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Best Poems Written by Roshni Sharma

Below are the all-time best Roshni Sharma poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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The Moon Is Hidden Somewhere In the Clouds

The clouds are dark,
And scary,
Not a single star is twinkling,
The sky looks dense and without any glitters!

The clouds and the moon are lark,
Although its very dark!

Frequent moving clouds..
As if its a race!
And the moon is hides itself,
Somewhere in between the clouds!

The moon is in a playful mood,
Playing hide and seek,
Taking full pleasures,
Of the dense clouds.

Yet its brightness cannot be hidden,
The light penetrates through the clouds,
All its trials..
were a vain effort!

The scenery is photogenic, 

Worth to be captured,
Its eye catching and magnificent!

The gibbous phase of moon,
is enhancing its beauty.
Duskier the clouds,
Shimmering  were it looks.

It may be our urge,
To see the ray of light in the dullness,
That made the moon looks-
The brightest and the best!

Copyright © Roshni Sharma | Year Posted 2011

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My Angel,My World

From her looks,
 to her nature,
    From her sense,
 to her nonsense,

          From her silence,
    to her childishness,
          From her aptitude,
    to her creativity,

    From my fears,
  to my strengths,
    From my tears,
  to my smiles,

         LOVE-She's filled with,
      CARE- She always does,
         She's my Mum,

Copyright © Roshni Sharma | Year Posted 2012

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Has anyone ever given a thought?
What sense these alphabets make.?
From where did they originate?

Do these letter really mean something,individually?
Or these are mere signs?
Is there any logic beside its origination?

Why is it that '/'and '\',
separated by a dash '-',
together makes 'A'?

Why do we call,
The combination of
'|' and '3' as 'B'?
Why is it that
vertical semicircle is
termed as 'C'?

Is there's any history,
any story about these alphabets?

Why is the combo of '|',
Followed by 3 dashes is 'E';
Where as it 2 then its 'F'?

What if a kid asks his teacher-
"why a single line is 'I',
two such lines,separated by a '-'
is being called as 'H'?
Whereas, when '_',
follows the single line,
it is known as'L'?"

What would the teacher say?
How will she explain?
How is it that '|' and '|',
when separated by '^' is 'W';
Whereas, its invertible is 'M'?

Do they narrate any story;
about their existence?

A circle is 'O';
Whereas, just a line,
Converts it into 'Q'?

Its so messy,
very confusing;
lines and signs turning to alphabets!

A snake like letter is 'S',
Whereas combination of some lines;
builds a letter 'Z'?

Can anyone please explain???

Copyright © Roshni Sharma | Year Posted 2011

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I Am In Love

Don't know what has happened,
Don't know how it had happened,
But the happenings seems to be beautiful..

With love in the air,
And emotions sometimes unfair..

I take a deep breath in..

Lovely seems the environment,
Lovely are these green trees,
Love is in the nature,
I love this feeling.

I feel like dancing,
I feel like singing,
To my extremes..
I feel am out of this world!

I am happy..
happy..after long time..
Something which is sudden,
And beyond my expectations..!

Something new has happened,
Which is unforgettable..
Sudden changes in my life..
That has brought my life on a new headway!

With determination and confidence,
Here am ready to face.
The changes of my Life,
that has brought unexpected love and happiness with itself.

I am In LOVE..
Not in love with a guy..
M in love with the changes in my life..

Copyright © Roshni Sharma | Year Posted 2011

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It Hurts

It hurts..
when friends starts behaving abnormally,
making you feel lonely,
you are feeling bad,
yet you are bond to keep your feelings dumped!

It hurts..
when you really want the world to-
'U N D E R S T A N D'
you, your feelings,
but the world doesn't!

It hurts..
when somethings are expected,
from somebody,
close to your heart,
but the strength of your relation-
that is 'understanding'
is lost somewhere..

It hurts..
when the world seems right in every way,
and you find yourself standing all alone in the headway,
trying hard to match their speed,
but all your trials are just vain!

It hurts..
when you are betrayed,
by your strength,
by someone whom you really love,
then the world seems like a puzzle,
and you lose everything!

It hurts..
when FRAGRANCES of your life,
is lost somewhere,
you have nothing in your hands to do,
and you are just left with tears in your eyes,
and you are still smiling...!

Copyright © Roshni Sharma | Year Posted 2011

Details | Roshni Sharma Poem

Why Can'T Nature Be a Person

I have a huge crush,
He's damn handsome.
makes me go crazy,
with his looks and style,
I love the way he execute himself,
the way he carries himself.
that's the perfect word.
To describe him and my madness!

Dense dark hairs,
With those beautiful curls,
His presence enlightens my heart,
Every time I imagine.
I am getting Mad..
Each time I look at him.
Through my window,
every morning,
He rises,
Risen are my thoughts!
I wake up early,
just to see him rising,
I sleep late at night,
just to enjoy his beautiful
And bright gatherings with his mates.

His thoughts are unforgettable,
i an getting mad!
Each time i see him,
Passing in front of me with his friends.
Yeah,I am in love with him,
This love is unconditional.

With the music it plays,
with the beats he demonstrates,
"My GOD! he's a Rock star."
he plays everything  i love to hear,
From sweet romantic to rap and rock,
His silence is also a beautiful feeling!

Is this description really about a guy?
Why can't this be possible?
Why can't Nature turn into a person?
I may fall for him!

Copyright © Roshni Sharma | Year Posted 2011

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One Night At 12

One night at 12,
When everyone was asleep,
i covered myself with a blanket,
and started to read.

One night at 12,
when there was silence all around,
cool breeze blew
made me shiver with cold.

One night at 12,
when dark were the clouds,
i saw the moon shinning,
brighter looked the twinkling of stars.

One night at 12,
when dogs were barking on the streets,
i heard a voice within
that made me feel glee.

One night at 12,
when the dry leaves seemed walking,
and books seemed talking,
i realized that something was unique.

That night at 12,
beautiful seemed the silence,
and i realized that
study is nothing other than violence.

That night was special,
marked as history,
when i met real me,
which brought a big difference within me.

That night at 12,
i was alone in my room,
but was surrounded
all by my thoughts.

That night at 12,
i realized something,
something that made me meet
the REAL person within me..!

Copyright © Roshni Sharma | Year Posted 2011

Book: Reflection on the Important Things