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Best Poems Written by Amy Schemenauer

Below are the all-time best Amy Schemenauer poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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People In Our Lives

People come and go in our lives
     Leaving an indelible mark on our very souls
Some tread softly, carefully
     Easing their way into our hearts
While others seem to just appear
     From heaven above as angels
          Staying just for a season
As if to simply help us through 
     Our darkest moments
Some will stay with you for a lifetime
     And others will leave as quickly as they came
No matter the meaning or length 
     Of their presence in your world
Each and every human being 
     To trespass through the murky waters
          Alongside you has a purpose, a meaning
Like a beautiful work of art -
     Every brush stroke or pen stroke contributes 
          To the creation of the finished piece
That is how every individual that enters into our realm
     Helps to form and create the uniqueness
          That is our lives
Thank you for being part of my existence
     Even if only for a brief time or season
          Your very presence has helped shape
               The masterpiece that is my life
I would not be who I am without you

Copyright © Amy Schemenauer | Year Posted 2011

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Jesus, I don't know how you did it
How you bore the weight of that stake
I can't imagine the pain you felt
As they dragged you away for my sake
When they stripped you naked
And pounded thorns in your head
I don't know how you did it
Knowing soon you'd be dead
Jesus, I don't know how you did it
How you faced that angry scene
I can't imagine the pain you felt
When "Crucify Him" they screamed
When they spit on you, and scorned you
And kicked you on your shins
I can't imagine the pain you felt
As the nails went through your skin
It must have been a rainy day
For no other would seem right
That day you died at Calvary
The world lost all its light
I'm sure all the angels cried
'Cause I surely would have too
I don't know how you did it, Lord
My heart is grateful to you
Thank you Jesus for paying
A price not yours to pay
Thank you Jesus for giving to me
All your pain on that fateful day

Copyright © Amy Schemenauer | Year Posted 2011

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There is one thread
         That binds all humans together...
      That is the love of God -
                 It transcends all time
                                       All space
                                 And all human difference
Like a beautiful tapestry
          Woven fitly together
       Each vibrant color strand
              And unique design
                        Creating seamless beauty
                                   When working as one -
                            One faith
                                    One hope
                                           One love
                                                  One creation
When in this world we can
           Look and see through the eyes of God
                    Then there are no differences...
               We are alike far more than we are different -
                                     We all bleed
                                             We laugh
                                                    We cry
                                                           We dream
                   We all have need and we all need love
Open your heart
           To a world that's hurting
                   Wipe away the tears 
                            Of those who mourn
Hold someone's hand
           In the midst of turmoil
                        That is to see the face of God
There is one thread 
         That binds all humans together...
      That is the love of God -
                     It transcends alll time
                                            all space
                                 And all human difference - 
                                          It is everlasting
                       And it unites all the corners of the world

Copyright © Amy Schemenauer | Year Posted 2011

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More than a pair 
of skilled hands
Or a scientific mind
She is compassionate, warm
sympathetic and kind
Faithfully diligent
to save and to serve
Helping and healing
with the steadiest nerve
May God in heaven
guide your precious hands
Whether it be at home
or in other foreign lands
May He keep you safe
in His loving arm
As you fulfill your promise to
do no harm

Copyright © Amy Schemenauer | Year Posted 2011

Details | Amy Schemenauer Poem

My Mother

My mother -
    Soft padded feet
    stop at my door
    Watching me sleep, watching me breath
Her love fills the room...
    comforting, soothing
        as I drift to dreams

My mother - 
    Her hand in mine
    squeezing tight
    First day of school, full of great fear
Her love fills the air...
    nudging, prodding
        as I leave her side

My mother -
    Soft padded feet
    stop at my door
    Remains at a distance, making sure I'm safe
Her love fills the house...
    silent, worried
       as in my rebellion I fly away

My mother -
    Smiling with pride
    eyes welling up
    At my father's side, walking down the aisle
Her love fills the church...
    beaming, radiant
       as I start a new life

My mother -
    So close to death
    ashen and pale
    I watch her breath, I hug her tight
Her love fills my heart...
    comforting, soothing
       as I say goodbye

My mother -
    Soft padded feet
    stop at the Gate
    Her arms opened wide, angels nearby
Her love fills the heavens...
    angelic, eternal
       as she waits for me...

Copyright © Amy Schemenauer | Year Posted 2011

Details | Amy Schemenauer Poem

The Pain of Love

This feeling deep inside me
Screams in pain
Sometimes I wonder
"Am I going insane?"
My heart weeps
My eyes swell
I am a lost bird
With no place to dwell
I love someone 
Too much I fear
For my pain goes on
I'm an endless tear
Why must love be 
So bittersweet?
Love should be comforting
Not full of defeat
This dull aching feeling
has lingered on too long
How I wish I knew
Where I belong

Copyright © Amy Schemenauer | Year Posted 2011

Details | Amy Schemenauer Poem

God's Love

God's love...

A beacon
in the darkness -
to help us find our way

A fortress 
in our weakness -
to help us through each day

in our turmoil - 
our comfort and our stay

God's love...
it's unchanging
the same yesterday and today

Copyright © Amy Schemenauer | Year Posted 2011

Book: Shattered Sighs