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Best Poems Written by Leanne Perks

Below are the all-time best Leanne Perks poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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The Gift of a Smile

The Gift of a smile

Smile and the whole world smiles with you as the saying goes.
What is special about a smile is it's contagious when you smile
at someone, they natrually  reflect andcopy  it and give a smile back to you.
It brings joy to all when someone smiles and brings a smile to someone else,
it brightens up a dark day even when there is no words to say just a simple smile
can cheerup their day. 
Smile and it will make each day worth the while, and you have a lovely smile
so a smile aday helps you keep the blues away. Keep smiling my dear.

Copyright © Leanne Perks | Year Posted 2011

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There's Always a Rainbow After the Storm

When you are going through troubles 
and stife, feeling that life is too tough
and you simply have had enough,
When the stormy winds are rough 
and life is full of pain and 
may you always remember there is 
always a rainbow after the storm
with Sunshine to wipe away your
tears of rain
 and tenderly binding
up and healing your many pains.

At times like these, true friends are 
there to support you through
by comforting and caring 
for you. 
Unburden your heavy  heart
sharing with a dear friend
in every part.

Keep your hopes shining as bright and
as Warm as The Suns radient Light
Throwing all your troubles  behind
into the darkness of the night helping
you to rest your weary mind and
 sweet and pleasant sleep you will
surely find.

Copyright © Leanne Perks | Year Posted 2012

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A Day Without You In My Life

If I had to live a day without you in my life 
it would be like Living without the warmth of the Golden sunshine and light,
It would always be a rainy day without you

Blue skies that are clear and bright
Would be out of sight only
Grey clouds and storms in view
Without a dear and special friend like you.
A colourful and cheerful rainbow
Would simply not exist if you were not
Apart of my life.

You Bring me Laughter, Sunshine,
Warmth and Light making my
Life a pleasure and Real Delight adding sunny
Happy hours and filling all my days
With warm hot rays of summer sunshine and showers of love and 
Friendship Divine
I want you in my Life Always.

Copyright © Leanne Perks | Year Posted 2013

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An Uncaring World

We Live in  world that lacks genuine love and affection towards
their fellowman.
Why are so many uncaring towards one another.
People today don't care what they do or say and who they say it 
to, understandably the world has and is still undergoing changes
there is a whole lot more pressure on people these days
especially the younger generation which causes anger,
depression and frustration.

Then there is now the extra worries of the global ressession
which causes misery and grief but where is the 
sense of relief people are in much despair over 
the financial state as they fear their jobs
are at stake.

The world seems to be in a real angry state, due to
all the atrocities and anomisty there is 
which makes people uncaring and  can cause others to
feel intimidated to even walk the streets and not
looking at people that they meet as there is no
trust anymore in the world.

How did we get to this where nothing seems right,
where angry people argue and fight,
only evil is in sight.
Happiness is just a dream, not a reality or so it may

What went wrong in the world that caused so much
grief and anguish when did it begin, it started in
1914 when the world saw the first world war,
the reason for the troubles since then was the
devil Satan was thrown out of heaven  to the
earth and  soon he is to be destroyed so while he
has the time left he is causing so much upheaval
as he is full of anger knowing he will soon be gone, as
God Jehovah will rid the earth of Satan and his demons
and he will restore the earth to A Paradise in
peace and security instead of all the unrest and
anomosity.  People will be happy for all 

Copyright © Leanne Perks | Year Posted 2012

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The Meaning of Friendship

Friends are there to help us our troubles
in life to bare, They are always
there in times of need, to show
their loyalty in word and deed.

Their kind acts and caring 
concern is what makes our
hearts love them and
to be a good friend
in return.

Friends add meaning to
one's life, comforting oneanother
through the Sadness,heartaches
 and stife.

True Companions are both
Precious and rare,
they always show how much 
they care, 
their friendship  is 
always there and will 
blossom and grow as the
years come and go,

A True Friendship will 
never die, if cultivated
will continue to add
beauty to one's life
making it worth living 
and in a friendship the key
is to be freely giving towards
the other and take genuine
interest and concern and
look out for oneanother.

Copyright © Leanne Perks | Year Posted 2012

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Lifes Troubles

We live in a fearsome world where nothing seems right
And you don’t feel safe especially at night.
It is full of bloodshed and violence 
With anger and war,  can this world
Take much more.
The damage cannot be undone, the effects of
Pollution has already won as the ozone layer
Is fading away with the sunlight turning
To grey  as summerdays we once knew
Are few, rather we have rain that flows
Like rivers that never end, floodings
Across the globe affecting people’s livelihoods,
 and peace of mind  people
Truly wish to find as darkness and despair
They cry out Does anyone really care,
Wondering what life will throw their way
Next as life is so full of change as unforeseen
Occurrences befall us all without much warning
At times.

