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Best Poems Written by Patrick Parks

Below are the all-time best Patrick Parks poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Boxing Day

Perhaps you see me
it may be your gift to see
or merit for hard work
or maybe you paid for it with the lashings you endured
but surely it is now your inescapable wretched curse
as the truth haunts you
but you cannot close your eyes
like me.

It is my fault I am as this
to be as false as I am
false is my name
I cannot love that
I have buried it inside
and run away
because it is too ugly
easier to smile and pretend.

My grandmother saw it in my blackened soul
clever and easy to lie
she hurt me
made me ashamed
and broken
to protect the world and even me
but her tricks did not work
because I have killed too many hearts
and poisoned those that survived
even my own.

I am cold
and it is right I have suffered so
because I lost my heart
and replaced it with a ticking clock
that pretends to beat like a happy butterfly
and tries to convince me I have feelings
that I cannot reach
I am a masquerader of abundant hollow emotions
that laugh and smile and cry
but I never face myself
in the dark alone
because there is nothing to see without a light
my flame has no fuel
unless I suck it from another's bloody neck.

I do not know myself
because I cannot bear to look
but I hate myself as much as you hate me
and you should
because every love I'm given
is less for the world
I am a black hole
I give to get
like Hansel and Gretel's keeper
I only give love
to fatten up my lover
and open her precious tender trusting heart
so that I can consume it in eventual flames
and steal all of their future hope
and faith in humanity.

And I don't know how to stop
and am too afraid to stop myself
with the knife I keep hidden
but never have the courage to use
because I am a dark monster
that pretends to be inviting
like a pristine beach
on a boxing day morning
beckoning humanity
to my shoreline
so I can consume them
with my hungry tsunami
and leave them writhing in pain
with all hope in shambles.

Rescuers arrive in love
one after another
I greet them with open arms
as if I am deserving
blinded behind my veil
pretending to myself until it is too late
and just as they almost open my heart
I swallow them under my next crushing wave.

Copyright © Patrick Parks | Year Posted 2011

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I am a monster
A tormented work of God’s hand
I will roll over you
Like a storm
Because that I am

My energy will attract you like a swarm of bees in spring
Into your lover’s bed
Where I will remove tranquility
From you mind
Before you reject me

I am a Tesla 
My fingers set to spark
They will suck the life out of your longing
You will desire to burn again in my hell

But you will remove me
And keep me at bay
For I am too strong in field
To leave close to your heart
Yet I will possess you

Not because I own you
Only will I own your desire
To wrap around my tongue again
And from inside your womb
You will grow a hand longing to pull me into your core

Yet I will unwillingly shake your bed 
While you try to sleep
Because I cannot stop
Even when I rest
A storm I am

Cursed am I
With a double vortex of pain
That rips at my muscles
And makes them twitch
When I want them to relax

There is lightening inside of me
That longs to be kissed into a deeper slumber
Just once, so that I can rest in bliss at your side
Will you do that for me, just once?
Or throw me away before the first dawn, as is my fate

My tormented soul
Wants the electrocutioner’s pulse
To leave me alone
And let my limbs recline
For just one night

But instead I must sleep awake
So I do not unleash
Another crushing wave
Against your brain
As my twitching arms attack you despite my love

For while a storm may intrigue you to watch
You will not ride long in the funnel of this tornado
I will become your toy
And discarded after a few shocks of my constant sparking
Have burned your precious fingertips into charcoal

My place will become as your sworn servant
When you require another grinding
And remember the reason your millstones have worn thin
Desiring another load
To render into stardust

And while I just wish to rest my weary head
Upon your swollen breasts of honey
While you sleep against me in pleasure’s afterglow
The storm that never sleeps will jar you awake
And your pointed finger will show me out the dog’s door

Creep that I am
Requires his mask to be kissed away, but it will not yield
No one can endure
A lasting embrace
Because I will bump your arms away in the night

You should be warned
As upon notice be you now informed
My tic ticking heart
Will demand its daily toll
Sending me to sleep alone

Copyright © Patrick Parks | Year Posted 2011

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Chocolate Goddess

Chocolate goddess of my dreams I await the soft kiss of bliss that is you if ever you should come to meet me beyond my imagination's musing how I would melt into loving chocolate that swirls around you like soft summer slowly caressing you in waves more tender than butterfly's feet kissing the tender lining of your heart as you rattle my tranquility in quivers causing it to settle more deeply allowing my eyes to touch my soul each time I have the pleasure of seeing you standing next to me where you've never been except only in my exquisite dreams. The grace of your beauty illuminates the path that I could not well see before your heart appeared standing motionless in the doorway of time that stood still in honor of your being and began again only so mortals could see you showering loving inspiration into their world where you bless them as you walk upon the ground they worship never realizing their own hearts are just the same as yours if only they could realize we are all one and you are but a slice of heaven on earth as are they too be

