my room
I sat and thought, thought, thought,
Imagining dreamscapes of faraway fantasies
And envisioning a perfect world.

Here, trapped in the walls of my prison
I sat and sobbed, sobbed, sobbed,
Letting bitter tears track down my face
And screaming at the world’s injustice.

Here, huddled in the safety of my haven
I sat and wrote, wrote, wrote
Pouring out my heart to the patient page
And exposing the turmoil of my soul.

Here, cheerful in the inspirational spot
I sat and drew, drew, drew
Capturing the beauty of the sunrise
And marveling at the beautiful colors of my brush.

Here, languid in my suffocating misery 
I sat and stared, stared, stared
Watching people pass by with an uninterested eye
And counting the tiles on the ceiling.

I've now grown up out of my snug little room 
And into the uncertain world.
I look back with a certain fondness
At the place that still holds my life's story.

Copyright © Jessica Yi | Year Posted 2006

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To you, it seems I’m who I am,
Because I choose to be.
But what you see, my outer shell,
Is not the real, true me. 

Don’t be fooled so easily,
By illusions that you see,
For if you let me show myself,
My soul will be set free.

My deepest, darkest secret,
Is how I came to be,
But I cannot tell you how this is, 
For trust will be the fee. 

I beg you, do not push me
To be real and drop my mask
For if a friend you truly are
You won’t need to ask. 

To come out of hiding,
Is not as easy as it would seem,
For at first, my trust will merely be
A narrow, wobbly beam.

So, I need you to be there, 
With a sympathetic ear,
All I need for reassurance,
Is knowledge that you’re near.

All I need is confidence,
That I do not stand alone.
With that, you will soon notice 
The drastic change in my tone.

To you, it seems I’m who I am,
Because I choose to be.
But when you see through my illusions,
You’ll find the real, true me.

Copyright © Jessica Yi | Year Posted 2006

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Deserted Road

I walk alone, on this deserted road,
Lightened of a heavy load.
The sun shines down on my smiling face,
And I start to quicken my lively pace. 

I suddenly stand still, and look on,
At a world of misconception, deceit, and con.
A world where you look after number one,
And when life is bad, you take up a gun.

And as I see these ugly things,
I also see surprises that life brings:
A walk in the park on a sunny day;
A mother wiping tears away.   

Life is full of twists and turns;
Times when the truth stings and burns.
But when the pain won’t go away,
You must decide your own life’s way.

When it’s time for you to make the choice,
Make sure to listen to your inner voice.
Although others may walk far astray,
You can choose to walk the higher way. 

This way is traveled by only a few,
And these few individuals see life anew.
This road is hard, but to joy is the key,
Come travel this road, and join me.

Copyright © Jessica Yi | Year Posted 2006

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Help Me!

Help me! 
My spirit cries out to you. 
Hidden in the shadows,
My grief goes unnoticed,
Ignored by busy bypassers.
I stand alone in the dark, 
Watching the carefree world pass me by – 
The world that is my enemy.
Everything is twisted, reviled.
I can’t be dependent on anyone,
Hopeful about anything.
My world is collapsing,
Along with my dreams,
Trampled at my feet.
My masks are cautiously lowered, 
Only to have them raised hastily once more.
My heart is shattered and broken
Crushed repeatedly by Life’s harsh blows.
I feel Death’s vice-like grip on my soul,
Wrapping steel fingers around my heart.
I have nowhere to turn,
Nowhere to run, 
Nowhere to hide.
Help me!

Copyright © Jessica Yi | Year Posted 2006

Book: Shattered Sighs