Surely we can agree that the world seems beyond help and 
The evil acts that take place is a cry in shame and 
Brings sheer disgrace to the human race.
What can be done in this ever-changing world that we live,
Can we improve and make it a better place to live
With happy smiley people with hearts full of
Love wanting to give to others 
Treating eachother as though they were a sister
Or brother.
Living in Peace and harmony 
With plenty of food to feed
A multitude no matter what their race
They have a place to call home
With food on the table and
A bed at night to keep them warm.

Life would be much better adding meaning and to
Make living more worthwhile, 
 Bringing much joy  really making you smile.
Always have hope in your heart
That someday we can all be part of a world
Where we live in
Peace and Happiness and life everlasting 
That will not cease.

Copyright © Leanne Perks | Year Posted 2012

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What Makes You Beautiful

What makes you unique and Special, what makes you beautiful
Is it your eyes, your smile or the kind things you say and do for others
as that is just your  special way to try to say the right words and make someones day.

Your gentle manner and sweet ways are an asset to you in all your days.
It is Your lovable personality that will bring you success and recieve the praise.

You are Special in all you do and that is the most beautiful quality that you can have in you, so
never stop doing what you do making someone happy when they are blue.

 you are amazing and  special  Person with alot to give 
and full of love to offer too. Always keep doing these things what you enjoy and love to do
and with a smile keep positive and make it all worth while.

Copyright © Leanne Perks | Year Posted 2011

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Kindness In Action

Kindness is the source of  happiness, Kindness is sweet and pleasant it delights in such
acts of kindly giving and making life satisfying and worth living.

Love is patient and kind, so true kindness is love  wrapped up in generous deeds. 
A Kind-hearted person is aware of others needs and puts them ahead of self, they
don't do this for any prestige or wealth but genuine kindness is good for well-being
and overall health.

Why should we be kind to others, well it is simple there is more happiness in giving than
in recieving and it brings rich blessings and rewards such as deepening the bonds of 
old friendships and new friendships blossoms as kindness is appealing and draws others to the warm,and kind hearted ones in life they are there to give a helping hand,
they don't leave you to stand alone in this world, Kindness follows everywhere they go andthey will let it show as love and kindness overflows within their hearts.

What is kindness and why do we need it in life, it is love in action, we need it because it is what feeds our minds and hearts with Love and compassion and gives meaning and a feeling of happiness and joy which is a blessing beyond compare, the loyal love and kindness wrapped  with tender care is like a Jewel that is Beautiful and Rare it is the Precious gift that we should always  Cherish and
Want to Share.

Copyright © Leanne Perks | Year Posted 2012

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Support Our Friends In Times of Need

Friends support eachother through
trials no matter how far the miles
they go, a true friend will
always be there for you that is
for sure.

Friends are loyal companions
who are loving all the time, they are happy to
 give all  they have, generous acts
kind words, gently spoken
 warms our hearts and lifts 
our spirit,helps melt away the 
cares, and concerns when we
are having a bad day.

When we are unduly anxious with worries 
upon our mind it is a great comfort to know
a precious friend is  always near we will find,
Friends like this are Beautiful and

In Life we look for a friend with whom we can
confide and share our sorrows and pain
but also our joys and happiness

I wanted to confide and share something with you,
the truth is I really care about you,
Special Friends are Precious and few
and I will always be 

A Special Friend To you, all your life through
no matter what we choose to do I promise to
Always  stand by you,
cherish and care for you
My Friend.

Copyright © Leanne Perks | Year Posted 2012

Details | Leanne Perks Poem

Gratitude of Friendship

Gratitude Of Friendship 

A New Year is on its way, 2013 will be here to stay.
Before it does why not stop and think for a moment and count your blessings
 and what this year has brought to your life that you are thankful for,
Rather than dwelling on regrets try and forget the mistakes and negative thoughts
 and start afresh with peace inside your soul making some worthwhile
 goals for the coming year.

I know life is a lot of work, what it is though that gives
us the strength to continue when we are tired and burned out,
 sometimes an inspirational idea can help us renew ourselves and
be filled with strength and  hope for another year.

Also the friends that are close and who we hold dear to our hearts,
can give us comfort and encouragement they impart
with a glimmer of hope that we cling to
in times of sadness and deep despair we are most truly
grateful for those friends who are always there

in good times and bad,
they keep us going just by knowing
there is someone to  share them times with and
that  my friend is something I am most Thankful For
this year for all the happy times and with smiles

you have generously given  when I needed it
you always  cheered  me and warmed my heart
and for this I am Blessed to have you
apart of my Life and hope you are
for many years to come
and For All Eternity.

Dedicated To all my Friends That Made Me Smile in 2012

Copyright © Leanne Perks | Year Posted 2012


Book: Shattered Sighs