Copyright © Patrick Parks | Year Posted 2012

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Prison of Chalk Lines

He wonders in silence aloud screaming
speaking to his own reflection unseen
memorized moments unfolding backward
like a rubber band unwinding
in its given way and own time
as fear brings clouds nearer
yet denial looms larger than life
a victim of someone else
escaped culpability captures him again
overtaken suddenly in shock
he looks dismayed at his own handiwork

so he calls a tempest forward
drawing on his smallest self
intentionally blinded by accident
using his own staff
stabbing his heart in pain
rather than holding onto firm ground
some angst jumps across his chest
rejected by God's unsent mercy
disallowed by his own sheer will
an unforgiving menace to himself
suffocated by his own hands
that reach from behind him like a serpent
as if someone else was his poison

stepping backward as fast as he gains
like a turtle in his shell he shies away
alone this night a meal digesting hastily
recapitulating the day ahead
even before it has begun
this kind of present haunts him today
as yesterday's unlearned lessons creep
into another day and life
swirling as if in a vortex
he refuses to breach the circle
that grips him tightly as if
in his own prison of chalk lines

Copyright © Patrick Parks | Year Posted 2012

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A Prayer For Michael

A Prayer for Michael (the one who sent me here)

I said a prayer and called your name
It was a prayer for you
You are my friend
I called your name with tears 
My eyes are rivers in your grace
I cannot see the bottom of this pit
Upon whose rim you stand
But I release you from the wretched place
I break your spell and kill your witch with my golden cold spike of love

I have no tools
My ways are simple
But I throw them over to you with every inch of strength you have given me
I only have a small closed heart that’s broken
But it wishes to be strong and large
Like you can be too
Like you were as a child of light
Like you are still, but only blinded and stunned
You are like a brother and father and guide to me
In one stroke of kindness you gave me hope
My broken heart holds magic 
It knows your pain
And in its lock a golden broken key of love you turned
You made me stronger
And like a starfish
Now I have a thousand keys forming to give away

I offer one to you my new friend
My love is yours to use and keep
Hold it in your heart
Be warm
I pledge my friendship
In the times your heart is cold and lonely
Drink to me the cup you throw away
Remember I will keep you warm inside of me
Your memory will not fade, I know your name
Take strength in knowing those you heal
Demand of you as well that you should rise again

Rise and take your place
Stand in recognition of what you must be and are even now
Walk forward again in the light of your own making
Have half the hope you have given
Rekindle it 
You have no shame
And no wrong did you make
It was right to love so freely 
With such pure honesty and trust and lust
No matter that anyone should hurt you
This was only a test and strengthening
Use the hurt to remember your mission
Let its fading embers grow warm again and not fester
Fuel that fire with the wind of your desire to heal
And love again without restraint
As you know you always will and must
I release you from the spell
No fear is yours to bear
Stand up and walk out of those old shoes
In health, without fear, I set you free

Copyright © Patrick Parks | Year Posted 2011

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How I Might Taste You

How I might taste you
in each curve of your being
entwined below each fastening
that I breath apart with my patience
cherishing you longer than any could last
I find some deep meaning in your kiss
and there I know tranquility that gives
your new light to a forgotten day
beholding you naked in form
I gasp at my reaction deep
as you unfurl your beauty
and lay yourself open

With eyes of disbelief
finally at last alone in darkness
that is warmed by a glowing
that touches candles into flame
and quenches raging fires
that have burned a thousand years
to know the taste of your sweet kiss
and suckle the wisdom that flows
from every pore of your being
into every crevasse of my heart
that is open to love you

Fly in to this circle my angel
and see this place to lay your head
in this honey field of golden laughter
that I've prepared for your blessing
where I have labored long to make
myself a better man so that you
can finally fly free and be you
the you I long to see dancing
across the body of a rainbow
into the sunset upon ocean
where God has called you
to be his Goddess sweet

Come into bloom with your soul open
to be touched with every sweetness
and told a thousand evenings
you are the one I have known
would someday bless my shores
without crashing upon my beach
but only walk upon water
that kisses your feet
and says your name
that I love to hear

Be my sweet lover some night
for as long as you care to stay
in my open arms and hands
that long to wash your cares
and kiss each one of them away
making a pillow of hearts
perfectly suited to you
because I have watched you
and know the way you move
and how you love to lay

Then let me just gaze
at your loving image
as you sleep in silken covers
ruffled by a gentle breeze
blowing across your fine form
as I protect you from hiding
any longer in a dark cage
because I have freed you
to be yourself in full
by freeing myself
and loving you

Copyright © Patrick Parks | Year Posted 2012

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Winter Fair

The sun shines in like honey
across a sugarplum lane
laden with icicles dripping slow
or freezing fast suspended un-dripped
where the water flows not
or does at the whim
of the sun, wind, and clouds
these days cannot last
but indeed it seems they do

yet the cold lays out a path
in which spring will soon walk
making happy the moments
born of sweet desire to be warm
in ways that only winter's child can know
so we find in that momentary sorry
the seed of tomorrow's joy
and as our toes freeze tonight
we take pleasure in knowing
some warmer pasture will bloom
when we can appreciate our life

that is how it feels to be
in the grip of love or loss
and in that grip we know
the pendulum will swing again
and that alone gives us some cadence
to appreciate the moment for itself
full and graced in every way
if only we can look through
beyond the mirror of our constraint
and see the pretty day rising
as it always does

Copyright © Patrick Parks | Year Posted 2012

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Unbound, Certain, and True

As we weave our dance today some time slips into being what is before us in this glorious dance I love so as tears fill my eyes with your joy and recognition focused in perfection before me where I can breath them into life life that we share as one separate but never far apart in a life that I love like water drinking your skin with my eyes as you sail through canyons of uncertainty as if tomorrow could die and you'd be happy just as you are today knowing your heart is not some moment's creation but eternally woven into being by the very footsteps you are taking now and have take since before you knew you walk alone together with me as if we recognized some purpose dreaming we may touch in order that we do knowing the day will come when this beauty will abound larger long enough to light a fire in the heart of a new traveler who lay sleeping silent there in the distant corner of your imagination until our love gives life again in a relay race without winner and our kiss seals their fate to become their own keeper and continue our flame as if they held us as they do just as surely as we hold them unbound certain and true

Copyright © Patrick Parks | Year Posted 2012

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The Sea We Will Not Tame

Wondering upon our almost forgotten smiles and twinkling eyes hidden, we have spun this world in smoke and mirrors, reflecting light in curving waves. We have wandering into the misty fog as it marched out of clear air on a perfect night to become rooted in the moss upon which we dream, seizing that ethereal ground like honey under winter's veil. Perhaps it explains why that which spins in you is foreign to me, sometimes, and yet somehow a thread of it loops around my heart and tugs, as familiar as kin, or friends too long apart. And I realize how deeply you reflect the same light that I've known uncounted for a thousand years times a thousand more. I feel the stretch of this flaxen fulfillment and hear its golden tone humming as it lengthens. Sometimes too loose to vibrate the membranes of our soup-can telephones. So that even though we both speak in muted carefully hesitant tones, our words slip away into space and only the stars know the songs we sing. Bellowed out like whales in an empty sea, only by chance refracted into a hearing ear, that begins to understand and then lapses into slumber again. Even as magnificently we harmonize beyond the dark face of the hidden moon at midnight, we hear not each others callings, and even less often see them dancing. Except perhaps in the limelight of our hearts sweet glow where I know we live. So it is odd to feel this familiar twist of an old theme of distant overtures not really knowing what note should follow the one that follows the one that is yet unwritten. It just floats there unresolved, sometimes aching for nothing at all, other than the illusion of being. Yet sometimes aching for the grace to say softly, the love that floats here in my heart for you, without trying to enchant an echo. Just to freely blow that kiss into free space knowing that is enough to be received by the one that is. And given by that one too, to itself. And so I reflect upon that flow I have named you, and wish it good journey, knowing we are both leaf and river. Masters of the helm we sometimes do not steer and only at the mercy of the sea we will not tame.

Copyright © Patrick Parks | Year Posted 2014

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Exquisite Treasure

What an exquisite treasure you are
rocking my day to sleep
leading it joyfully into night
kissing my ears with tender words
that stir my soul to ask
how could a moment like this
have taken my lifetime to arrive
as I relax my grip and breath
knowing tomorrow will come
if it will
and that you will be standing
within my reach if you choose
to touch a heart that is missing
from your own chest
as your heart has taken a home
inside of me
and we dance through that
magically in each others spell
not really held but free
except by the desire to touch
another cut from the same cloth
but only embroidered 
with different names
that proclaim one truth
that wisdom should be held nobly 
and nobility should be wisely held
so my hope still dances
to touch your hair with my face
and feel the caress of your lips
curiously exploring my neck
naked in our words
telling each other's truth 
through eyes that cannot lie
except together as one

Copyright © Patrick Parks | Year Posted 2012


Book: Reflection on the Important Things